/* fwdmodel_cest_devel.cc - Developement CEST APT model Michael Chappell, IBME PUMMA & FMRIB Image Analysis Group Copyright (C) 2010 University of Oxford */ /* Part of FSL - FMRIB's Software Library http://www.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl fsl@fmrib.ox.ac.uk Developed at FMRIB (Oxford Centre for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain), Department of Clinical Neurology, Oxford University, Oxford, UK LICENCE FMRIB Software Library, Release 5.0 (c) 2012, The University of Oxford (the "Software") The Software remains the property of the University of Oxford ("the University"). The Software is distributed "AS IS" under this Licence solely for non-commercial use in the hope that it will be useful, but in order that the University as a charitable foundation protects its assets for the benefit of its educational and research purposes, the University makes clear that no condition is made or to be implied, nor is any warranty given or to be implied, as to the accuracy of the Software, or that it will be suitable for any particular purpose or for use under any specific conditions. Furthermore, the University disclaims all responsibility for the use which is made of the Software. It further disclaims any liability for the outcomes arising from using the Software. The Licensee agrees to indemnify the University and hold the University harmless from and against any and all claims, damages and liabilities asserted by third parties (including claims for negligence) which arise directly or indirectly from the use of the Software or the sale of any products based on the Software. No part of the Software may be reproduced, modified, transmitted or transferred in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without the express permission of the University. The permission of the University is not required if the said reproduction, modification, transmission or transference is done without financial return, the conditions of this Licence are imposed upon the receiver of the product, and all original and amended source code is included in any transmitted product. You may be held legally responsible for any copyright infringement that is caused or encouraged by your failure to abide by these terms and conditions. You are not permitted under this Licence to use this Software commercially. Use for which any financial return is received shall be defined as commercial use, and includes (1) integration of all or part of the source code or the Software into a product for sale or license by or on behalf of Licensee to third parties or (2) use of the Software or any derivative of it for research with the final aim of developing software products for sale or license to a third party or (3) use of the Software or any derivative of it for research with the final aim of developing non-software products for sale or license to a third party, or (4) use of the Software to provide any service to an external organisation for which payment is received. If you are interested in using the Software commercially, please contact Isis Innovation Limited ("Isis"), the technology transfer company of the University, to negotiate a licence. Contact details are: innovation@isis.ox.ac.uk quoting reference DE/9564. */ #include "fwdmodel_cest.h" #include #include #include #include "newimage/newimageall.h" #include "miscmaths/miscprob.h" using namespace NEWIMAGE; #include "easylog.h" string CESTFwdModel::ModelVersion() const { return "$Id: fwdmodel_cest.cc,v 1.7 2014/02/06 17:00:14 