#include #include #include #include #include "gifti_io.h" /*! global history and version strings, for printing */ static char * gifti_history[] = { "----------------------------------------------------------------------\n" "history (of gifti library changes):\n" "\n", "0.0 18 July, 2007\n" " (Rick Reynolds of the National Institutes of Health, SSCC/DIRP/NIMH)\n" " - initial version\n" "0.1 31 July, 2007\n", " - changed dim0..dim5 to dims[]\n" " - changed nvals to size_t\n" " - added gifti_init_darray_from_attrs and some validation functions\n" "0.2 29 October, 2007\n", " - renamed gifti.[ch] to gifti_io.[ch]\n" " - main data structures all start with gii (or gifti_)\n" " - added user indenting\n" "0.3 21 November, 2007\n", " - added base64 encoding/decoding, via b64_en/decode_table\n" " - added gifti_list_index2string, gifti_disp_hex_data, \n" " gifti_check_swap, gifti_swap_Nbytes, etc.\n" " - pop_darray: check for b64 errors and byte swapping\n" " - dind is size_t\n", "0.4 29 November, 2007\n" " - added more checks and fixed nvpair value allocation\n" "0.5 03 December, 2007: applied changes for GIFTI Format 1.0 (11/21)\n", " - replaced Category with Intent\n" " - replaced Location attribute with ExternalFileName/Offset\n" " - added NumberOfDataArrays attribute to GIFTI element\n" " - applied new index_order strings\n" "0.6 10 December, 2007:\n", " - can read/write Base64Binary datasets (can set compress level)\n" " - removed datatype lists (have gifti_type_list)\n" " - added gifti_read_da_list(), with only partial ability\n" " - added GIFTI numDA attribute\n" " - change size_t to long long\n" "0.7 11 December, 2007:\n", " - added GIFTI_B64_CHECK defines\n" " - set b64_check default to SKIPNCOUNT\n" " - added disp_gxml_data\n" "0.8 12 December, 2007:\n", " - added sub-surface selection, via dalist in gifti_read_da_list()\n" " - added gifti_copy_DataArray, and other structures\n" "0.9 28 December, 2007:\n", " - made zlib optional, via -DHAVE_ZLIB in compile\n" " (without zlib, the user will get warnings)\n" " - now users only #include gifti_io.h, not gifti_xml, expat or zlib\n" " - added more comments and made tables more readable\n" " - added all user-variable access functions and reset_user_vars()\n", " - added gifti_free_image_contents(), gifti_disp_raw_data(),\n" " gifti_clear_float_zeros() and gifti_set_DA_atrs()\n" " - changed gifti_gim_DA_size to long long\n" " - added GIFTI_B64_CHECK_UNDEF as 0\n" " - fixed 0-width indenting and accumulating base64 errors\n" "0.10 03 January, 2008:\n", " - added top-level gifti_create_image() interface\n" " - must now link libniftiio\n" " - gifti_add_empty_darray() now takes num_to_add\n" " - if data was expected but not read, free it\n" " (can add via gifti_alloc_DA_data())\n" " - many minor changes\n" "0.11 11 January, 2008:\n", " - attribute/data setting functions are more flexible\n" " - added gifti_disp_dtd_url, gifti_set_DA_meta, gifti_valid_int_list,\n" " DA_data_exists, gifti_add_to_meta \n" "0.12 16 January, 2008:\n", " - added gifti_copy_gifti_image() and gifti_convert_to_float()\n" " - added gifti_valid_LabelTable(), gifticlib_version(),\n" " gifti_copy_LabelTable(), gifti_updaet_nbyper() and\n" " gifti_valid_gifti_image()\n" " - added control over library updates to metadata\n" " - expanded checks in gifti_valid_dims\n" "0.13 20 February, 2008:\n", " - added gifti_get_meta_value() and gifti_image_has_data()\n" "0.14 25 February, 2008:\n", " - consider data-less metadata as valid\n" "0.15 18 March, 2008: added comparison functions\n", " - gifti_compare_gifti_images() is top-level function\n" " - also added gifti_compare_gims_only(), gifti_compare_DA_pair(),\n" " gifti_compare_nvpairs(), gifti_compare_labeltable(),\n" " gifti_compare_coordsys()\n" " gifti_strdiff() and gifti_compare_raw_data()\n" "0.16 25 March, 2008\n", " - separate data diffs in compare_gifti_images\n" " - added gifti_compare_gifti_data() and gifti_compare_DA_data()\n" " - NIFTI_INTENT_NONE is considered valid\n" " - write LabelTables using CDATA\n" "0.17 28 March, 2008 : added copy MetaData routines\n", " - gifti_copy_gifti_meta, gifti_copy_DA_meta, gifti_copy_all_DA_meta,\n" " - gifti_copy_DA_meta_many, gifti_copy_nvpairs\n" "0.18 08 May, 2008 : DataArray can now contain a list of CoordSystems\n", " - modified giiDataArray struct: new numCS, coordsys is now CS**\n" " - added gifti_free_CS_list, gifti_add_empty_CS\n" "\n" "------------------------ initial release version -----------------------\n", "1.00 13 May, 2008 : release version of gifticlib\n", " - allowed external data\n" " - added gifti_read/write_extern_DA_data() and\n" " gifti_set_extern_filelist()\n" "1.01 02 June, 2008 :\n", " - added CMakeLists.txt and XMLCALL update from Simon Warfield\n" " (define XMLCALL for pre-1.95.7 versions of expat)\n" " - added LICENSE.gifti\n" "1.02 02 October, 2008 :\n", " - separate diffs in DAs from those in gifti_image\n" " - decode additional data types: INT8, UINT16, INT64\n" " - add link flags to libgiftiio_la target\n" "1.03 17 April, 2009 : allow DA size to vary over each external file\n", "1.04 27 October, 2009 : added support for LabelTable RGBA attributes\n" " - valid LabelTable requires RGBA values in [0,1.0]\n" " - compare_labeltable requires equality of RGBA values (no approx.)\n", "1.05 08 December, 2009: ignore invalid GIFTI attrs by default\n" "1.06 24 December, 2009: added approximate difference functions\n", " - added gifti_approx_gifti_images, DA_pair, labeltables, diff_offset\n" " - added gifti_triangle_diff_offset\n" " - gifti_compare_coordsys takes comp_data param\n" "1.07 04 March, 2010: minor changes (also see NITRC IDs 4619 and 4644)\n", " - for integers, make default approx test to be equality\n" " - small changes to zlib failure strings\n" " - cast to avoid compile warning on some systems\n" " - gifti_xml.h: made NITRC gifti.dtd link that will not change\n" "1.08 08 March, 2010: GIfTI LabelTable format change: Index to Key\n", " - both Index and Key work on read, Key is written out\n" "1.09 28 June, 2010: verify that num_dim is not too big\n", " - the most significant dimension cannot be 1 (req by N Schmansky)\n" }; static char gifti_version[] = "gifti library version 1.09, 28 June, 2010"; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*! global lists of XML strings */ /*! this should match GIFTI_IND_ORD_* */ char * gifti_index_order_list[] = {"Undefined", "RowMajorOrder", "ColumnMajorOrder"}; /*! gifti_type_list is an array of gifti_type_ele structs which list, for each type, the bytes per value, swapsize and corresponding name string (these type values are defined in nifti1.h) */ static gifti_type_ele gifti_type_list[] = { /* type nbyper swapsize name */ { DT_UNKNOWN, 0, 0, "Undefined" }, { NIFTI_TYPE_UINT8, 1, 0, "NIFTI_TYPE_UINT8" }, { NIFTI_TYPE_INT16, 2, 2, "NIFTI_TYPE_INT16" }, { NIFTI_TYPE_INT32, 4, 4, "NIFTI_TYPE_INT32" }, { NIFTI_TYPE_FLOAT32, 4, 4, "NIFTI_TYPE_FLOAT32" }, { NIFTI_TYPE_COMPLEX64, 8, 4, "NIFTI_TYPE_COMPLEX64" }, { NIFTI_TYPE_FLOAT64, 8, 8, "NIFTI_TYPE_FLOAT64" }, { NIFTI_TYPE_RGB24, 3, 0, "NIFTI_TYPE_RGB24" }, { NIFTI_TYPE_INT8, 1, 0, "NIFTI_TYPE_INT8" }, { NIFTI_TYPE_UINT16, 2, 2, "NIFTI_TYPE_UINT16" }, { NIFTI_TYPE_UINT32, 4, 4, "NIFTI_TYPE_UINT32" }, { NIFTI_TYPE_INT64, 8, 8, "NIFTI_TYPE_INT64" }, { NIFTI_TYPE_UINT64, 8, 8, "NIFTI_TYPE_UINT64" }, { NIFTI_TYPE_FLOAT128, 6, 16, "NIFTI_TYPE_FLOAT128" }, { NIFTI_TYPE_COMPLEX128, 16, 8, "NIFTI_TYPE_COMPLEX128" }, { NIFTI_TYPE_COMPLEX256, 32, 16, "NIFTI_TYPE_COMPLEX256" } }; /*! this list provides a link between intent codes and their name strings */ typedef struct { int code; char * name; } gifti_intent_ele; static gifti_intent_ele