/*! \file eddy.cpp \brief Contains main() and some very high level functions for eddy */ #pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunknown-pragmas" // Ignore the OpenMP pragmas #include #include #include #include #include #include "newmat.h" #include "newimage/newimageall.h" #include "miscmaths/miscmaths.h" #include "stack_dump.h" #include "EddyHelperClasses.h" #include "ECScanClasses.h" #include "DiffusionGP.h" #include "b0Predictor.h" #include "EddyUtils.h" #include "EddyCommandLineOptions.h" using namespace EDDY; /// Global function that registers a set of scans together ReplacementManager Register(const EddyCommandLineOptions& clo, // Input ScanType st, // Input ECScanManager& sm, // Input/Output unsigned int niter, // Input NEWMAT::Matrix& msshist, // Output NEWMAT::Matrix& phist); // Output /// Global function that detect outlier slices and replaces them by their expectation DiffStatsVector DetectAndReplaceOutliers(// Input const EddyCommandLineOptions& clo, ScanType st, // Input/Output ECScanManager& sm, ReplacementManager& rm); /// Global function that Loads up the prediction maker with unwarped scans boost::shared_ptr LoadPredictionMaker(// Input const EddyCommandLineOptions& clo, ScanType st, const ECScanManager& sm, // Output NEWIMAGE::volume& mask); /// Global function that Generates diagnostic information for subsequent analysis void Diagnostics(const EddyCommandLineOptions& clo, // Input unsigned int iter, // Input ScanType st, // Input const ECScanManager& sm, // Input const double *mss_tmp, // Input const DiffStatsVector& stats, // Input NEWMAT::Matrix& mss, // Output NEWMAT::Matrix& phist); // Output /// The entry point of eddy. int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { StackDump::Install(); // Gives us informative stack dump if/when program crashes // Parse comand line input EddyCommandLineOptions clo(argc,argv); // Command Line Options // Read all available info if (clo.Verbose()) cout << "Reading images" << endl; ECScanManager sm(clo.ImaFname(),clo.MaskFname(),clo.AcqpFname(),clo.TopupFname(), clo.BVecsFname(),clo.BValsFname(),clo.FirstLevelModel(), clo.Indicies(),clo.SessionIndicies(),clo.NoOfSessions()); // Scan Manager if (clo.Verbose() && clo.FWHM()) cout << "Smoothing images" << endl; sm.SetFWHM(clo.FWHM()); if (clo.ResamplingMethod() == LSR) { if (!sm.CanDoLSRResampling()) throw EddyException("These data do not support least-squares resampling"); } // Set initial parameters. This option is only for testing/debugging/personal use if (clo.InitFname() != std::string("")) { if (clo.RegisterDWI() && clo.Registerb0()) sm.SetParameters(clo.InitFname(),ANY); else if (clo.RegisterDWI()) sm.SetParameters(clo.InitFname(),DWI); else sm.SetParameters(clo.InitFname(),B0); } // Do the registration NEWMAT::Matrix dwi_mss, b0_mss, dwi_ph, b0_ph; ReplacementManager *dwi_rm; if (clo.NIter() && clo.RegisterDWI()) { cout << "Running Register" << endl; dwi_rm = new ReplacementManager(Register(clo,DWI,sm,clo.NIter(),dwi_mss,dwi_ph)); // Write outlier information if (clo.ReplaceOutliers()) { cout << "Running sm.GetDwi2GlobalIndexMapping" << endl; std::vector i2i = sm.GetDwi2GlobalIndexMapping(); cout << "Running dwi_rm->WriteReport" << endl; dwi_rm->WriteReport(i2i,clo.OLReportFname()); if (clo.WriteOutlierFreeData()) { cout << "Running sm.WriteOutlierFreeData" << endl; sm.WriteOutlierFreeData(clo.OLFreeDataFname()); } } } if (clo.NIter() && clo.Registerb0()) { cout << "Running Register" << endl; ReplacementManager b0_rm = Register(clo,B0,sm,clo.NIter(),b0_mss,b0_ph); } /* // Write raw registration parameters (for debugging). cout << "Running sm.WriteParameterFile for raw parameters" << endl; sm.WriteParameterFile(clo.ParOutFname()+string(".raw")); cout << "Running sm.WriteRegisteredImages for raw parameters" << endl; sm.WriteRegisteredImages(clo.IOutFname()+string(".raw"),clo.ResamplingMethod()); */ // Separate field offset from subject movement in PE direction // if (clo.RegisterDWI()) { cout << "Running sm.SeparateFieldOffsetFromMovement" << endl; sm.SeparateFieldOffsetFromMovement(); } // Set reference for location if (clo.RegisterDWI()) { cout << "Running sm.SetDWIReference" << endl; sm.SetDWIReference(); } if (clo.Registerb0()) { cout << "Running sm.Setb0Reference" << endl; sm.Setb0Reference(); } // Write registration parameters cout << "Running