mwebster Exp $"; } void CESTFwdModel::HardcodedInitialDists(MVNDist& prior, MVNDist& posterior) const { Tracer_Plus tr("CESTFwdModel::HardcodedInitialDists"); assert(prior.means.Nrows() == NumParams()); SymmetricMatrix precisions = IdentityMatrix(NumParams()) * 1e-12; // Set priors int place=1; // M0 prior.means.Rows(1,npool) = 0.0; precisions(place,place) = 1e-12; place++; //precisions(2,2)=1e6; //precisions(3,3)=2500; /* if (npool>1) { prior.means(2) = 0.003; precisions(2,2) = 1e6; place++; } if (npool>2) { prior.means(3) = 0.1; precisions(3,3) = 100; place++; } */ if (npool>1) { for (int i=2; i<=npool; i++) { // ** TEMP: hardcode precisions on proton concn ratios //if (i==2) precisions(place,place) = 1e4; //if (i==3) precisions(place,place) = 1e2; precisions(place,place) = 1e2; place++; } } // exchnage consts (these are log_e) if (npool>1) { for (int i=2; i<=npool; i++) { prior.means(place) = poolk(i-1); //NOTE these shoudl already be log in poolk precisions(place,place) = 1; place++; } } // frequency offsets (ppm) prior.means(place) = 0; //water centre offset precisions(place,place) = 10; place++; if (npool>1) { for (int i=2; i<=npool; i++) { prior.means(place) = poolppm(i-1); precisions(place,place) = 1e12; //1e6; place++; } } // B1 offset (fractional) prior.means(place) = 0; precisions(place,place) = 1e99; //1e20; //1e6; place++; if (inferdrift) { // Drift (ppm/sample) prior.means(place) = 0; precisions(place,place) = 1e17; place++; } // trough thresh //prior.means(place) = 0; //precisions(place,place) = 1e-12; //place++; /* int idx = 10; //should be next entry in priors if (pvcorr) { // M0 prior.means(idx) = 0.0; prior.means(idx+1) = 0.0; prior.means(idx+2) = 0.15; precisions(idx,idx) = 1e-12; precisions(idx+1,idx+1) = 100; precisions(idx+2,idx+2) = 2500; // exchnage consts (these are log_e) prior.means(idx+3) = 3; precisions(idx+3,idx+3) = 1; prior.means(idx+4) = 3.7; precisions(idx+4,idx+4) = 1; prior.means(idx+5) = 0.0; precisions(idx+5,idx+5) = 1e-12; prior.means(idx+6) = 1.0; precisions(idx+6,idx+6) = 1e12; prior.means(idx+7) = 0.0; precisions(idx+7,idx+7) = 1e12; prior.means(idx+8) = 0.0; precisions(idx+8,idx+8) = 1e12; idx += 9; } */ if (t12soft) { //T1 values for (int i=1; i<=npool; i++) { prior.means(place) = T12master(1,i); precisions(place,place) = 44.4; //all T1s have same prior uncertainty place++; } //T12 values for (int i=1; i<=npool; i++) { float T12 = T12master(2,i); prior.means(place) = T12; precisions(place,place) = 1/std::pow(T12/5,2); //prior has std dev of 1/5 of the value, to try and get the scaling about right place++; } } //else { //no T12 inference // for (int i=0; i1) { for (int i=2; i<=npool; i++) { posterior.means(i) = 0.01; precisions(i,i) = 1e6; } } */ posterior.SetPrecisions(precisions); } void CESTFwdModel::Initialise(MVNDist& posterior) const { Tracer_Plus tr("CESTFwdModel::Initialise"); //init the M0a value - to max value in the z-spectrum posterior.means(1) = data.Maximum(); //init the ppmoff value - by finding the freq where the min of z-spectrum is int ind; float val; val = data.Minimum1(ind); // find the minimum in the z-spectrum val = wvec(ind)*1e6/wlam; //frequency of the minimum in ppm if (val>0.5) val=0.5; //put a limit on the value if (val<-0.5) val=-0.5; int ppmind=2*npool; posterior.means(ppmind) = val; } void CESTFwdModel::Evaluate(const ColumnVector& params, ColumnVector& result) const { Tracer_Plus tr("CESTFwdModel::Evaluate"); // ensure that values are reasonable // negative check ColumnVector paramcpy = params; for (int