gifti_intent_list[] = { { NIFTI_INTENT_NONE, "NIFTI_INTENT_NONE" }, { NIFTI_INTENT_CORREL, "NIFTI_INTENT_CORREL" }, { NIFTI_INTENT_TTEST, "NIFTI_INTENT_TTEST" }, { NIFTI_INTENT_FTEST, "NIFTI_INTENT_FTEST" }, { NIFTI_INTENT_ZSCORE, "NIFTI_INTENT_ZSCORE" }, { NIFTI_INTENT_CHISQ, "NIFTI_INTENT_CHISQ" }, { NIFTI_INTENT_BETA, "NIFTI_INTENT_BETA" }, { NIFTI_INTENT_BINOM, "NIFTI_INTENT_BINOM" }, { NIFTI_INTENT_GAMMA, "NIFTI_INTENT_GAMMA" }, { NIFTI_INTENT_POISSON, "NIFTI_INTENT_POISSON" }, { NIFTI_INTENT_NORMAL, "NIFTI_INTENT_NORMAL" }, { NIFTI_INTENT_FTEST_NONC, "NIFTI_INTENT_FTEST_NONC" }, { NIFTI_INTENT_CHISQ_NONC, "NIFTI_INTENT_CHISQ_NONC" }, { NIFTI_INTENT_LOGISTIC, "NIFTI_INTENT_LOGISTIC" }, { NIFTI_INTENT_LAPLACE, "NIFTI_INTENT_LAPLACE" }, { NIFTI_INTENT_UNIFORM, "NIFTI_INTENT_UNIFORM" }, { NIFTI_INTENT_TTEST_NONC, "NIFTI_INTENT_TTEST_NONC" }, { NIFTI_INTENT_WEIBULL, "NIFTI_INTENT_WEIBULL" }, { NIFTI_INTENT_CHI, "NIFTI_INTENT_CHI" }, { NIFTI_INTENT_INVGAUSS, "NIFTI_INTENT_INVGAUSS" }, { NIFTI_INTENT_EXTVAL, "NIFTI_INTENT_EXTVAL" }, { NIFTI_INTENT_PVAL, "NIFTI_INTENT_PVAL" }, { NIFTI_INTENT_LOGPVAL, "NIFTI_INTENT_LOGPVAL" }, { NIFTI_INTENT_LOG10PVAL, "NIFTI_INTENT_LOG10PVAL" }, { NIFTI_INTENT_ESTIMATE, "NIFTI_INTENT_ESTIMATE" }, { NIFTI_INTENT_LABEL, "NIFTI_INTENT_LABEL" }, { NIFTI_INTENT_NEURONAME, "NIFTI_INTENT_NEURONAME" }, { NIFTI_INTENT_GENMATRIX, "NIFTI_INTENT_GENMATRIX" }, { NIFTI_INTENT_SYMMATRIX, "NIFTI_INTENT_SYMMATRIX" }, { NIFTI_INTENT_DISPVECT, "NIFTI_INTENT_DISPVECT" }, { NIFTI_INTENT_VECTOR, "NIFTI_INTENT_VECTOR" }, { NIFTI_INTENT_POINTSET, "NIFTI_INTENT_POINTSET" }, { NIFTI_INTENT_TRIANGLE, "NIFTI_INTENT_TRIANGLE" }, { NIFTI_INTENT_QUATERNION, "NIFTI_INTENT_QUATERNION" }, { NIFTI_INTENT_DIMLESS, "NIFTI_INTENT_DIMLESS" }, { NIFTI_INTENT_TIME_SERIES, "NIFTI_INTENT_TIME_SERIES" }, { NIFTI_INTENT_NODE_INDEX, "NIFTI_INTENT_NODE_INDEX" }, { NIFTI_INTENT_RGB_VECTOR, "NIFTI_INTENT_RGB_VECTOR" }, { NIFTI_INTENT_RGBA_VECTOR, "NIFTI_INTENT_RGBA_VECTOR" }, { NIFTI_INTENT_SHAPE, "NIFTI_INTENT_SHAPE" } }; /*! this should match GIFTI_ENCODING_* */ char * gifti_encoding_list[] = { "Undefined", "ASCII", "Base64Binary", "GZipBase64Binary", "ExternalFileBinary" }; /*! this should match GIFTI_ENDIAN_* */ char * gifti_endian_list[] = {"Undefined", "BigEndian", "LittleEndian"}; /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* local prototypes */ static int can_compare_DA_data(const giiDataArray *d1,const giiDataArray *d2, int verb); static int compare_labeltables(const giiLabelTable *t1, const giiLabelTable *t2, int verb, int approx); static int copy_data_as_float(void * dest, int dtype, void * src, int stype, long long nvals); static int DA_data_exists(gifti_image * gim, const int * dalist, int len); static int str2list_index(char *list[], int max, const char *str); /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*! giftilib globals */ static gifti_globals G = { 1 }; /* ====================================================================== */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*! user variable accessor functions - basically use gxml interface */ int gifti_get_verb( void ) { return G.verb; } int gifti_set_verb( int level ) { G.verb = level; return 1; } int gifti_get_indent( void ) { return gxml_get_indent(); } int gifti_set_indent( int level ) { return gxml_set_indent(level); } int gifti_get_b64_check( void ) { return gxml_get_b64_check(); } int gifti_set_b64_check( int level ){ return gxml_set_b64_check(level); } int gifti_get_update_ok( void ) { return gxml_get_update_ok(); } int gifti_set_update_ok( int level ){ return gxml_set_update_ok(level); } int gifti_get_zlevel( void ) { return gxml_get_zlevel(); } int gifti_set_zlevel( int level ) { /* note that the default currently results in 6 */ if( level != GZ_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION && (level < 0 || level > 9 ) ) { fprintf(stderr,"** invalid zlevel, must be %d (default) or {0..9}\n", GZ_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION); return 1; } return gxml_set_zlevel(level); } int gifti_get_xml_buf_size(void) { return gxml_get_buf_size(); } int gifti_set_xml_buf_size(int buf_size){ return gxml_set_buf_size(buf_size); } /*! reset user variables to their defaults(via set to -1) */ int gifti_reset_user_vars(void) { gxml_set_verb(-1); gxml_set_dstore(-1); gxml_set_indent(-1); gxml_set_buf_size(-1); gxml_set_b64_check(-1); gxml_set_update_ok(-1); gxml_set_zlevel(-1); return 0; } /* end user variable accessor functions */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* ====================================================================== */ /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* begin general library functions */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! apply the attr=value GIFTI attribute to the gifti_image * * return 0 on success *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_str2attr_gifti(gifti_image * gim, const char *attr, const char *val) { if( !gim || !attr || !val ) { fprintf(stderr,"** GS2AG: bad params (%p,%p,%p)\n", (void *)gim, (void *)attr, (void *)val); return 1; } if( G.verb > 2 ) fprintf(stderr,"++ setting GIFTI attr '%s' from '%s'\n", attr, val); if( !strcmp(attr, "Version") ) { if( gim->version ) free( gim->version ); /* lose any old copy */ gim->version = gifti_strdup(val); } else if( !strcmp(attr, "NumberOfDataArrays") ) { gim->numDA = atol(val); if( gim->numDA < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"** invalid NumberOfDataArrays attribute: %s\n",val); gim->numDA = 0; return 1; } } else if( !strcmp(attr, "xmlns:xsi") || !strcmp(attr, "xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation") ) { if( G.verb > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"-- have GIFTI attr, '%s'='%s'\n",attr,val); return 1; } else { if( G.verb > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"** unknown GIFTI attrib, '%s'='%s'\n",attr,val); return 1; } return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! This is the main dataset reading routine. Read a GIFTI dataset * and return the corresponding gifti_image structure. * * Reading data is optional, via the read_data flag. * User variables should already be set (via accessor functions). * * return an allocated gifti_image struct on success, * NULL on error *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ gifti_image * gifti_read_image( const char * fname, int read_data ) { if( !fname ) { fprintf(stderr,"** gifti_read_image: missing filename\n"); return NULL; } gxml_set_verb(G.verb); return gxml_read_image(fname, read_data, NULL, 0); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! Similar to gifti_read_data, this function also takes an integer list of * DataArray indices to populate the gifti_image structure with. * * The indices are be zero-based, can have repeats and can be in any order. * A simple example to read 3 DA elements (with 2 repeats) might be: * * gifti_image * gim; * int ilist[5] = { 3, 0, 7, 7, 3 }; * gim = gifti_read_da_list("my_data.gii", 1, ilist, 5); * * return an allocated gifti_image struct on success, * NULL on error *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ gifti_image * gifti_read_da_list( const char * fname, int read_data, const int * dalist, int len ) { if( !fname ) { fprintf(stderr,"** gifti_read_da_list: missing filename\n"); return NULL; } gxml_set_verb(G.verb); return gxml_read_image(fname, read_data, dalist, len); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! This is the main dataset writing routine. * * User variables should be set before this point. * * return 0 on success * 1 on error *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_write_image(gifti_image *gim, const char *fname, int write_data) { int errs = 0; if( !gim ) { fprintf(stderr,"** gifti_write_image, missing gifti_image\n"); errs++; } else if( !fname ) { fprintf(stderr,"** gifti_write_image: missing filename\n"); errs++; } if( errs ) return 1; gxml_set_verb(G.verb); return gxml_write_image(gim, fname, write_data); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! free the gifti_image struct and all its contents * * passing NULL (to this and any child function) should be okay * * the pointer is garbage after this call *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_free_image( gifti_image * gim ) { if( !gim ) { if(G.verb > 2) fprintf(stderr,"** free gifti_image w/NULL pointer\n"); return 1; } if( G.verb > 2 ) fprintf(stderr,"-- freeing gifti_image\n"); if( gim->version ) { free(gim->version); gim->version = NULL; } (void)gifti_free_nvpairs(&gim->meta); (void)gifti_free_LabelTable(&gim->labeltable); (void)gifti_free_DataArray_list(gim->darray, gim->numDA); (void)gifti_free_nvpairs(&gim->ex_atrs); free(gim); return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! free the contents of the gifti_image struct (but not the pointer) * * the pointer is garbage after this call *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_free_image_contents( gifti_image * gim ) { if( !gim ) { if(G.verb > 2) fprintf(stderr,"** GFIC: free w/NULL gifti_image ptr\n"); return 1; } if( G.verb > 2 ) fprintf(stderr,"-- freeing gifti_image contents\n"); if( gim->version ) { free(gim->version); gim->version = NULL; } (void)gifti_free_nvpairs(&gim->meta); (void)gifti_free_LabelTable(&gim->labeltable); (void)gifti_free_DataArray_list(gim->darray, gim->numDA); (void)gifti_free_nvpairs(&gim->ex_atrs); return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! free the contents of the nvpairs struct (but not the pointer) * * passing NULL is okay *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_free_nvpairs( nvpairs * p ) { int c; if( !p ) { if( G.verb > 3 ) fprintf(stderr,"** free w/NULL nvpairs ptr\n"); return 1; } if( G.verb > 3 ) fprintf(stderr,"-- freeing %d nvpairs\n", p->length); if( p->name && p->value ) { for( c = 0; c < p->length; c++ ) { if( p->name[c] ) free(p->name[c]); if( p->value[c] ) free(p->value[c]); } free(p->name); free(p->value); p->name = NULL; p->value = NULL; } p->length = 0; return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! free the contents of the LabelTable struct (but not the pointer) * * passing NULL is okay *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_free_LabelTable( giiLabelTable * T ) { int c; if( !T ) { if(G.verb > 3) fprintf(stderr,"** free w/NULL giiLabelTable ptr\n"); return 1; } if(G.verb > 3) fprintf(stderr,"-- freeing %d giiLabelTable entries\n", T->length); if( T->key && T->label ) { for( c = 0; c < T->length; c++ ) if( T->label[c] ) free(T->label[c]); free(T->key); free(T->label); T->key = NULL; T->label = NULL; } if( T->rgba ) { free(T->rgba); T->rgba = NULL; } T->length = 0; return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! free the DataArray list (the array and all its contents) * * the darray list pointer is garbage after this call * * passing NULL is okay *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_free_DataArray_list(giiDataArray ** darray, int numDA) { int c; if( !darray ) { if( G.verb > 3 ) fprintf(stderr,"** GFDA: free NULL darray list\n"); return 1; } if( G.verb > 3 ) fprintf(stderr,"-- freeing %d giiDataArrays\n", numDA); if( numDA < 0 ) return 1; for( c = 0; c < numDA; c++ ) if( gifti_free_DataArray(darray[c]) ) return 1; free(darray); return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! free the DataArray struct and all its contents * * the DataArray pointer is garbage after this call * * passing NULL is okay *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_free_DataArray( giiDataArray * darray ) { if( !darray ) { if( G.verb > 3 ) fprintf(stderr,"** tried to free NULL darray ptr\n"); return 1; } if( G.verb > 3 ) fprintf(stderr,"-- freeing giiDataArray\n"); if(darray->ext_fname) { free(darray->ext_fname); darray->ext_fname = NULL; } (void)gifti_free_nvpairs(&darray->meta); (void)gifti_free_CS_list(darray); if( darray->data ) { free(darray->data); darray->data = NULL; } (void)gifti_free_nvpairs(&darray->ex_atrs); free(darray); return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! free the CoordSystem array from a DataArray * passing NULL is okay *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_free_CS_list( giiDataArray * da ) { int c; if( !da ) return 0; if( G.verb > 3 ) fprintf(stderr,"-- freeing giiCoordSystem list\n"); if( da->coordsys && da->numCS > 0 ) { for( c = 0; c < da->numCS; c++ ) gifti_free_CoordSystem(da->coordsys[c]); free(da->coordsys); } da->coordsys = NULL; da->numCS = 0; return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! free the CoordSystem struct and all its contents * * the CoordSystem pointer is garbage after this call * * passing NULL is okay *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_free_CoordSystem( giiCoordSystem * cs ) { if( !cs ) return 0; if( G.verb > 3 ) fprintf(stderr,"-- freeing giiCoordSystem\n"); if( cs->dataspace ) { free(cs->dataspace); cs->dataspace = NULL; } if( cs->xformspace ) { free(cs->xformspace); cs->xformspace = NULL; } free(cs); return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! initialize an existing DataArray structure given a list of name=value * attribute pairs * * if alen > 0, consider it the length of the attr list * else process until attr[i] == NULL * * if add_to_extras, add any bad attribute pairs to ex_atrs * else whine about any bad ones and return *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_set_DA_atrs(giiDataArray * da, const char ** attr, int alen, int add_to_extras ) { int c, length = alen; if( !da || !attr ) { if(G.verb>1) fprintf(stderr,"** G_IDFA: bad params (%p,%p)\n", (void *)da,(void *)attr); return 1; } /* if length was not passed, compute it */ if( length <= 0 ) for( length = 0; attr[length]; length++ ) /* nada */ ; if( G.verb > 5 ) fprintf(stderr,"++ init darray attrs, len %d, ex_atrs = %d\n", length, add_to_extras); /* insert attributes - if unknown, store with extras */ for(c = 0; c < length; c += 2 ) if( gifti_str2attr_darray(da, attr[c],attr[c+1]) ) { /* a bad name=value pair, maybe add to ex_atrs */ if( add_to_extras ) { if( gifti_add_to_nvpairs(&da->ex_atrs,attr[c],attr[c+1]) ) return 1; } else { if( G.verb > 0 ) fprintf(stderr,"** set_darray_atrs, bad pair '%s'='%s'\n", attr[c],attr[c+1]); return 1; } } /* and set computed values */ da->nvals = gifti_darray_nvals(da); gifti_datatype_sizes(da->datatype, &da->nbyper, NULL); /* set nbyper */ return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! determine whether the given DataArray struct seems valid * * if whine is set, print error messages for any failures * * return 1, if valid * 0, if not *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_valid_DataArray(const giiDataArray * da, int whine) { int errs = 0, nbyper; if( !da ) { if( whine || G.verb > 2 ) fprintf(stderr,"** invalid darray pointer\n"); return 0; } if( ! gifti_intent_is_valid(da->intent) ) { if( whine || G.verb > 3 ) fprintf(stderr,"** invalid darray intent code = %d\n", da->intent); errs++; } if( ! gifti_valid_datatype(da->datatype, whine) ) /* message printed */ errs++; /* no checks for ext_fname and ext_offset (until reading) */ if( da->ind_ord<=GIFTI_IND_ORD_UNDEF || da->ind_ord>GIFTI_IND_ORD_MAX ) { if( whine || G.verb > 3 ) fprintf(stderr,"** invalid darray ind_ord = %d\n", da->ind_ord); errs++; } if( ! gifti_valid_num_dim(da->num_dim, whine) ) /* message printed */ errs++; if( ! gifti_valid_dims(da, whine) ) /* message printed */ errs++; if( da->encoding<=GIFTI_ENCODING_UNDEF || da->encoding>GIFTI_ENCODING_MAX ){ if( whine || G.verb > 3 ) fprintf(stderr,"** invalid darray encoding = %d\n", da->encoding); errs++; } if( da->endian<=GIFTI_ENDIAN_UNDEF || da->endian>GIFTI_ENDIAN_MAX ) { if( whine || G.verb > 3 ) fprintf(stderr,"** invalid darray endian = %d\n", da->endian); errs++; } /* of sub-element, only verify giiMetaData */ if( ! gifti_valid_nvpairs(&da->meta, whine) ) /* message printed */ errs++; if( da->nvals <= 0 ) { if( whine || G.verb > 3 ) fprintf(stderr,"** invalid darray nvals = %u\n", (unsigned)da->nvals ); errs++; } if( ! gifti_valid_nbyper(da->nbyper, whine) ) errs++; if( ! gifti_valid_nvpairs(&da->ex_atrs, whine) ) errs++; /* compare nbyper to what is expected for type */ errs += gifti_datatype_sizes(da->datatype, &nbyper, NULL); if( gifti_valid_nbyper(nbyper, 0) && nbyper != da->nbyper ) { if( whine || G.verb > 3 ) fprintf(stderr,"** nbyper %d, does not match type %s\n", nbyper, gifti_datatype2str(da->datatype)); errs++; } if( errs ) return 0; return 1; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! check whether pointers are valid and consistent with length *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_valid_nvpairs(const nvpairs * nvp, int whine) { int c; if( !nvp ) { if( G.verb>3 || whine ) fprintf(stderr,"** invalid nvpairs pointer\n"); return 0; } if( nvp->length < 0 ) { if( G.verb > 3 || whine ) fprintf(stderr,"** invalid nvpair length = %d\n", nvp->length); return 0; } if( nvp->length == 0 ) return 1; /* quick case: valid */ if( !nvp->name || !nvp->value ){ if( G.verb > 3 || whine ) fprintf(stderr,"** invalid nvpair name, value lists = %p, %p\n", (void *)nvp->name, (void *)nvp->value); return 0; } /* quit on first error */ for( c = 0; c < nvp->length; c++ ) { if( ! nvp->name[c] ) { if( G.verb > 5 || whine ) fprintf(stderr,"** invalid nvpair, missing name @ %d\n", c); return 0; } /* value string is not required 25 Feb 2008 */ if( ! nvp->value[c] && G.verb > 3 ) fprintf(stderr,"-- missing nvpair value[%d], name %s (is OK)\n", c, nvp->name[c]); } return 1; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! check whether pointers are valid and consistent with length * * no check is done on the actual indices or labels *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_valid_LabelTable(const giiLabelTable * T, int whine) { float * rgba; int c, c2; if( !T ) { if(G.verb>2||whine) fprintf(stderr,"** invalid LabelTable pointer\n"); return 0; } if( T->length < 0 ) { if( G.verb > 3 || whine ) fprintf(stderr,"** invalid LabelTable length = %d\n", T->length); return 0; } if( T->length == 0 ) return 1; /* quick case: valid */ if( !T->key || !T->label ){ if( G.verb > 3 || whine ) fprintf(stderr,"** invalid nvpair key, label = %p, %p\n", (void *)T->key, (void *)T->label); return 0; } /* quit on first error */ rgba = T->rgba; for( c = 0; c < T->length; c++ ) { if( ! T->label[c] ) { if( G.verb > 3 || whine ) fprintf(stderr,"** invalid nvpair label[%d]\n", c); return 0; } if( rgba ) { for( c2 = 0; c2 < 4; c2++ ) if( rgba[c2] < 0.0 || rgba[c2] > 1.0 ) { if( G.verb > 3 || whine ) fprintf(stderr,"** RGBA values out of [0.0,1,0] at " "Label[%d]\n", c); return 0; } rgba += 4; /* if list exists, go to next set */ } } return 1; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! check the bounds on num_dim *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_valid_num_dim(int num_dim, int whine) { if( num_dim <= 0 || num_dim > GIFTI_DARRAY_DIM_LEN ) { if( G.verb > 3 || whine ) fprintf(stderr,"** invalid num_dim = %d\n", num_dim); return 0; } return 1; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! check that the datatype is in the list *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_valid_datatype(int dtype, int whine) { int c; /* check for valid */ for( c = sizeof(gifti_type_list) / sizeof(gifti_type_ele) - 1; c > 0; c-- ) if( dtype == gifti_type_list[c].type ) return 1; if( whine || G.verb > 3 ) fprintf(stderr,"** invalid datatype value %d\n", dtype); return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! check that nbyper is one of the values in gifti_type_list *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_valid_nbyper(int nbyper, int whine) { int c; /* check for valid */ for( c = sizeof(gifti_type_list) / sizeof(gifti_type_ele) - 1; c > 0; c-- ) if( nbyper == gifti_type_list[c].nbyper ) return 1; if( whine || G.verb > 3 ) fprintf(stderr,"** invalid nbyper value %d\n", nbyper); return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! check that dimension values are consistent (and with datatype) * * - num_dim is in range * - each dims[c] is postive (c < num_dim) * - nvals is product of dims * - datatype is valid (required to check nbyper) * - nbyper is correct *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_valid_dims(const giiDataArray * da, int whine) { long long vals = 1; int c, nbyper; if( !da ) { if( G.verb > 2 ) fprintf(stderr,"** GVD: no giiDataArray\n"); return 0; } if( ! gifti_valid_num_dim( da->num_dim, whine ) ) return 0; for( c = 0; c < da->num_dim; c++ ) { if( da->dims[c] <= 0 ) { if( G.verb > 3 || whine ) fprintf(stderr,"** invalid dims[%d] = %d\n", c, da->dims[c]); return 0; } vals *= da->dims[c]; } /* verify computed vals and nbyper against stored ones */ if( vals != da->nvals ) { if( G.verb > 3 ) { fprintf(stderr,"** nvals = %lld does not match %lld for dims[%d]: ", da->nvals, vals, da->num_dim); gifti_disp_raw_data(da->dims, DT_INT32, da->num_dim, 1, stderr); } return 0; } gifti_datatype_sizes(da->datatype, &nbyper, NULL); if( nbyper != da->nbyper ) { fprintf(stderr,"** nbyper %d not correct for type %s\n", da->nbyper, gifti_datatype2str(da->datatype)); return 0; } /* verify that num_dim is not too big, the most significant dimension * is not allowed to be 1 * (requested by N Schmansky) 11 Mar 2010 */ if( da->num_dim > 1 && da->dims[da->num_dim-1] < 2 ) { fprintf(stderr,"** num_dim violation: num_dim = %d, yet dim[%d] = %d\n", da->num_dim, da->num_dim-1, da->dims[da->num_dim-1]); return 0; } return 1; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! set the DataArray attribute, based on the name=value string pair * * return 0 on success * 1 on error *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_str2attr_darray(giiDataArray * DA, const char *attr, const char *value) { if( !DA || !attr || !value ) { if( G.verb > 0 ) fprintf(stderr,"** G_S2A_D: bad params (%p,%p,%p)\n", (void *)DA, (void *)attr, (void *)value); return 1; } if(G.verb > 3) fprintf(stderr,"++ setting DA attr '%s'='%s'\n",attr,value); if( !strcmp(attr, "Intent") ) DA->intent = gifti_intent_from_string(value); else if( !strcmp(attr, "DataType") ) DA->datatype = gifti_str2datatype(value); else if( !strcmp(attr, "ArrayIndexingOrder") ) DA->ind_ord = gifti_str2ind_ord(value); else if( !strcmp(attr, "Dimensionality") ) DA->num_dim = atoi(value); else if( !strcmp(attr, "Dim0") ) DA->dims[0] = atoi(value); else if( !strcmp(attr, "Dim1") ) DA->dims[1] = atoi(value); else if( !strcmp(attr, "Dim2") ) DA->dims[2] = atoi(value); else if( !strcmp(attr, "Dim3") ) DA->dims[3] = atoi(value); else if( !strcmp(attr, "Dim4") ) DA->dims[4] = atoi(value); else if( !strcmp(attr, "Dim5") ) DA->dims[5] = atoi(value); else if( !strcmp(attr, "Encoding") ) DA->encoding = gifti_str2encoding(value); else if( !strcmp(attr, "Endian") ) DA->endian = gifti_str2endian(value); else if( !strcmp(attr, "ExternalFileName") ) DA->ext_fname = gifti_strdup(value); else if( !strcmp(attr, "ExternalFileOffset") ) DA->ext_offset = atoll(value); /* assumes C99 */ else { if( G.verb > 1 ) /* might go into ex_atrs */ fprintf(stderr,"** unknown giiDataArray attr, '%s'='%s'\n", G_CHECK_NULL_STR(attr),G_CHECK_NULL_STR(value)); return 1; } return 0; } /* return 0 (UNDEFINED) on failure */ static int str2list_index( char * list[], int max, const char *str ) { int index; if( !list || !str ) { if( G.verb > 0 ) fprintf(stderr,"** str2list: bad params (%p,%p)\n", (void *)list, (void *)str); return 0; /* should be *_UNDEFINED */ } for( index = max; index > 0; index-- ) if( !strcmp(str, list[index]) ) return index; return 0; /* failure */ } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! return the index for a GIFTI_IND_ORD_* string *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_str2ind_ord( const char * str ) { int rv = str2list_index(gifti_index_order_list,GIFTI_IND_ORD_MAX,str); if( rv <= GIFTI_IND_ORD_UNDEF && G.verb > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"** bad index order, '%s'\n", str); return rv; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! return the index for a GIFTI_ENDODING_* string *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_str2encoding( const char * str ) { int rv = str2list_index(gifti_encoding_list, GIFTI_ENCODING_MAX, str); if( rv <= GIFTI_ENCODING_UNDEF && G.verb > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"** bad data encoding, '%s'\n", str); return rv; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! return the string at the given index of the given list * * This function is meant to index into one of the gifti_*_list arrays, * while being certain that the index is not out of range. *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ char * gifti_list_index2string(char * list[], int index) { int lsize; /* list size cannot be computed from the passed pointer */ if ( list == gifti_index_order_list ) lsize = sizeof(gifti_index_order_list)/sizeof(char *); else if( list == gifti_encoding_list ) lsize = sizeof(gifti_encoding_list)/sizeof(char *); else if( list == gifti_endian_list ) lsize = sizeof(gifti_endian_list)/sizeof(char *); else { fprintf(stderr,"** GLI2S: invalid list\n"); return "UNKNOWN LIST"; } if( index < 0 || index >= lsize ) { if( G.verb > 0) fprintf(stderr,"** GLI2S: index %d out of range {0..