sm.WriteParameterFile" << endl; if (clo.RegisterDWI() && clo.Registerb0()) sm.WriteParameterFile(clo.ParOutFname()); else if (clo.RegisterDWI()) sm.WriteParameterFile(clo.ParOutFname(),DWI); else sm.WriteParameterFile(clo.ParOutFname(),B0); // Write registered images cout << "Running sm.WriteRegisteredImages" << endl; if (clo.RegisterDWI() && clo.Registerb0()) sm.WriteRegisteredImages(clo.IOutFname(),clo.ResamplingMethod()); else if (clo.RegisterDWI()) sm.WriteRegisteredImages(clo.IOutFname(),clo.ResamplingMethod(),DWI); else sm.WriteRegisteredImages(clo.IOutFname(),clo.ResamplingMethod(),B0); // Write EC fields cout << "Running sm.WriteECFields" << endl; if (clo.WriteFields()) { if (clo.RegisterDWI() && clo.Registerb0()) sm.WriteECFields(clo.ECFOutFname()); else if (clo.RegisterDWI()) sm.WriteECFields(clo.ECFOutFname(),DWI); else sm.WriteECFields(clo.ECFOutFname(),B0); } if (clo.NIter() && clo.History()) { if (clo.RegisterDWI()) { MISCMATHS::write_ascii_matrix(clo.DwiMssHistoryFname(),dwi_mss); MISCMATHS::write_ascii_matrix(clo.DwiParHistoryFname(),dwi_ph); } if (clo.Registerb0()) { MISCMATHS::write_ascii_matrix(clo.B0MssHistoryFname(),b0_mss); MISCMATHS::write_ascii_matrix(clo.B0ParHistoryFname(),b0_ph); } } exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } /****************************************************************//** * * A global function that registers the scans in sm. * \param[in] clo Carries information about the command line options * that eddy was invoked with. * \param[in] st Specifies if we should register the diffusion weighted * images or the b=0 images. * \param[in,out] sm Collection of all scans. Will be updated by this call. * \param[in] niter Specifies how many iterations should be run * \param[out] msshist Returns the history of the mss. msshist(i,j) * contains the mss for the jth scan on the ith iteration. * \param[out] phist Returns the history of the estimated parameters. * phist(i,j) contains the jth parameter on the ith iteration * \return A ReplacementManager that details which slices in which * scans were replaced by their expectations. * ********************************************************************/ ReplacementManager Register(const EddyCommandLineOptions& clo, // Input ScanType st, // Input ECScanManager& sm, // Input/Output unsigned int niter, // Input NEWMAT::Matrix& msshist, // Output NEWMAT::Matrix& phist) // Output { msshist.ReSize(niter,sm.NScans(st)); phist.ReSize(niter,sm.NScans(st)*sm.Scan(0,st).NParam()); double *mss_tmp = new double[sm.NScans(st)]; ReplacementManager rm(sm.NScans(st),static_cast(sm.Scan(0,st).GetIma().zsize()),clo.OLNStdev(),clo.OLNVox()); NEWIMAGE::volume mask = sm.Scan(0,st).GetIma(); EddyUtils::SetTrilinearInterp(mask); mask = 1.0; // Mask in model space for (unsigned int iter=0; iter pmp = LoadPredictionMaker(clo,st,sm,mask); // printf("It took %f sec to load and evaluate predictionmaker\n",double(stime-clock())/double(CLOCKS_PER_SEC)); // Calculate the parameter updates if (clo.Verbose()) cout << "Calculating parameter updates" << endl; // int dbl = clo.DebugLevel(); // Can't check DebugLevel inside parallel section :( // bool vv = clo.VeryVerbose(); // Compiler crashes if I test clo.VeryVerbose() inside parallel loop :( # pragma omp parallel for shared(mss_tmp, pmp) for (int s=0; s pred = pmp->Predict(s); // Update parameters if (clo.DebugLevel()) { mss_tmp[s] = EddyUtils::param_update_debug(pred,sm.GetSuscHzOffResField(),mask,ALL,true,s,iter,clo.DebugLevel(),sm.Scan(s,st),NULL); } else mss_tmp[s] = EddyUtils::MovAndECParamUpdate(pred,sm.GetSuscHzOffResField(),mask,true,sm.Scan(s,st)); if (clo.VeryVerbose()) printf("Iter: %d, scan: %d, mss = %f\n",iter,s,mss_tmp[s]); } // Print/collect some information that can be used for diagnostics Diagnostics(clo,iter,st,sm,mss_tmp,stats,msshist,phist); // Maybe use model based EC parameters // if () sm.SetPredictedECParam(); } delete [] mss_tmp; return(rm); } /****************************************************************//** * * A global function that loads up a prediction maker with all scans * of a given type. It will load it with unwarped scans (given the * current estimates of the warps) as served up by sm.GetUnwarpedScan(). * \param[in] clo Carries information about the command line options * that eddy was invoked with. * \param[in] st Specifies if we should register the diffusion