i=1;i<=NumParams();i++) { if (params(i)<0) { paramcpy(i) = 0; } } //model matrices ColumnVector M0(npool); Matrix kij(npool,npool); Matrix T12(2,npool); // extract values from params // M0 comes first int place=1; M0(1) = paramcpy(place); // this is the 'master' M0 value of water if (M0(1)<1e-4) M0(1)=1e-4; //M0 of water cannot disapear all together place++; // values in the parameters are ratios of M0_water float M0ratio; for (int j=2; j<=npool; j++) { M0ratio = paramcpy(place); if (M0ratio > 1.0) { //dont expect large ratios M0ratio = 1.0; } M0(j) = M0ratio*M0(1); place++; } // now exchange - we assume that only significant exchnage occurs with water kij=0.0; //float ktemp; for (int j=2; j<=npool; j++) { kij(j,1) = exp(params(place)); //non-linear transformation if (kij(j,1)>1e6) kij(j,1)=1e6; //exclude really extreme values kij(1,j) =kij(j,1)*M0(j)/M0(1); place++; } // frequency offset next ColumnVector ppmvec(npool); ppmvec = params.Rows(place,place+npool); place += npool; // Frist entry is offset due to field, rest are res freq. of the pools rel. to water /* OLD float ppm_off = params(place); // frequncy offset due to field place++; float ppm_apt = params(place); place++; float ppm_mt = params(place); place++; END OLD */ // now B1 offset float B1off = params(place)*1e6; //scale the B1_off parameter to achieve proper updating of this parameter // (otherwise it is sufficently small that numerical diff is ineffective) place++; // Drift float drift = 0; if (inferdrift) { drift = params(place)*1e6; //scale this parameters like B1 offset place++; } //float floorval = params(place); //place++; /* // PV correction section (untested) ColumnVector M0_WM(npool); Matrix kij_WM(npool,npool); Matrix T12_WM(2,npool); Matrix T12_CSF(2,1); Matrix M0_CSF(1,1); float PV_GM; float PV_WM; float PV_CSF; if (pvcorr) { // now parameters for WM M0_WM(1) = paramcpy(place); // this is the M0 value of water if (M0_WM(1)<1e-4) M0_WM(1)=1e-4; //M0 of water cannot disapear all together place++; // this code here if parameters contains actual M0 values //M0.Rows(2,npool) = paramcpy.Rows(place,place+npool-1-1); // place +=npool-1; // values in the parameters are ratios of M0_water float M0WMratio; for (int j=2; j<=npool; j++) { M0WMratio = paramcpy(place); if (M0WMratio > 0.1) { //dont expect large ratios M0WMratio = 0.1; } M0_WM(j) = M0WMratio*M0_WM(1); place++; } // now exchange - we assume that only significant exchnage occurs with water kij_WM=0.0; //float ktemp; for (int j=2; j<=npool; j++) { //ktemp = exp(params(place)); //this is the 'fundamental rate const - non-linear transformation //kij(j,1) = ktemp*M0(1); //kij(1,j) = ktemp*M0(j); kij_WM(j,1) = exp(params(place)); //non-linear transformation kij_WM(1,j) =kij_WM(j,1)*M0_WM(j)/M0_WM(1); place++; } // CSF M0_CSF = paramcpy(place); place++; //partial volume estimates PV_GM = paramcpy(place); place++; PV_WM = paramcpy(place); place++; PV_CSF = paramcpy(place); place++; //T12 fixed T12_WM = T12WMmaster; T12_CSF = T12CSFmaster; } */ // T12 parameter values if (t12soft) { // T12 values for (int i=1; i<=npool; i++) { T12(1,i) = paramcpy(place); if (T12(1,i)<1e-12) T12(1,i)=1e-12; // 0 is no good for a T1 value if (T12(1,i)>10) T12(1,i)=10; // Prevent convergence issues causing T1 to blow up place++; } for (int i=1; i<=npool; i++) { T12(2,i) = paramcpy(place); if (T12(2,i)<1e-12) T12(2,i)=1e-12; //0 is no good for a T2 value if (T12(2,i)>1) T12(2,i)=1; // Prevent convergence issues causing T2 to blow up place++; } } else {T12 = T12master;} //cout << "Parameters