%d}\n", index,lsize-1); return "INDEX OUT OF RANGE"; } /* all that work, just for the expected indexing... */ return list[index]; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! return the NIFTI_TYPE_ value corresponding to the given string *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_str2datatype(const char * str) { int len = sizeof(gifti_type_list)/sizeof(gifti_type_ele); int c; for( c = len - 1; c > 0; c-- ) if( !strcmp(str, gifti_type_list[c].name) ) break; return gifti_type_list[c].type; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! return the GIFTI_ENDIAN_ value corresponding to the given string *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_str2endian( const char * str ) { int rv = str2list_index(gifti_endian_list, GIFTI_ENDIAN_MAX, str); if( rv <= GIFTI_ENCODING_UNDEF && G.verb > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"** bad endian, '%s'\n", G_CHECK_NULL_STR(str)); return rv; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! return the NIFTI_TYPE_ value string corresponding to the given type *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ char * gifti_datatype2str(int type) { int len = sizeof(gifti_type_list)/sizeof(gifti_type_ele); int c; for( c = len - 1; c > 0; c-- ) if( type == gifti_type_list[c].type) break; return gifti_type_list[c].name; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! simply set the struct contents to empty *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_clear_nvpairs(nvpairs * p) { if( !p ) return 1; p->length = 0; p->name = NULL; p->value = NULL; return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! simply set the struct contents to empty *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_clear_LabelTable(giiLabelTable * p) { if( !p ) return 1; p->length = 0; p->key = NULL; p->label = NULL; p->rgba = NULL; return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! simply set the struct contents to empty *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_clear_CoordSystem(giiCoordSystem * p) { if( !p ) return 1; p->dataspace = NULL; p->xformspace = NULL; memset(p->xform,0,sizeof(p->xform)); return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! add an empty CoordSystem struct to the DataArray *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_add_empty_CS(giiDataArray * da) { if( !da ) return 1; /* be safe, if anything looks bad, start clean */ if(da->numCS <= 0 || !da->coordsys) { da->numCS = 0; da->coordsys = NULL; } if(G.verb > 3 )fprintf(stderr,"++ adding empty CS[%d]\n", da->numCS); /* realloc coordsys pointer array, and add an empty structure */ da->coordsys = (giiCoordSystem **)realloc(da->coordsys, (da->numCS+1) * sizeof(giiCoordSystem *)); if( !da->coordsys ) { fprintf(stderr,"** AECS: failed to alloc %d CoordSys pointers\n", da->numCS+1); da->numCS = 0; return 1; } da->coordsys[da->numCS] = (giiCoordSystem *)malloc(sizeof(giiCoordSystem)); if( !da->coordsys[da->numCS] ) { fprintf(stderr,"** push_cstm: failed to alloc new CoordSystem\n"); return 1; } gifti_clear_CoordSystem(da->coordsys[da->numCS]); da->numCS++; return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! add an empty DataArray struct to the gim->darray list * * this both reallocates gim->darray and allocates gim->darray[new] * * if num_to_add > 0: add that many elements * if defaults : init each element with default values * * return 0 on success * 1 on error *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_add_empty_darray(gifti_image * gim, int num_to_add) { giiDataArray * dptr; int c, ntot, nnew = num_to_add > 0 ? num_to_add : 1; if( !gim ) return 1; if(G.verb > 3)fprintf(stderr,"++ alloc darray[%d] (+%d)\n",gim->numDA,nnew); /* allocate for additional pointers */ ntot = gim->numDA + nnew; gim->darray = (giiDataArray **)realloc(gim->darray, ntot*sizeof(giiDataArray *)); if( !gim->darray ) { fprintf(stderr,"** failed realloc darray, len %d\n", ntot); gim->numDA = 0; return 1; } /* allocate the actual giiDataArray structs, inserted at the end */ for( c = 0; c < nnew; c++ ) { dptr = (giiDataArray *)calloc(1, sizeof(giiDataArray)); if( !dptr ) { fprintf(stderr,"** failed to alloc DA element #%d\n",gim->numDA); return 1; /* leave allocated list as is */ } gim->darray[gim->numDA] = dptr; gim->numDA++; /* clear any non-value attributes/elements */ gifti_clear_DataArray(dptr); } return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! add the given name=value pair to the nvpairs struct * * this allocates memory for the p->name and p->value arrays, along * with duplicating the passed name/value strings *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_add_to_nvpairs(nvpairs * p, const char * name, const char * value) { int index; if( !p || !name || !value ) { if(G.verb > 1) fprintf(stderr,"** GATN: bad params(%p,%p,%p)\n", (void *)p, (void *)name, (void *)value); return 1; } p->length++; p->name = (char **)realloc(p->name, p->length * sizeof(char *)); p->value = (char **)realloc(p->value, p->length * sizeof(char *)); if( !p->name || !p->value ) { fprintf(stderr,"** GATN: failed to realloc %d pointers\n",p->length); return 1; } else if ( G.verb > 3 ) fprintf(stderr,"++ add_nvp [%d]: '%s', '%s'\n", p->length, name ? name : "NULL", value ? value : "NULL"); index = p->length - 1; p->name[index] = gifti_strdup(name); p->value[index] = gifti_strdup(value); if( !p->name[index] || !p->value[index] ) { fprintf(stderr,"** GATN: failed to copy pair '%s'='%s'\n",name,value); return 1; } return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! display the contents of the nvpairs struct *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_disp_nvpairs(const char * mesg, const nvpairs * p) { int c; if( mesg ) { fputs(mesg, stderr); fputc(' ', stderr); } if( !p ){ fputs("disp: nvpairs = NULL\n", stderr); return 1; } fprintf(stderr,"nvpairs struct, len = %d :\n", p->length); for(c = 0; c < p->length; c++ ) fprintf(stderr," nvpair: '%s' = '%s'\n", G_CHECK_NULL_STR(p->name[c]), G_CHECK_NULL_STR(p->value[c])); if( p->length > 0 ) fputc('\n', stderr); return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! display the contents of the LabelTable struct *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_disp_LabelTable(const char * mesg, const giiLabelTable * p) { float * rgba; int c; if( mesg ) { fputs(mesg, stderr); fputc(' ', stderr); } if( !p ){ fputs("disp: giiLabelTable = NULL\n", stderr); return 1; } fprintf(stderr,"giiLabelTable struct, len = %d :\n", p->length); rgba = p->rgba; for(c = 0; c < p->length; c++ ) { fprintf(stderr," key %d, ", p->key[c]); if( rgba ) { fprintf(stderr,"rgba (%5.3f, %5.3f, %5.3f, %5.3f), ", rgba[0], rgba[1], rgba[2], rgba[3]); rgba += 4; } fprintf(stderr,"label '%s'\n", G_CHECK_NULL_STR(p->label[c])); } if( p->length > 0 ) fputc('\n', stderr); return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! display the contents of the CoordSystem struct *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_disp_CoordSystem(const char * mesg, const giiCoordSystem * p) { int c1, c2; if( mesg ) { fputs(mesg, stderr); fputc(' ', stderr); } if( !p ){ fputs("disp: giiCoordSystem = NULL\n", stderr); return 1; } fprintf(stderr,"giiCoordSystem struct\n" " dataspace = %s\n" " xformspace = %s\n", G_CHECK_NULL_STR(p->dataspace), G_CHECK_NULL_STR(p->xformspace)); for( c1 = 0; c1 < 4; c1++ ) { fprintf(stderr," xform[%d] :", c1); for( c2 = 0; c2 < 4; c2++ ) fprintf(stderr," %f", p->xform[c1][c2]); fputc('\n', stderr); } return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! display the contents of the DataArray struct * * if 'subs' is set, display the contents of the sub-structures *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_disp_DataArray(const char * mesg, const giiDataArray * p, int subs) { int c; fprintf(stderr,"--------------------------------------------------\n"); if( mesg ) { fputs(mesg, stderr); fputc(' ', stderr); } if( !p ){ fputs("disp: giiDataArray = NULL\n", stderr); return 1; } fprintf(stderr,"giiDataArray struct\n" " intent %4d = %s\n" " datatype %2d = %s\n" " ind_ord %2d = %s\n" " num_dim = %d\n" " dims = %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d\n" " encoding %2d = %s\n" " endian %2d = %s\n" " ext_fname = %s\n" " ext_offset = %lld\n" , p->intent, gifti_intent_to_string(p->intent), p->datatype, gifti_datatype2str(p->datatype), p->ind_ord, gifti_list_index2string(gifti_index_order_list, p->ind_ord), p->num_dim, p->dims[0], p->dims[1], p->dims[2], p->dims[3], p->dims[4], p->dims[5], p->encoding, gifti_list_index2string(gifti_encoding_list, p->encoding), p->endian, gifti_list_index2string(gifti_endian_list, p->endian), G_CHECK_NULL_STR(p->ext_fname), p->ext_offset ); if( subs ) gifti_disp_nvpairs("darray->meta", &p->meta); if( subs ) for( c = 0; c < p->numCS; c++ ) gifti_disp_CoordSystem("darray->coordsys", p->coordsys[c]); fprintf(stderr," data = %s\n" " nvals = %u\n" " nbyper = %d\n" " numCS = %d\n", p->data ? "" : "NULL", (unsigned)p->nvals, p->nbyper, p->numCS); if( subs ) gifti_disp_nvpairs("darray->ex_atrs", &p->ex_atrs); fprintf(stderr,"--------------------------------------------------\n"); return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! display the contents of the gifti_image struct * * if 'subs' is set, display the contents of the sub-structures, such * as all of the DataArray elements *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_disp_gifti_image(const char * mesg, const gifti_image * p, int subs) { fprintf(stderr,"==================================================\n"); if( mesg ) { fputs(mesg, stderr); fputc(' ', stderr); } if( !p ){ fputs("disp: gifti_image = NULL\n", stderr); return 1; } fprintf(stderr,"gifti_image struct\n" " version = %s\n" " numDA = %d\n", G_CHECK_NULL_STR(p->version), p->numDA); if( subs ) { char buf[32]; int c; gifti_disp_nvpairs("gim->meta", &p->meta); gifti_disp_LabelTable("gim->labeltable", &p->labeltable); for( c = 0; c < p->numDA; c++ ) { sprintf(buf, "gim->darray[%d]", c); gifti_disp_DataArray(buf, p->darray[c], subs); } } fprintf(stderr,"gifti_image struct\n" " swapped = %d\n" " compressed = %d\n", p->swapped, p->compressed); fprintf(stderr," -- darray totals: %lld MB\n",gifti_gim_DA_size(p,1)); if( subs ) gifti_disp_nvpairs("gim->ex_atrs" , &p->ex_atrs); fprintf(stderr,"==================================================\n"); return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! compute the number of bytes summed over all DataArray elements * * if in_mb is set, return the (rounded) number of megabytes * (i.e. 17 is 17 MB) *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ long long gifti_gim_DA_size(const gifti_image * p, int in_mb) { long long bytes = 0; int c; if( !p ) return -1; if( !p->darray || p->numDA <= 0 ) return 0; for( c = 0; c < p->numDA; c++ ) { if( ! p->darray[c]->data ) continue; /* skip anything without data */ if( p->darray[c]->nvals <= 0 || p->darray[c]->nbyper <= 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"** have data[%d], but nvals = %lld, nbyper = %d\n", c, p->darray[c]->nvals, p->darray[c]->nbyper); return 0; } bytes += p->darray[c]->nvals * p->darray[c]->nbyper; } if( bytes <= 0LL ) return 0; if( in_mb ) bytes = (bytes + (1<<19) ) >> 20; /* round to nearest MB */ return bytes; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! given a datatype, return the corresponding bytes per value and swapsize * * nbyper and swapsize are filled only if the pointers are set *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_datatype_sizes(int datatype, int *nbyper, int *swapsize) { int c; for( c = sizeof(gifti_type_list) / sizeof(gifti_type_ele) - 1; c > 0; c-- ) if( datatype == gifti_type_list[c].type ) { if( nbyper ) *nbyper = gifti_type_list[c].nbyper; if( swapsize ) *swapsize = gifti_type_list[c].swapsize; return 0; } if( G.verb > 0 ) fprintf(stderr,"** GDS with bad datatype %d\n", datatype); if( nbyper ) *nbyper = 0; if( swapsize ) *swapsize = 0; return 1; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! compute the total number of data values in a DataArray element *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ long long gifti_darray_nvals(const giiDataArray * da) { long long ndim = 1; int c; if(!da){ fprintf(stderr,"** GDND, no ptr\n"); return 0; } if( ! gifti_valid_num_dim(da->num_dim, 0) ) { fprintf(stderr,"** giiDataArray has illegal num_dim = %d\n", da->num_dim); return 0; } for( c = 0; c < da->num_dim; c++ ) ndim *= da->dims[c]; if( ndim <= 0 ) { gifti_disp_DataArray("** bad Dim list in ", da, 0); return 0; } return ndim; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! find giiDataArray element #index of the given intent *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ giiDataArray * gifti_find_DA(gifti_image * gim, int intent, int index) { int c, nfound; if( !gim || !gifti_intent_is_valid(intent) || index < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"** find_DA: bad inputs (%p, %d, %d)\n", (void*)gim, intent, index); return NULL; } if ( !gim-> darray ) return NULL; for( c = 0, nfound = 0; c < gim->numDA; c++ ) if( gim->darray[c] && gim->darray[c]->intent == intent ) { if( nfound == index ) return gim->darray[c]; /* success */ nfound++; /* else, increment counter and keep looking */ } return NULL; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! return an allocated list of giiDataArray pointers of the given intent * * 'list' should be freed or taken *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_find_DA_list(gifti_image * gim, int intent, giiDataArray *** list, int * len) { int c, nfound; if( !gim || !gifti_intent_is_valid(intent) || !list || !len ) { fprintf(stderr,"** find_DA: bad inputs (%p, %d, %p, %p)\n", (void *)gim, intent, (void *)list, (void *)len); return 1; } if ( !gim->darray ) return 1; /* create one big enough to hold everything */ *len = gim->numDA; *list = (giiDataArray **)calloc(*len, sizeof(giiDataArray *)); if( !*list ) { fprintf(stderr,"** find_DA_list: failed to alloc %d ptrs\n",*len); *len = 0; return 1; } for( c = 0, nfound = 0; c < gim->numDA; c++ ) if( gim->darray[c] && gim->darray[c]->intent == intent ) (*list)[nfound++] = gim->darray[c]; /* if we didn't find any, nuke list, but do not return an error */ if( nfound == 0 ) { free(*list); *list = NULL; *len = 0; return 0; } /* otherwise, reallocate a smaller list */ if( nfound < *len ) { *len = nfound; *list = (giiDataArray**)realloc(*list,*len*sizeof(giiDataArray*)); if( !*list ) { fprintf(stderr,"** find_DA_list: failed realloc of %d ptrs\n",*len); *len = 0; return 1; } } return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! given metadata name, return the corresponding value (or NULL) * * no allocation is done here *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ char * gifti_get_meta_value(const nvpairs * nvp, const char * name) { int c; if( !nvp || !name ) { if( G.verb > 3 ) fprintf(stderr,"** get_meta_value: NULL input (%p, %p)\n", (void*)nvp, name); return NULL; } if( G.verb > 5 ) fprintf(stderr,"-- G_get_meta_value: looking for name = '%s'\n", name); if ( !nvp->name || !nvp->value || nvp->length <= 0 ) { if( G.verb > 3 ) fprintf(stderr,"-- G_get_meta_value: no name/value array\n"); return NULL; } for( c = 0; c < nvp->length; c++ ) if( !strcmp(nvp->name[c], name) ) break; /* found */ if( c >= nvp->length ) return NULL; if( G.verb > 3 ) fprintf(stderr,"++ found meta '%s'='%s'\n",nvp->name[c],nvp->value[c]); return nvp->value[c]; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! return the number of 'rows' and 'columns' of a DataArray element * * define rows to be the number of nodes, which should be the slowest * changing element, depending on the index order (kuru kuru pa) *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_DA_rows_cols(giiDataArray * da, long long * rows, long long * cols) { *rows = da->dims[0]; /* init */ *cols = 1; if( da->num_dim == 1 ) return 0; /* use default */ if( da->ind_ord == GIFTI_IND_ORD_ROW_MAJOR ) { /* treat Dim[0] as nodes (they change most slowly) */ *rows = da->dims[0]; *cols = (*rows) ? da->nvals / *rows : 1; /* be safe */ } else { if( ! gifti_valid_num_dim(da->num_dim, 1) ){ fprintf(stderr,"** cannot assign DA_rows_cols"); return 1; } *rows = da->dims[da->num_dim-1]; /* take highest index */ *cols = (*rows > 0) ? da->nvals / *rows : 1; } return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! print the gifti library history string *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void gifti_disp_lib_hist(void) { int c, len = sizeof(gifti_history)/sizeof(char *); for( c = 0; c < len; c++ ) fputs(gifti_history[c], stdout); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! print