#!/bin/bash # Copyright (C) 2012 University of Oxford # # Part of FSL - FMRIB's Software Library # http://www.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl # fsl@fmrib.ox.ac.uk # # Developed at FMRIB (Oxford Centre for Functional Magnetic Resonance # Imaging of the Brain), Department of Clinical Neurology, Oxford # University, Oxford, UK # # # LICENCE # # FMRIB Software Library, Release 5.0 (c) 2012, The University of # Oxford (the "Software") # # The Software remains the property of the University of Oxford ("the # University"). # # The Software is distributed "AS IS" under this Licence solely for # non-commercial use in the hope that it will be useful, but in order # that the University as a charitable foundation protects its assets for # the benefit of its educational and research purposes, the University # makes clear that no condition is made or to be implied, nor is any # warranty given or to be implied, as to the accuracy of the Software, # or that it will be suitable for any particular purpose or for use # under any specific conditions. Furthermore, the University disclaims # all responsibility for the use which is made of the Software. It # further disclaims any liability for the outcomes arising from using # the Software. # # The Licensee agrees to indemnify the University and hold the # University harmless from and against any and all claims, damages and # liabilities asserted by third parties (including claims for # negligence) which arise directly or indirectly from the use of the # Software or the sale of any products based on the Software. # # No part of the Software may be reproduced, modified, transmitted or # transferred in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, # without the express permission of the University. The permission of # the University is not required if the said reproduction, modification, # transmission or transference is done without financial return, the # conditions of this Licence are imposed upon the receiver of the # product, and all original and amended source code is included in any # transmitted product. You may be held legally responsible for any # copyright infringement that is caused or encouraged by your failure to # abide by these terms and conditions. # # You are not permitted under this Licence to use this Software # commercially. Use for which any financial return is received shall be # defined as commercial use, and includes (1) integration of all or part # of the source code or the Software into a product for sale or license # by or on behalf of Licensee to third parties or (2) use of the # Software or any derivative of it for research with the final aim of # developing software products for sale or license to a third party or # (3) use of the Software or any derivative of it for research with the # final aim of developing non-software products for sale or license to a # third party, or (4) use of the Software to provide any service to an # external organisation for which payment is received. If you are # interested in using the Software commercially, please contact Isis # Innovation Limited ("Isis"), the technology transfer company of the # University, to negotiate a licence. Contact details are: # innovation@isis.ox.ac.uk quoting reference DE/9564. export LC_NUMERIC=C Usage() { echo "" echo "Usage: `basename $0` [options] --epi= --t1= --t1brain= --out=" echo " " echo "Optional arguments" echo " --fmap= : fieldmap image (in rad/s)" echo " --fmapmag= : fieldmap magnitude image - wholehead extracted" echo " --fmapmagbrain= : fieldmap magnitude image - brain extracted" echo " --wmseg= : white matter segmentation of T1 image" echo " --echospacing= : Effective EPI echo spacing (sometimes called dwell time) - in seconds" echo " --pedir= : phase encoding direction, dir = x/y/z/-x/-y/-z" echo " --weight= : weighting image (in T1 space)" echo " --nofmapreg : do not perform registration of fmap to T1 (use if fmap already registered) " echo " --noclean : do not clean up intermediate files" echo " -v : verbose output" echo " -h : display this help message" echo " " echo "e.g.: `basename $0` --epi=example_func --t1=struct --t1brain=struct_brain --out=epi2struct --fmap=fmap_rads --fmapmag=fmap_mag --fmapmagbrain=fmap_mag_brain --echospacing=0.0005 --pedir=-y" echo " " echo "Note that if parallel acceleration is used in the EPI acquisition then the *effective* echo spacing is the actual echo spacing between acquired lines in k-space divided by the acceleration factor." echo " " exit 1 } get_opt1() { arg=`echo $1 | sed 's/=.*//'` echo $arg } get_arg1() { if [ X`echo $1 | grep '='` = X ] ; then echo "Option $1 requires an argument" 1>&2 exit 1 else arg=`echo $1 | sed 's/.*=//'` if [ X$arg = X ] ; then echo "Option $1 requires an argument" 1>&2 exit 1 fi echo $arg fi } get_imarg1() { arg=`get_arg1 $1`; arg=`$FSLDIR/bin/remove_ext $arg`; echo $arg } get_arg2() { if [ X$2 = X ] ; then echo "Option $1 requires an argument" 1>&2 exit 1 fi echo $2 } # list of variables to be set via the options vepi=""; vrefhead=""; vrefbrain=""; vout=""; use_fmap=no; use_weighting=no; verbose=no cleanup=yes; fmaprads=""; fmapmaghead=""; fmapmagbrain=""; wmseg=""; dwell=""; pe_dir=""; fdir="y"; fmapreg=yes; # Parse them baby if [ $# -lt 4 ] ; then Usage; exit 0; fi while [ $# -ge 1 ] ; do iarg=`get_opt1 $1`; case "$iarg" in --epi) vepi=`get_imarg1 $1`; shift;; --t1) vrefhead=`get_imarg1 $1`; shift;; --t1brain) vrefbrain=`get_imarg1 $1`; shift;; --fmap) fmaprads=`get_imarg1 $1`; use_fmap=yes; shift;; --fmapmag) fmapmaghead=`get_imarg1 $1`; shift;; --fmapmagbrain) fmapmagbrain=`get_imarg1 $1`; shift;; --wmseg) wmseg=`get_imarg1 $1`; shift;; --out) vout=`get_imarg1 $1`; shift;; --echospacing) dwell=`get_arg1 $1`; if [ `echo "if ( $dwell > 0.2 ) {1}; if ( $dwell <= 0.2 ) {0}" | bc -l` = 1 ] ; then msdwell=`echo "scale=6; $dwell / 1000.0" | bc -l`; echo "Echo spacing should be specified in seconds, not milliseconds. Value of $dwell appears to be incorrectly specified in milliseconds. Try using the value $msdwell instead."; exit 1; fi shift;; --pedir) pearg=`get_arg1 $1`; # These are consistent with the ones used in FUGUE (this has been checked) if [ $pearg = "x" ] ; then pe_dir=1; fdir="x"; fi if [ $pearg = "y" ] ; then pe_dir=2; fdir="y"; fi if [ $pearg = "z" ] ; then pe_dir=3; fdir="z"; fi if [ $pearg = "-x" ] ; then pe_dir=-1; fdir="x-"; fi if [ $pearg = "-y" ] ; then pe_dir=-2; fdir="y-"; fi if [ $pearg = "-z" ] ; then pe_dir=-3; fdir="z-"; fi if [ $pearg = "x-" ] ; then pe_dir=-1; fdir="x-"; fi if [ $pearg = "y-" ] ; then pe_dir=-2; fdir="y-"; fi if [ $pearg = "z-" ] ; then pe_dir=-3; fdir="z-"; fi if [ X${pe_dir} = X ] ; then echo "Error: invalid phase encode direction specified"; exit 2; fi shift;; --weight) refweight=`get_imarg1 $1`; use_weighting=yes; echo REFWEIGHT = $refweight; shift;; --nofmapreg) fmapreg=no; shift;; --noclean) cleanup=no; shift;; -v) verbose=yes; shift;; -h) Usage; exit 0;; *) #if [ `echo $1 | sed 's/^\(.