set up" << endl; //cout << "M0: " << M0.t() << endl << "wi: " << wi.t() << endl << "kij: " << kij << endl; //MODEL - CEST //no saturation image first //ColumnVector nosat(1); /*if (pvcorr) { nosat = PV_GM*M0.Row(1) + PV_WM*M0_WM.Row(1) + PV_CSF*M0_CSF.Row(1);} */ //nosat = M0.Row(1); // deal with frequencies //ColumnVector wi(npool); int nsamp = wvec.Nrows(); Matrix wimat(npool,nsamp); //float wlocal = wlam*ppmvec(1)/1e6; //local water frequency //cout << wlocal << endl; //wi(1) = wlocal; for (int j=1; j<=nsamp; j++) { wimat(1,j) = wlam*(ppmvec(1)+(j-1)*drift)/1e6; } if (npool>1) { for (int i=2; i<=npool; i++) { //wi(i) = wlam*ppmvec(i)/1e6 + wlocal*(1+ppmvec(i)/1e6); for (int j=1; j<=nsamp; j++) { wimat(i,j) = wlam*ppmvec(i)/1e6 + wlam*(ppmvec(1)+(j-1)*drift)/1e6*(1+ppmvec(i)/1e6); } } } // species b is at ppm*wlam, but also include offset of main field //cout << wi << endl; //deal with B1 if (B1off<-0.5) B1off=-0.5; // B1 cannot go too small if (B1off>10) B1off=10; //unlikely to get this big (hardlimit in case of convergence problems) ColumnVector w1 = w1vec * (1+B1off); // w1 in radians! /* if (pvcorr) { ColumnVector GM_result; GM_result = Mz_spectrum(wvec[n],w1,t[n],M0,wi,kij,T12); ColumnVector WM_result; WM_result = Mz_spectrum(wvec[n],w1,t[n],M0_WM,wi,kij_WM,T12_WM); ColumnVector CSF_result; CSF_result = Mz_spectrum(wvec[n],w1,t[n],M0_CSF,wi.Row(1),kij.SubMatrix(1,1,1,1),T12_CSF); thisresult = PV_GM*GM_result + PV_WM*WM_result + PV_CSF*CSF_result; } */ if (lorentz) { result = Mz_spectrum_lorentz(wvec,w1,tsatvec,M0,wimat,kij,T12); } else { Mz_spectrum(result,wvec,w1,tsatvec,M0,wimat,kij,T12); } //for (int i=1; i<=result.Nrows(); i++) { // if(result(i) < floorval) result(i) = floorval; //} //result &= nosat; //cout << cest_result.t() << endl; return; } CESTFwdModel::CESTFwdModel(ArgsType& args) { Tracer_Plus tr("CESTFwdModel"); string scanParams = args.ReadWithDefault("scan-params","cmdline"); Matrix dataspec; //matrix containing spec for each datapoint // 3 Columns: Freq (ppm), B1 (T), tsat (s) // Nrows = number data points Matrix poolmat; // matrix containing setup information for the pools // columns: res. freq (rel. to water) (ppm), rate (species-> water), T1, T2. // 1st row is water, col 1 will be interpreted as the actaul centre freq of water if value is >0, col 2 will be ignored. // Further rows for pools to be modelled. string pulsematfile; t12soft=false; //pvcorr=false; if (scanParams == "cmdline") { // read data specification from file dataspec = read_ascii_matrix(args.Read("spec")); //read pool specification from file poolmat = read_ascii_matrix(args.Read("pools")); //read pulsed saturation specification pulsematfile = args.ReadWithDefault("ptrain","none"); //basic = args.ReadBool("basic"); // pvcorr = args.ReadBool("pvcorr"); t12soft = args.ReadBool("t12prior"); inferdrift = args.ReadBool("inferdrift"); // alternatives to Matrix exponential solution to Bloch equations lorentz = args.ReadBool("lorentz"); //NB only compatible with single pool steadystate = args.ReadBool("steadystate"); } else throw invalid_argument("Only --scan-params=cmdline is accepted at the moment"); //Deal with the specification of the pools npool=poolmat.Nrows(); if (poolmat.Ncols()!