the gifti library version string *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void gifti_disp_lib_version(void) { printf("%s, compiled %s\n", gifti_version, __DATE__); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! return the gifti library version string *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ char * gifticlib_version(void) { return gifti_version; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! print the gifti DTD URL *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void gifti_disp_dtd_url(void) { printf("The GIFTI Document Type Definition (DTD) is at:\n %s\n", GIFTI_XML_DTD_SOURCE); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! display data in hexidecimal, on one line * * if mesg is set, print the message first * if fp is not set, print to stdout *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_disp_hex_data(const char *mesg, const void *data, int len, FILE *fp) { const char * dp = (const char *)data; FILE * stream; int c; stream = fp ? fp : stdout; if( !data || len < 1 ) return -1; if( mesg ) fputs(mesg, stream); for( c = 0; c < len; c++ ) fprintf(stream, " %02x", dp[c]); return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! swap sets of 2-byte values *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_swap_2bytes(void * data, long long nsets) { char * cp1 = (char *)data, * cp2; char tval; long long c; for( c = 0; c < nsets; c++ ) { cp2 = cp1 + 1; tval = *cp1; *cp1 = *cp2; *cp2 = tval; cp1 += 2; } return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! swap sets of 4-byte values *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_swap_4bytes(void * data, long long nsets) { char * cp0 = (char *)data, * cp1, * cp2; char tval; long long c; for( c = 0; c < nsets; c++ ) { cp1 = cp0; cp2 = cp0 + 3; tval = *cp1; *cp1 = *cp2; *cp2 = tval; cp1++; cp2--; tval = *cp1; *cp1 = *cp2; *cp2 = tval; cp0 += 4; } return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! swap sets of N-byte values * * if N < 2 : just return * if N = 2 or N = 4: call explicit function for that size (speed) * else : swap in a loop *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_swap_Nbytes(void * data, long long nsets, int swapsize) { char * cp0, * cp1, * cp2; char tval; long long c; int offset; /* swapsize - 1, for speed */ if( ! data || nsets < 0 || swapsize < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"** swap_Nbytes: bad params (%p,%lld,%d)\n", (void *)data, nsets, swapsize); return 1; } if ( swapsize < 2 ) return 0; /* nothing to do */ else if( swapsize == 2 ) return gifti_swap_2bytes(data, nsets); else if( swapsize == 4 ) return gifti_swap_4bytes(data, nsets); /* peform a swap */ cp0 = (char *)data; offset = swapsize-1; /* just for speed */ for( c = 0; c < nsets; c++ ) { cp1 = cp0; cp2 = cp0 + offset; while( cp2 > cp1 ) { tval = *cp1; *cp1 = *cp2; *cp2 = tval; cp1++; cp2--; } cp0 += swapsize; } return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! return the current CPU endian: GIFTI_ENDIAN_BIG or _LITTLE *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_get_this_endian(void) { int one = 1; char * cp = (char *)&one; if( *cp ) return GIFTI_ENDIAN_LITTLE; return GIFTI_ENDIAN_BIG; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! if endian does not match that of this CPU, swap the data bytes * * return whether bytes were swapped *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_check_swap(void * data, int endian, long long nsets, int swapsize) { if( !data || nsets < 0 || swapsize < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"** check_swap: bad params (%p,%lld, %d)\n", (void *)data, nsets, swapsize); return 0; } else if ( endian <= GIFTI_ENDIAN_UNDEF || endian > GIFTI_ENDIAN_MAX ) { fprintf(stderr, "** check_swap: invalid endian %d\n", endian); return 0; } /* if endian is the same as this one, just return */ if( endian == gifti_get_this_endian() ) { if( G.verb > 2 ) fprintf(stderr,"-- darray no swap needed : %lld sets of %d bytes\n", nsets, swapsize); return 0; } if( G.verb > 2 ) fprintf(stderr,"++ darray swap: %lld sets of %d bytes\n", nsets, swapsize); /* do the swap */ (void)gifti_swap_Nbytes(data, nsets, swapsize); return 1; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Allocate and fill the data array with data read from the given * external file. * * return 0 on success *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_read_extern_DA_data(giiDataArray * da) { FILE * fp; long long nbytes, nread; if( !da || !da->ext_fname || !*da->ext_fname ) return 0; if(G.verb > 4) fprintf(stderr,"-- external read of '%s'\n",da->ext_fname); if( da->ext_offset < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"** want external DA data with bad offset %lld\n", da->ext_offset); return 1; } else if( da->data ) { fprintf(stderr,"** want external DA data but data already allocated\n"); return 1; } else if ( !gifti_valid_dims(da, 1) ) { fprintf(stderr,"** cannot read external DA data with bad dims...\n"); return 1; } /* allocate data */ nbytes = da->nvals * da->nbyper; da->data = calloc(da->nvals, da->nbyper); /* zero in case of read failure */ if( !da->data ) { fprintf(stderr,"** failed to alloc %lld bytes for external read\n", nbytes); return 1; } /* open file, jump to offset and read */ fp = fopen(da->ext_fname, "r"); if( !fp ) { fprintf(stderr,"** ext read: failed to open '%s'\n",da->ext_fname); return 1; } if( fseek(fp, da->ext_offset, SEEK_SET) ) { fprintf(stderr,"** ext read: failed to seek to %lld in '%s'\n", da->ext_offset, da->ext_fname); fclose(fp); return 1; } nread = fread(da->data, sizeof(char), nbytes, fp); fclose(fp); /* close now in any case */ if( nread != nbytes ) { fprintf(stderr,"** ext_read: read only %lld of %lld bytes from %s\n", nread, nbytes, da->ext_fname); return 1; } if(G.verb > 2) fprintf(stderr,"-- read %lld bytes from external '%s' @ %lld\n", nbytes, da->ext_fname, da->ext_offset); return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Write DA data to the given external file. * * Note: the given ext_offset _must_ refer to the current end of file. * * return 0 on success *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_write_extern_DA_data(giiDataArray * da) { FILE * fp; long long nbytes, nwritten, posn; if( !da || !da->ext_fname || !*da->ext_fname ) return 0; if(G.verb > 4) fprintf(stderr,"-- external write to '%s'\n",da->ext_fname); if( da->ext_offset < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"** bad offset for external DA data write, %lld\n", da->ext_offset); return 1; } else if( !da->data ) { fprintf(stderr,"** no data for external DA data write\n"); return 1; } else if ( !gifti_valid_dims(da, 1) ) { fprintf(stderr,"** cannot write external DA data with bad dims...\n"); return 1; } nbytes = da->nvals * da->nbyper; /* open file for append and verify that the file offset matches this one */ fp = fopen(da->ext_fname, "a+"); if( !fp ) { fprintf(stderr,"** ext write: failed to open '%s' for append\n", da->ext_fname); return 1; } /* we should be at the end of the file, which measn posn da->ext_offset */ fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END); /* append should write to the end, but be sure */ posn = ftell(fp); if( posn != da->ext_offset ) { fprintf(stderr,"** ext write: cur posn (%lld) not ext_offset (%lld)" " in file %s\n", posn, da->ext_offset, da->ext_fname); fclose(fp); return 1; } nwritten = fwrite(da->data, sizeof(char), nbytes, fp); fclose(fp); /* close now in any case */ if( nwritten != nbytes ) { fprintf(stderr,"** ext_write: appended only %lld of %lld bytes to %s\n", nwritten, nbytes, da->ext_fname); return 1; } if(G.verb > 2) fprintf(stderr,"-- appended %lld bytes to external '%s' @ %lld\n", nbytes, da->ext_fname, da->ext_offset); return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Apply the file list as external files. * * The files are assumed to be partitioned by DataArray entries. So * the list length must divide numDA evenly. * * External files are not checked for her, as this is independent of any * read or write operation. * * return 0 on success *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_set_extern_filelist(gifti_image * gim, int nfiles, char ** files) { giiDataArray * da; long long nbytes, offset; int nper; int daindex, findex, oindex; if(!gim || gim->numDA <= 0 || nfiles <= 0 || !files) { if(G.verb>1) fprintf(stderr,"-- set_extern_filelist: nothing to do\n"); return 1; } nper = gim->numDA / nfiles; if(G.verb>4) fprintf(stderr,"-- set_extern_flist for %d files (nper=%d)\n", nfiles, nper); if( nfiles * nper != gim->numDA ) { /* be sure division is integral */ fprintf(stderr,"** Cannot evenly divide %d DataArrays by %d" " external files\n", gim->numDA, nfiles); return 1; } daindex = 0; /* DataArray index */ for( findex = 0; findex < nfiles; findex++ ) { if( !files[findex] || !