/* asl_mfree_functions.cc various functions for the model-free ASL Michael Chappell - IBME and FMIRB Image Analysis Group Copyright (C) 2010 University of Oxford */ /* Part of FSL - FMRIB's Software Library http://www.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl fsl@fmrib.ox.ac.uk Developed at FMRIB (Oxford Centre for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain), Department of Clinical Neurology, Oxford University, Oxford, UK LICENCE FMRIB Software Library, Release 5.0 (c) 2012, The University of Oxford (the "Software") The Software remains the property of the University of Oxford ("the University"). The Software is distributed "AS IS" under this Licence solely for non-commercial use in the hope that it will be useful, but in order that the University as a charitable foundation protects its assets for the benefit of its educational and research purposes, the University makes clear that no condition is made or to be implied, nor is any warranty given or to be implied, as to the accuracy of the Software, or that it will be suitable for any particular purpose or for use under any specific conditions. Furthermore, the University disclaims all responsibility for the use which is made of the Software. It further disclaims any liability for the outcomes arising from using the Software. 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You are not permitted under this Licence to use this Software commercially. Use for which any financial return is received shall be defined as commercial use, and includes (1) integration of all or part of the source code or the Software into a product for sale or license by or on behalf of Licensee to third parties or (2) use of the Software or any derivative of it for research with the final aim of developing software products for sale or license to a third party or (3) use of the Software or any derivative of it for research with the final aim of developing non-software products for sale or license to a third party, or (4) use of the Software to provide any service to an external organisation for which payment is received. If you are interested in using the Software commercially, please contact Isis Innovation Limited ("Isis"), the technology transfer company of the University, to negotiate a licence. Contact details are: innovation@isis.ox.ac.uk quoting reference DE/9564. */ #include "asl_mfree_functions.h" namespace OXASL { ReturnMatrix SVDdeconv(const Matrix& data, const Matrix& aif, float dt) { // do a singular value deconvolution of the data to get residue function int nti = data.Nrows(); int nvox = data.Ncols(); float truncfac = 0.2; // voxelwise SVD deconvolution Matrix aifconv; Matrix residue(nti,nvox); DiagonalMatrix S; DiagonalMatrix D; Matrix U; Matrix V; for (int v=1; v<=nvox; v++) { //make convolution matrix aifconv = dt * convmtx(aif.Column(v)); //SVD SVD(aifconv,S,U,V); // invert the singular values D = S.i(); // truncate (zero all singular values below threshold) for (int i=2; i<=D.Nrows(); i++) { if (S(i,i) < truncfac*S(1,1)) D(i,i)=0; } // calculate resdiue residue.Column(v) = V*D*U.t()*data.Column(v); } return residue; } ReturnMatrix convmtx(const ColumnVector& invec){ // create a (simple) convolution matrix int nentry = invec.Nrows(); Matrix cmat(nentry,nentry); cmat=0.0; for (int i=1; i<=nentry; i++) { cmat.SubMatrix(i,i,1,i) = ((invec.Rows(1,i)).Reverse()).AsRow(); } return cmat; } ReturnMatrix SVDdeconv_circular(const Matrix& data, const Matrix& aif, float dt) { // do a singular value deconvolution of the data to get residue function int nti = data.Nrows(); int nvox = data.Ncols(); float truncfac = 0.2; int nextra = floor(nti*1.2); ColumnVector