=4) throw invalid_argument("Incorrect number of rows in pool spefication file"); // water centre float wdefault = 42.58e6*3*2*M_PI; //the default centre freq. (3T) if (poolmat(1,1)>0) wlam = poolmat(1,1)*2*M_PI; else wlam = wdefault; // ppm ofsets poolppm = poolmat.SubMatrix(2,npool,1,1); // exchange rate poolk = log(poolmat.SubMatrix(2,npool,2,2)); //NOTE the log_e transformation // T1 and T2 values T12master = (poolmat.SubMatrix(1,npool,3,4)).t(); // check that the method chosen is possible if ((npool>1) & lorentz) throw invalid_argument("Lorentzian (analytic) solution only compatible with single pool"); /* OLD //initialization npool = 3; // some fixed things T12master.ReSize(2,npool); T12master << 1.3 << 0.77 << 1 << 0.05 << 0.01 << 1e-5; //T2 END OLD */ /*T12WMmaster.ReSize(2,npool); T12WMmaster << 1 << 0.77 << 1 << 0.02 << 0.01 << 1e-5; //T2 T12CSFmaster.ReSize(2,1); T12CSFmaster << 3.5 << .75; */ //ppm_apt = -3.5; //ppm_mt = -2.41; // setup vectors that specify deatils of each data point // sampling frequency wvec = dataspec.Column(1)*wlam/1e6; // B1 value, convert to radians equivalent w1vec = dataspec.Column(2)*42.58e6*2*M_PI; // Saturation time tsatvec = dataspec.Column(3); LOG << " Model parameters: " << endl; LOG << " Water - freq. (MHz) = " << wlam/2/M_PI << endl; LOG << " T1 (s) = " << T12master(1,1) << endl; LOG << " T2 (s) = " << T12master(2,1) << endl; ; for (int i=2; i<=npool; i++) { LOG << " Pool " << i << " - freq. (ppm) = " << poolppm(i-1) << endl; LOG << " - kiw (s^-1) = " << exp(poolk(i-1)) << endl; LOG << " - T1 (s) = " << T12master(1,i) << endl; LOG << " - T2 (s) = " << T12master(2,i) << endl; } LOG << "Sampling frequencies (ppm):" << endl << (dataspec.Column(1)).t() << endl << " (rad/s):" << endl << wvec.t() << endl; LOG << "B1 values (uT):" << endl << (dataspec.Column(2)).t()*1e6 << endl << " (rad/s):" << endl << w1vec.t() << endl; //Pulsed saturation modelling // For pulsed saturation the B1 values are taken as peak values if (pulsematfile == "none") { cout << "WARNGING! - you should supply a pulsemat file, in future the calling of this model without one (to get continuous saturation) will be depreceated" << endl; nseg=1; pmagvec.ReSize(1); ptvec.ReSize(1); pmagvec = 1.0; ptvec = 1e12; //a very long value for continuous saturation LOG << "Saturation times (s):" << endl << tsatvec.t() << endl; } else { Matrix pulsemat; pulsemat = read_ascii_matrix(pulsematfile); pmagvec = pulsemat.Column(1); //vector of (relative) magnitude values for each segment // vector of time durations for each segment // note that we are loding in a vector of times for the end of each segment ColumnVector pttemp = pulsemat.Column(2); ColumnVector nought(1); nought=0.0; ptvec = pttemp - (nought & pttemp.Rows(1,pttemp.Nrows()-1)); nseg = pulsemat.Nrows(); LOG << "Pulse repeats:" << endl << tsatvec.t() << endl; LOG << "Pulse shape:" << endl << "Number of segments: " << nseg << endl; LOG << " Magnitudes (relative): " << pmagvec.t() << endl; LOG << " Durations (s): " << ptvec.t() << endl; } /* OLD //deal with water centre frequency *in radians!* float wdefault = 42.58e6*3*2*M_PI; // this is the default value (3T) wlam.resize(t.size()); for (unsigned int n=0; n0) wlam[n] = wcentre[n]*1e6*2*M_PI; //NB input is in MHz else wlam[n] = wdefault; // CEST frequency vector //int nfreq=32; ColumnVector ppmvec(nfreq[n]); float ppminc; if (wrange[n] > 0.0) { //deafult case is that wrange is specified ppmvec(1) = -wrange[n]; ppminc = (2*wrange[n])/(nfreq[n]-1); } else { //if wrange is zero then we use wstart and wstep parameters ppmvec(1) = wstart[n]; ppminc = wstep[n]; } //cout << ppminc << endl; for (int i=2; i<=nfreq[n]; i++) { ppmvec(i) = ppmvec(i-1) + ppminc; } //wvec.ReSize(nfreq); ColumnVector freqvec(nfreq[n]); freqvec = ppmvec*wlam[n]/1e6; if (revfrq) freqvec = -freqvec; //cout << freqvec.t() << endl; wvec.push_back( freqvec ); //cout << wvec[n] << endl; //cout << wlam[n] << endl; } */ } void CESTFwdModel::ModelUsage() { cout << "\nUsage info for --model=CEST:\n" << "Undefined\n" ; } void CESTFwdModel::DumpParameters(const ColumnVector& vec, const string& indent) const { //cout << vec.t() << endl; } void CESTFwdModel::NameParams(vector& names) const { names.clear(); // name the parameters for the pools using letters string lettervec [] = {"a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z"}; names.push_back("M0a"); if (npool>1) { for (int i=2; i<=npool; i++) { names.push_back("M0" + lettervec[i-1] + "_r"); } } if (npool>1) { for (int i=2; i<=npool; i++) { names.push_back("k" + lettervec[i-1] + "a"); } } names.push_back("ppm_off"); if (npool>1) { for (int i=2; i<=npool; i++) { names.push_back("ppm_" + lettervec[i-1]); } } names.push_back("B1_off"); if (inferdrift) { names.push_back("drift"); } /* if (pvcorr) { names.push_back("WM_M0a"); names.push_back("WM_M0b_r"); names.push_back("WM_M0c_r"); names.push_back("WM_kba"); names.push_back("WM_kca"); names.push_back("CSF_M0a"); }*/ if (t12soft) { for (int i=1; i<=npool; i++) { names.push_back("T1" + lettervec[i-1]); } for (int i=1; i<=npool; i++) { names.push_back("T2" + lettervec[i-1]); } } } void CESTFwdModel::SetupARD( const MVNDist& theta, MVNDist& thetaPrior, double& Fard) { Tracer_Plus tr("CESTFwdModel::SetupARD"); if (doard) { //sort out ARD indices Fard = 0; int ardindex; for (unsigned int i=0; i100) D(i)=100; D(i) = exp(D(i)); } // now matrix exponential Matrix EXP(A); EXP = V*D*V.t(); return EXP; } ReturnMatrix CESTFwdModel::expm_pade(Matrix inmatrix) const { // Do matrix exponential // Algorithm from Higham, SIAM J. Matrix Analysis App. 24(4) 2005, 1179-1193 Tracer_Plus tr("CESTFwdModel::expm"); Matrix A = inmatrix; Matrix X(A.Nrows(),A.Ncols()); //Coeff of degree 13 Pade approximant //ColumnVector b(13); // b= PadeCoeffs(13); int metflag=0; int mvals[5] = {3, 5, 7, 9, 13}; //ColumnVector thetam(5); float thetam[5] = {1.495585217958292e-002, 2.539398330063230e-001, 9.504178996162932e-001, 2.097847961257068e+000, 5.371920351148152e+000}; int i=0; while (metflag<1) { if (i<4) { //cout << "Try m = " << mvals[i] << endl; if (A.Norm1() <= thetam[i]) { X = PadeApproximant(A,mvals[i]); metflag=1; } } else { // Using Pade Approximant degree 13 and scaling and squaring //cout << "Doing m = 13" << endl; int s = ceil(log2(A.Norm1()/thetam[4])); //cout << s << endl; float half=0.5; A *= MISCMATHS::pow(half,s); X = PadeApproximant(A,13); for (int i=1; i<=s; i++) { X *= X; } metflag=1; } i++; } return X; } ReturnMatrix CESTFwdModel::PadeApproximant(Matrix inmatrix, int m) const { Tracer_Plus tr("CESTFwdModel::PadeApproximant"); //cout << "PadeApproximant" << endl; //cout << inmatrix << endl; assert(inmatrix.Nrows()==inmatrix.Ncols()); int n=inmatrix.Nrows(); IdentityMatrix I(n); ColumnVector coeff = PadeCoeffs(m); Matrix X(n,n); Matrix U(n,n); Matrix V(n,n); vector Apowers; //cout << coeff << endl; switch (m) { case 3: case 5: case 7: case 9: //cout << "case " << m << endl; Apowers.push_back(I); Apowers.push_back(inmatrix*inmatrix); for (int j=3; j<=ceil((m+1/2)); j++) { Apowers.push_back(Apowers[j-2]*Apowers[1]); } U=0.0; V=0.0; //cout << "Apowers" <=2; j -= 2) { U += coeff(j)*Apowers[j/2-1]; } U = inmatrix*U; for (int j=m; j>=1; j -= 2) { V += coeff(j)*Apowers[(j+1)/2-1]; } //cout << U << endl << V << endl; X = (U+V)*(-U+V).i(); //cout << X<< endl; break; case 13: //cout << "case 13" << endl; Matrix A2(n,n); Matrix