\).*/\1/'` = "-" ] ; then echo "Unrecognised option $1" 1>&2 exit 1 #fi #shift;; esac done ### Sanity checking of arguments if [ X$vout = X ] ; then echo "The compulsory argument --out MUST be used" exit 1; fi if [ X$vepi = X ] ; then echo "The compulsory argument --epi MUST be used" exit 1; fi if [ X$vrefhead = X ] ; then echo "The compulsory argument --t1 MUST be used" exit 1; fi if [ X$vrefbrain = X ] ; then echo "The compulsory argument --t1brain MUST be used" exit 1; fi if [ $use_fmap = yes ] ; then if [ X$fmaprads = X ] ; then echo "The argument --fmap MUST be usspecifieded if using fieldmaps" exit 1; fi if [ X$fmapmaghead = X ] ; then echo "The argument --fmapmag MUST be specified if using fieldmaps" exit 1; fi if [ X$fmapmagbrain = X ] ; then echo "The argument --fmapmagbrain MUST be specified if using fieldmaps" exit 1; fi if [ X$pe_dir = X ] ; then echo "The argument --pedir MUST be specified if using fieldmaps" exit 1; fi if [ X$dwell = X ] ; then echo "The argument --echospacing MUST be specified if using fieldmaps" exit 1; fi fi if [ $verbose = yes ] ; then echo "Arguments are:" echo " vepi = $vepi" echo " vrefhead = $vrefhead" echo " vrefbrain = $vrefbrain" echo " vout = $vout" echo " fmaprads = $fmaprads" echo " fmapmaghead = $fmapmaghead" echo " fmapmagbrain = $fmapmagbrain" echo " wmseg = $wmseg" echo " dwell = $dwell" echo " pe_dir = $pe_dir" echo " fdir = $fdir" echo " use_fmap = $use_fmap" echo " use_weighting = $use_weighting" fi ########################################################################################## # create the WM segmentation if [ X$wmseg = X ] ; then if [ `$FSLDIR/bin/imtest ${vrefbrain}_wmseg` = 0 ] ; then echo "Running FAST segmentation" $FSLDIR/bin/fast -o ${vout}_fast ${vrefbrain} $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths ${vout}_fast_pve_2 -thr 0.5 -bin ${vout}_fast_wmseg else for file in ${vrefbrain}_wmseg*; do absfile=`$FSLDIR/bin/fsl_abspath $file`; cp ${absfile} ${file/${vrefbrain}_wmseg/${vout}_fast_wmseg} #To link the correct files with extensions done fi else # copy specified wmseg file(s) for file in `$FSLDIR/bin/imglob -extensions ${wmseg}`; do absfile=`$FSLDIR/bin/fsl_abspath $file`; cp ${absfile} ${file/${wmseg}/${vout}_fast_wmseg} #To link the correct files with extensions done fi # make a WM edge map for visualisation (good to overlay in FSLView) if [ `$FSLDIR/bin/imtest ${vrefbrain}_wmedge` = 0 ] ; then $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths ${vout}_fast_wmseg -edge -bin -mas ${vout}_fast_wmseg ${vout}_fast_wmedge else for file in ${vrefbrain}_wmedge*; do absfile=`$FSLDIR/bin/fsl_abspath $file`; cp ${absfile} ${file/${vrefbrain}_wmedge/${vout}_fast_wmedge} #To link the correct files with extensions done fi # do a standard flirt pre-alignment echo "FLIRT pre-alignment" $FSLDIR/bin/flirt -ref ${vrefbrain} -in ${vepi} -dof 6 -omat ${vout}_init.mat #################### if [ $use_fmap = no ] ; then # NO FIELDMAP # now run the bbr echo "Running BBR" $FSLDIR/bin/flirt -ref ${vrefhead} -in ${vepi} -dof 6 -cost bbr -wmseg ${vout}_fast_wmseg -init ${vout}_init.mat -omat ${vout}.mat -out ${vout} -schedule ${FSLDIR}/etc/flirtsch/bbr.sch $FSLDIR/bin/applywarp -i ${vepi} -r ${vrefhead} -o ${vout} --premat=${vout}.mat --interp=spline #################### else # WITH FIELDMAP echo "Registering fieldmap to structural" if [ $fmapreg = yes ] ; then # register fmap to structural image $FSLDIR/bin/flirt -in ${fmapmagbrain} -ref ${vrefbrain} -dof 6 -omat ${vout}_fieldmap2str_init.mat $FSLDIR/bin/flirt -in ${fmapmaghead} -ref ${vrefhead} -dof 6 -init ${vout}_fieldmap2str_init.mat -omat ${vout}_fieldmap2str.mat -out ${vout}_fieldmap2str -nosearch else $FSLDIR/bin/imcp ${fmapmaghead} ${vout}_fieldmap2str cp $FSLDIR/etc/flirtsch/ident.mat ${vout}_fieldmap2str.mat fi # unmask the fieldmap (necessary to avoid edge effects) $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths ${fmapmagbrain} -abs -bin ${vout}_fieldmaprads_mask $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths ${fmaprads} -abs -bin -mul ${vout}_fieldmaprads_mask ${vout}_fieldmaprads_mask $FSLDIR/bin/fugue --loadfmap=${fmaprads} --mask=${vout}_fieldmaprads_mask --unmaskfmap --savefmap=${vout}_fieldmaprads_unmasked --unwarpdir=${fdir} # the direction here should take into account the initial affine (it needs to be the direction in the EPI) # the following is a NEW HACK to fix extrapolation when fieldmap is too small $FSLDIR/bin/applywarp -i ${vout}_fieldmaprads_unmasked -r ${vrefhead} --premat=${vout}_fieldmap2str.mat -o ${vout}_fieldmaprads2str_pad0 $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths ${vout}_fieldmaprads2str_pad0 -abs -bin ${vout}_fieldmaprads2str_innermask $FSLDIR/bin/fugue --loadfmap=${vout}_fieldmaprads2str_pad0 --mask=${vout}_fieldmaprads2str_innermask --unmaskfmap --unwarpdir=${fdir} --savefmap=${vout}_fieldmaprads2str_dilated $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths ${vout}_fieldmaprads2str_dilated ${vout}_fieldmaprads2str # run bbr with fieldmap echo "Running BBR with fieldmap" if [ $use_weighting = yes ] ; then wopt="-refweight $refweight"; else wopt=""; fi $FSLDIR/bin/flirt -ref ${vrefhead} -in ${vepi} -dof 6 -cost bbr -wmseg ${vout}_fast_wmseg -init ${vout}_init.mat -omat ${vout}.mat -out ${vout}_1vol -schedule ${FSLDIR}/etc/flirtsch/bbr.sch -echospacing ${dwell} -pedir ${pe_dir} -fieldmap ${vout}_fieldmaprads2str $wopt # make equivalent warp fields echo "Making warp fields and applying registration to EPI series" $FSLDIR/bin/convert_xfm -omat ${vout}_inv.mat -inverse ${vout}.mat $FSLDIR/bin/convert_xfm -omat ${vout}_fieldmaprads2epi.mat -concat ${vout}_inv.mat ${vout}_fieldmap2str.mat $FSLDIR/bin/applywarp -i ${vout}_fieldmaprads_unmasked -r ${vepi} --premat=${vout}_fieldmaprads2epi.mat -o ${vout}_fieldmaprads2epi $FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths ${vout}_fieldmaprads2epi -abs -bin ${vout}_fieldmaprads2epi_mask $FSLDIR/bin/fugue --loadfmap=${vout}_fieldmaprads2epi --mask=${vout}_fieldmaprads2epi_mask --saveshift=${vout}_fieldmaprads2epi_shift --unmaskshift --dwell=${dwell} --unwarpdir=${fdir} $FSLDIR/bin/convertwarp -r ${vrefhead} -s ${vout}_fieldmaprads2epi_shift --postmat=${vout}.mat -o ${vout}_warp --shiftdir=${fdir} --relout $FSLDIR/bin/applywarp -i ${vepi} -r ${vrefhead} -o ${vout} -w ${vout}_warp --interp=spline --rel fi #################### # CLEAN UP UNNECESSARY FILES if [ $cleanup = yes ] ; then $FSLDIR/bin/imrm ${vout}_fast_mixeltype ${vout}_fast_pve* ${vout}_fast_seg $FSLDIR/bin/imrm ${vout}_fieldmap*mask* ${vout}_fieldmap2str_pad0 fi