padding(nextra); padding = 0.0; // voxelwise SVD deconvolution Matrix aifconv; Matrix residue(nti+nextra,nvox); DiagonalMatrix S; DiagonalMatrix D; Matrix U; Matrix V; for (int v=1; v<=nvox; v++) { //make convolution matrix aifconv = dt * convmtx_circular(aif.Column(v) & padding); //SVD SVD(aifconv,S,U,V); // invert the singular values D = S.i(); // truncate (zero all singular values below threshold) for (int i=2; i<=D.Nrows(); i++) { if (S(i,i) < truncfac*S(1,1)) D(i,i)=0; } // calculate resdiue residue.Column(v) = V*D*U.t()*(data.Column(v) & padding); } residue = residue.Rows(1,nti); // only keep the number of timepoints that we have in the input. return residue; } ReturnMatrix SVDdeconv_wu(const Matrix& data, const Matrix& aif, float dt) { // do a singular value deconvolution of the data to get residue function // circular convolution matrix // OI index // after Wu MRM 2003. int nti = data.Nrows(); int nvox = data.Ncols(); float oi_thresh = 0.1; int nextra = floor(nti*1.2); ColumnVector padding(nextra); padding = 0.0; // voxelwise SVD deconvolution Matrix aifconv; Matrix residue(nti+nextra,nvox); ColumnVector resid(nti+nextra); DiagonalMatrix S; DiagonalMatrix D; Matrix U; Matrix V; for (int v=1; v<=nvox; v++) { //make convolution matrix aifconv = dt * convmtx_circular(aif.Column(v) & padding); //SVD SVD(aifconv,S,U,V); // invert the singular values D = S.i(); //first try with all singular values resid = V*D*U.t()*(data.Column(v) & padding); float oi; oi = 1/(nti*resid.Maximum())* (resid.Rows(3,nti+nextra)-2*resid.Rows(2,nti+nextra-1)+resid.Rows(1,nti+nextra-2)).SumAbsoluteValue(); // start removing singular values one by one until we get the OI we want int i=nti+nextra; while (oi>oi_thresh & i>1) { D(i,i) = 0; resid = V*D*U.t()*(data.Column(v) & padding); oi = 1/((nti+nextra)*resid.Maximum())* (resid.Rows(3,nti+nextra)-2*resid.Rows(2,nti+nextra-1)+resid.Rows(1,nti+nextra-2)).SumAbsoluteValue(); i--; } residue.Column(v) = resid; } return residue; } ReturnMatrix convmtx_circular(const ColumnVector& invec){ // create a (simple) convolution matrix int nentry = invec.Nrows(); Matrix cmat(nentry,nentry); cmat=0.0; for (int i=1; i<=nentry; i++) { cmat.SubMatrix(i,i,1,i) = ((invec.Rows(1,i)).Reverse()).AsRow(); cmat.SubMatrix(i,i,i+1,nentry) = ((invec.Rows(i+1,nentry)).Reverse()).AsRow(); } return cmat; } void Deconv(const Matrix& data, const Matrix& aif, float dt, ColumnVector& mag, Matrix& resid) { //perform deconvolution and output the magnitude and residue function //do the deconvolution resid = SVDdeconv_wu(data,aif,dt); // extract magntiude and residue separately int nvox = data.Ncols(); mag.ReSize(nvox); for (int v=1; v<=nvox; v++) { mag(v) = (resid.Column(v)).Maximum(); resid.Column(v) /= mag(v); } } void BootStrap(const Matrix& aif, const Matrix& data, float dt, const ColumnVector& mag, const Matrix& resid, int Nwb, ColumnVector& magsd) { // do wild boot strapping estimation of CBF precision - returns the s.d. estimate int nvox = data.Ncols(); int ntpts = data.Nrows(); // calculate the residuals Matrix modelfit(data); Matrix aifconv; ColumnVector mfittemp; int nextra = resid.Nrows() - aif.Nrows(); ColumnVector padding(nextra); padding = 0.0; for (int v=1; v<=nvox; v++) { //make convolution matrix aifconv = dt * convmtx_circular(aif.Column(v) & padding); // calculate resdiue mfittemp = aifconv*resid.Column(v); modelfit.Column(v) = mfittemp.Rows(1,ntpts); } Matrix residuals(data); residuals = data - modelfit; // wild bootstrapping ColumnVector Radevec(ntpts); Matrix WBdata(data); Matrix estresid(resid); Matrix WBresiduals(residuals); Matrix magdist(Nwb,nvox); cout << "WB step (of " << Nwb << "): "; for (int b=1; b<=Nwb; b++) { cout << b << " " << flush; // sample from the Rademacher distrbution Radevec=1.0; for (int i=1; i<=ntpts; i++) { if (rand() > RAND_MAX/2) { Radevec(i)=-1.0; } } // apply this to the residuals to get WB residuals for (int v=1; v<=nvox; v++) { WBresiduals.Column(v) = SP(residuals.Column(v),Radevec); } // make the WB data WBdata = modelfit + WBresiduals; // do the deconvolution to get magntiude estimates estresid = SVDdeconv_wu(WBdata,aif,dt); // extract magntiude and residue separately for (int v=1; v<=nvox; v++) { magdist(b,v) = (estresid.Column(v)).Maximum(); } } magsd.ReSize(nvox); magsd = (stdev(magdist)).t(); cout << endl << "WB done" << endl; } void Prepare_AIF(volume4D& aif, const volume& metric, const volume& mask, const float mthresh) { // Prepeare the AIF by retaining only the AIF that meet our metric and filling in with the nearest good AIF if necessary int nx = aif.xsize(); int ny = aif.ysize(); int nz = aif.zsize(); float bestdist; float dist; for (int x=0; x<=nx; x++) { for (int y=0; y<=ny; y++) { for (int z=0; z<=nz; z++) { // if metric is not above threshold then search for nearest voxel where it is satisfied //cout << "Voxel: " << x << " " << y << " " << z << ": " << metric(x,y,z) << endl; if ( mask(x,y,z)>0 ) { if (metric(x,y,z) < mthresh) { bestdist = 1e12; Matrix aifcand; for (int sx=0; sx<=nx; sx++) { for (int sy=0;sy<=ny; sy++) { for (int sz=0; sz<=nz; sz++) { // cout << sx << " " << sy << " " << sz << endl; if ( (mask(x,y,z)>0) && (metric(sx,sy,sz) >= mthresh) ) { dist = pow(sx-x,2.0) + pow(sy-y,2.0) + pow(sz-z,2.0); //strictly this is distance squared //cout << dist << endl; if (dist < bestdist) { aifcand = aif.voxelts(sx,sy,sz); //cout << "New cand: " << aifcand.t() << endl; bestdist=dist; } else if (dist == bestdist) { aifcand |= aif.voxelts(sx,sy,sz); //cout << aifcand.t() << endl; } } } } } //cout << "AIF: " << mean(aifcand,2).t() << endl; aif.setvoxelts(mean(aifcand,2),x,y,z); } } } } } } void Correct_magnitude(ColumnVector& mag, const ColumnVector& batd, const float T1, const float dt=0.0, const float fa=0.0) { //magnitude correction to take acocutn fop differences in BAT between aif and tissue mag = SP(mag,exp( batd/T1 )); if (fa>0) { for (int v=1; v<=mag.Nrows(); v++) { mag(v) *= 1/pow( cos(fa/180*M_PI),floor((batd(v)-1e-3)/dt) ); //the 1e-3 deals with the case where batd is a integer mul;tiple of dt } } cout << endl; } void Estimate_BAT_difference(const Matrix& resid, ColumnVector& batd, const float dt) { //Estimate the BAT difference between AIF and tissue curve from residue function batd.ReSize(resid.Ncols()); float magtemp; int battemp; for (int v=1; v<=resid.Ncols(); v++) { magtemp = (resid.Column(v)).Maximum1(battemp); if (battemp > resid.Nrows()/2) { battemp -= resid.Nrows(); } batd(v) = dt*(battemp-1); } } void Estimate_onset(const Matrix& curves, ColumnVector& bate, const float dt) { //Estimate the time of onset of the curve using edge detection int ntpts=curves.Nrows(); bate.ReSize(curves.Ncols()); ColumnVector kernel(ntpts); kernel = 0.0; ColumnVector kern(7); kern << 0.006 << 0.061 << 0.242 << 0.383 << 0.242 << 0.061 << 0.006; kernel.Rows(1,kern.Nrows()) = kern; Matrix kernmtx; kernmtx = convmtx(kernel); ColumnVector smoothdata(curves.Column(1)); ColumnVector dgrad(ntpts-1); for (int v=1; v<=curves.Ncols(); v++) { //apply smoothing kernel smoothdata = kernmtx*curves.Column(v); // take gradient (forward difference) dgrad = smoothdata.Rows(2,ntpts) - smoothdata.Rows(1,ntpts-1); float gthresh = 0.2*dgrad.Maximum(); int i=1; bool cont=true; while ((igthresh) cont=false; else i++; } //cout << i << " " ; bate.Row(v) = i*dt; } cout << endl; } }