A4(n,n); Matrix A6(n,n); A2 = inmatrix*inmatrix; A4 = A2*A2; A6 = A2*A4; U = inmatrix * (A6*(coeff(14)*A6 + coeff(12)*A4 + coeff(10)*A2) + coeff(8)*A6 + coeff(6)*A4 + coeff(4)*A2 + coeff(2)*I ); //cout << U; V = A6*(coeff(13)*A6 + coeff(11)*A4 + coeff(9)*A2) + coeff(7)*A6 + coeff(5)*A4 + coeff(3)*A2 + coeff(1)*I; //cout << V; X = (U+V)*(-U+V).i(); //cout << X < AiBseg; vector expmAseg; for (int s=1; s<=nseg; s++) { //assemble the appropriate A matrix Matrix Atemp(A); for (int i=1; i<=mpool; i++) { st = (i-1)*3; Atemp(st+2,st+3) = -w1(k)*pmagvec(s); Atemp(st+3,st+2) = w1(k)*pmagvec(s); } // Make the AinvB term Matrix AiBtemp; AiBtemp = Atemp.i()*B; AiBseg.push_back(AiBtemp); // make matrix exponential term Matrix expmAtemp; float tseg; // sort out the duration of the pulse if (ptvec(s)>1e6) { //a 'continuous' pulse - find duration from dataspec tseg = t(k); npulse=1; } else { // short duration pulse segment - duration from the pulse specification tseg = ptvec(s); // t now contains the number of times this pulse is repeated npulse=t(k); } expmAtemp = expm(Atemp*tseg); expmAseg.push_back(expmAtemp); } // now we step through all the pulses ColumnVector Mtemp; Mtemp = M.Column(k); for (int p=1; p<=npulse; p++) { for (int s=1; s<=nseg; s++) { //Crusher gradients - force transverse magentizations to zero at the very start of a new pulse if (s == 1) { for (int i=1; i<=mpool; i++) { Mtemp((i-1)*3+1) = 0.0; //x Mtemp((i-1)*3+2) = 0.0; //y } } Mtemp = expmAseg[s-1]*(Mtemp + AiBseg[s-1]) - AiBseg[s-1]; } } M.Column(k) = Mtemp; /* //segment 1 - from the initial conditions int s=1; float tcum = 0; for (int i=1; i<=mpool; i++) { st = (i-1)*3; A(st+2,st+3) = -w1(k)*pmagvec(s); A(st+3,st+2) = w1(k)*pmagvec(s); } AinvB = A.i()*B; //ExpmAt = expm(A*t(k,1)); //Mz(k) = (ExpmAt.Row(3) * (M0i + AinvB) - AinvB).AsScalar(); M.Column(k) = expm(A*ptvec(s)) * (M0i + AinvB) - AinvB; tcum += ptvec(s); cout << "Finished segment 1, saturation time completed is:" <nseg) s=1; //reset back tot he first segment of the pulsetrain } */ } } } Mz = (M.Row(3)).AsColumn(); //ColumnVector result; //cout << M.Row(3); //result = (M.Row(3)).AsColumn(); //result = Mz; //return result; } ReturnMatrix CESTFwdModel::Mz_spectrum_lorentz(const ColumnVector& wvec, const ColumnVector& w1, const ColumnVector& t, const ColumnVector& M0, const Matrix& wi, const Matrix& kij, const Matrix& T12) const { //Analytic *steady state* solution to the *one pool* Bloch equations // NB t is ignored becasue it is ss Tracer_Plus tr("CESTFwdModel::Mz_spectrum_lorentz"); int nfreq = wvec.Nrows(); // total number of samples collected double R1 = 1./T12(1,1); double R2 = 1./T12(2,1); ColumnVector result(wvec); double delw; for (int k=1; k<=nfreq; k++) { delw = wi(1,k) - wvec(k); result(k) = ( M0(1)*R1*(R2*R2 + delw*delw) ) / ( R1*(R2*R2 + delw*delw) + w1(k)*w1(k)*R2 ); } return result; } void CESTFwdModel::Ainverse(const Matrix A, RowVector& Ai) const { // More efficicent matrix inversion using the block structure of the problem // Implicitly assumes no exchange between pools (aside from water) Tracer_Plus tr("CESTFwdModel::Ainverse"); int npool = A.Nrows()/3; int subsz = (npool-1)*3; //Ai.ReSize(npool*3,npool*3);; Ai.ReSize(npool*3); // Matrix AA(3,3); // AA = A.SubMatrix(1,3,1,3); // Matrix BB(3,subsz); // BB = A.SubMatrix(1,3,4,npool*3); // Matrix CC(subsz,3); // CC = A.SubMatrix(4,npool*3,1,3); Matrix DDi(subsz,subsz); DDi=0.0; //DDi needs to be the inverse of the lower right blocks refering to the CEST pools int st; int en; for (int i=1; i