weighted * images or the b=0 images. If it is set to DWI the function will return * an EDDY::DiffusionGP prediction maker and if it is set to b0 it will * return an EDDY::b0Predictor. * \param[in] sm Collection of all scans. * \param[out] mask Returns a mask that indicates the voxels where data * is present for all input scans in sm. * \return A safe pointer to a DWIPredictionMaker that can be used to * make predictions about what the scans should look like in undistorted space. * ********************************************************************/ boost::shared_ptr LoadPredictionMaker(// Input const EddyCommandLineOptions& clo, ScanType st, const ECScanManager& sm, // Output NEWIMAGE::volume& mask) { boost::shared_ptr pmp; // Prediction Maker Pointer if (st==DWI) pmp = boost::shared_ptr(new DiffusionGP); // Gaussian Process else pmp = boost::shared_ptr(new b0Predictor); // Silly mean predictor pmp->SetNoOfScans(sm.NScans(st)); mask = sm.Scan(0,st).GetIma(); EddyUtils::SetTrilinearInterp(mask); mask = 1.0; if (clo.Verbose()) cout << "Loading prediction maker"; // bool vv = clo.VeryVerbose(); // Compiler crashes if I test clo.VeryVerbose() inside parallel loop :( if (clo.VeryVerbose()) cout << endl << "Scan: "; #pragma omp parallel for shared(pmp,st) for (int s=0; s tmpmask = sm.Scan(s,st).GetIma(); EddyUtils::SetTrilinearInterp(tmpmask); tmpmask = 1.0; pmp->SetScan(sm.GetUnwarpedScan(s,tmpmask,st),sm.Scan(s,st).GetDiffPara(),s); #pragma omp critical { mask *= tmpmask; } } if (clo.Verbose()) cout << endl << "Evaluating prediction maker model" << endl; pmp->EvaluateModel(sm.Mask()*mask); return(pmp); } void Diagnostics(const EddyCommandLineOptions& clo, // Input unsigned int iter, // Input ScanType st, // Input const ECScanManager& sm, // Input const double *mss_tmp, // Input const DiffStatsVector& stats, // Input NEWMAT::Matrix& mss, // Output NEWMAT::Matrix& phist) // Output { if (clo.Verbose()) { double tss=0.0; for (unsigned int s=0; sSetNoOfScans(sm.NScans(st)); NEWIMAGE::volume mask(sm.Scan(0,st).GetIma().xsize(),sm.Scan(0,st).GetIma().ysize(),sm.Scan(0,st).GetIma().zsize()); NEWIMAGE::copybasicproperties(sm.Scan(0,st).GetIma(),mask); mask = 1.0; // printf("Starting to load predictionmaker\n"); // clock_t stime = clock(); #pragma omp parallel for shared(pmp,st) for (int s=0; s tmpmask(sm.Scan(s,st).GetIma().xsize(),sm.Scan(s,st).GetIma().ysize(),sm.Scan(s,st).GetIma().zsize()); NEWIMAGE::copybasicproperties(sm.Scan(s,st).GetIma(),tmpmask); tmpmask = 1.0; pmp->SetScan(sm.GetUnwarpedOrigScan(s,tmpmask,st),sm.Scan(s,st).GetDiffPara(),s); #pragma omp critical { mask *= tmpmask; } } // printf("It took %f sec to load pm\n",double(clock()-stime)/double(CLOCKS_PER_SEC)); // printf("Starting to evaluate the pm model\n"); // stime = clock(); pmp->EvaluateModel(sm.Mask()*mask); // printf("It took %f sec to evaluate pm\n",double(clock()-stime)/double(CLOCKS_PER_SEC)); // Use these to generate slice-wise stats on difference between observation and prediction // printf("Starting to generate slice-wise stats\n"); // stime = clock(); DiffStatsVector stats(sm.NScans(st)); #pragma omp parallel for shared(pmp,mask,stats,st) for (int s=0; s pred = pmp->Predict(s); stats[s] = EddyUtils::GetSliceWiseStats(pred,sm.GetSuscHzOffResField(),mask,sm.Mask(),sm.Scan(s,st)); } // printf("It took %f sec to generate stats\n",double(clock()-stime)/double(CLOCKS_PER_SEC)); // stats.Write("slice_wise_stats"); // Detect outliers and update replacement manager // printf("Updating replacement manager\n"); // stime = clock(); rm.Update(stats); // printf("It took %f sec to update\n",double(clock()-stime)/double(CLOCKS_PER_SEC)); // Replace outlier slices with their predictions // printf("Replacing outliers\n"); // stime = clock(); #pragma omp parallel for shared(pmp,mask,st) for (int s=0; s ol = rm.OutliersInScan(s); if (ol.size()) { // If this scan has outlier slices // printf("Scan %d has %d outlier slices\n",s,ol.size()); NEWIMAGE::volume pred = pmp->Predict(s); sm.Scan(s,st).ReplaceSlices(pred,sm.GetSuscHzOffResField(),mask,ol); } } // printf("It took %f sec to replace outliers\n",double(clock()-stime)/double(CLOCKS_PER_SEC)); // rm.DumpOutlierMap("DebugReplacementManager"); // exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); delete pmp; return(stats); } /*! \mainpage * Here goes a description of the eddy project */