*files[findex] ) { fprintf(stderr,"** set_extern_flist: missing filename %d\n",findex); return 1; } /* note and check nbytes */ nbytes = gim->darray[daindex]->nvals * gim->darray[daindex]->nbyper; if( nbytes <= 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"** gifti_set_extern_filelist: bad nbytes\n"); return 1; } /* within this file, offset will be multiples of nbytes */ for( oindex=0, offset=0; oindex < nper; oindex++, offset += nbytes ) { da = gim->darray[daindex]; if( nbytes != da->nvals * da->nbyper ) { fprintf(stderr,"** set_extern_flist: nbytes mismatch at DA[%d]\n" " (expected %lld, found %lld)\n", daindex, nbytes, da->nvals * da->nbyper); return 1; } /* set encoding and external file fields */ da->encoding = GIFTI_ENCODING_EXTBIN; da->ext_fname = gifti_strdup(files[findex]); da->ext_offset = offset; daindex++; /* increment DataArray index every time */ } } if(G.verb > 2) fprintf(stderr,"++ set extern file list, %d files, %d DAs per file", nfiles, nper); return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Given a NIFTI_INTENT string, such as "NIFTI_INTENT_NODE_INDEX", * return the corresponding integral intent code. The intent code is * the macro value defined in nifti1.h. * * return 0 on failure (NIFTI_INTENT_NONE) *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_intent_from_string( const char * name ) { int tablen = sizeof(gifti_intent_list)/sizeof(gifti_intent_ele); int c; if( !name ) return 0; for( c = tablen-1; c > 0; c-- ) if( !strcmp(name, gifti_intent_list[c].name) ) break; return gifti_intent_list[c].code; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Given a NIFTI_TYPE value, such as NIFTI_TYPE_INT16, return the * corresponding macro label as a string. The dtype code is the * macro value defined in nifti1.h. *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ char * gifti_intent_to_string( int code ) { int tablen = sizeof(gifti_intent_list)/sizeof(gifti_intent_ele); int c; for( c = tablen-1; c > 0; c-- ) if( gifti_intent_list[c].code == code ) break; return gifti_intent_list[c].name; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! Return whether the given code is a valid NIFTI_INTENT code. *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_intent_is_valid( int code ) { int tablen = sizeof(gifti_intent_list)/sizeof(gifti_intent_ele); int c; for( c = tablen-1; c > 0; c-- ) if( gifti_intent_list[c].code == code ) break; return( c >= 0 ); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! duplicate the given string *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ char * gifti_strdup( const char * src ) { char * newstr; int len; if( !src ) return NULL; /* easy case */ len = strlen(src) + 1; newstr = (char *)malloc(len * sizeof(char)); if( !newstr ) { fprintf(stderr,"** failed gifti_strdup, len = %d\n", len); return NULL; } strcpy(newstr, src); return newstr; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! duplicate the given giiDataArray struct, optionally including data * * Allocate for a new struct, and fill it so that the contents are * identical (sans pointers) to orig. Sub-structure arrays will need * to be allocated, also. * * If get_data is not set, gnew->data will be left as NULL. * * return the address of the newly allocated structure *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ giiDataArray * gifti_copy_DataArray(const giiDataArray * orig, int get_data) { giiDataArray * gnew; int c; if( ! orig ){ fprintf(stderr,"** copy_DA: input is NULL\n"); return NULL; } if(G.verb > 5) fprintf(stderr,"++ copying giiDataArray...\n"); gnew = (giiDataArray *)calloc(1, sizeof(giiDataArray)); if(!gnew){fprintf(stderr,"** copy_DA, failed to alloc DA\n"); return NULL;} /* cheat - start by copying the entire struct contents */ *gnew = *orig; /* copy any pointer data or structures */ gnew->ext_fname = gifti_strdup(orig->ext_fname); gifti_copy_nvpairs(&gnew->meta, &orig->meta); if( orig->numCS > 0 && orig->coordsys ) { gnew->coordsys = (giiCoordSystem **)malloc(gnew->numCS * sizeof(giiCoordSystem *)); if(!gnew->coordsys) { fprintf(stderr,"** copy_DA: failed to alloc %d CS pointers\n", gnew->numCS); gnew->numCS = 0; } else for( c = 0; c < gnew->numCS; c++ ) gnew->coordsys[c] = gifti_copy_CoordSystem(orig->coordsys[c]); } /* maybe the needy user wants data, too */ if(orig->data && get_data) { if(G.verb > 5) fprintf(stderr,"++ copy_DA, adding data\n"); gnew->data = malloc(gnew->nvals * gnew->nbyper); if(!gnew->data) /* continue? */ fprintf(stderr,"** copy DA, failed to alloc %lld bytes for data\n", gnew->nvals * gnew->nbyper); memcpy(gnew->data, orig->data, gnew->nvals * gnew->nbyper); } else gnew->data = NULL; /* last and certainly least, ex_atrs */ gifti_copy_nvpairs(&gnew->ex_atrs, &orig->ex_atrs); return gnew; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! dupliate the giiCoordSystem struct (passing NULL is okay) *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ giiCoordSystem * gifti_copy_CoordSystem(const giiCoordSystem * src) { giiCoordSystem * csnew; int r, c; if( !src ) return NULL; /* this may be okay */ if( G.verb > 6 ) fprintf(stderr,"++ copy_CS\n"); csnew = (giiCoordSystem *)malloc(sizeof(giiCoordSystem)); if( !csnew ){ fprintf(stderr,"** copy_CS: failed alloc\n"); return NULL; } csnew->dataspace = gifti_strdup(src->dataspace); csnew->xformspace = gifti_strdup(src->xformspace); for( r = 0; r < 4; r++ ) for( c = 0; c < 4; c++ ) csnew->xform[r][c] = src->xform[r][c]; return csnew; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! dupliate the contents of the giiLabelTable struct *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_copy_LabelTable(giiLabelTable * dest, const giiLabelTable * src) { int c; if( !src || !dest ) { fprintf(stderr,"** copy_LabelTable: bad params (%p,%p)\n", (void *)src, (void *)dest); return 1; } if( G.verb > 6 ) fprintf(stderr,"++ copy_LT\n"); /* quick case: empty table */ if( src->length <= 0 ) return gifti_clear_LabelTable(dest); /* otherwise, allocate and copy lists */ dest->length = src->length; dest->key = (int *)malloc(dest->length * sizeof(int)); dest->label = (char **)malloc(dest->length * sizeof(char *)); if( src->rgba ) dest->rgba = (float *)malloc(dest->length * 4 * sizeof(float)); /* check for failure */ if( !dest->key || !dest->label || (src->rgba && !dest->rgba) ) { fprintf(stderr,"** failed to dup label arrays of length %d\n", dest->length); gifti_free_LabelTable(dest); return 1; } /* copy any rgba list */ if( dest->rgba ) memcpy(dest->rgba, src->rgba, dest->length * 4 * sizeof(float)); /* copy indices */ for( c = 0; c < dest->length; c++ ) dest->key[c] = src->key[c]; /* copy labels */ for( c = 0; c < dest->length; c++ ) dest->label[c] = gifti_strdup(src->label[c]); return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! dupliate the contents of one nvpairs structure into an empty one * * return 0 on success *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_copy_nvpairs(nvpairs * dest, const nvpairs * src) { if( !dest || !src ){ fprintf(stderr,"** copy_NVP, bad params (%p,%p)\n", (void*)dest,(void*)src); return 1; } if( G.verb > 6 ) fprintf(stderr,"++ copy_nvp, length %d\n", src->length); /* check for a simple case */ if( src->length <= 0 || !src->name || !src->value ) { dest->length = 0; dest->name = dest->value = NULL; return 0; } /* else, copy the lists */ dest->length = src->length; dest->name = gifti_copy_char_list(src->name, src->length); dest->value = gifti_copy_char_list(src->value, src->length); return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! dupliate the list of strings *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ char ** gifti_copy_char_list(char ** list, int len) { char ** newlist = NULL; int c; if( !list || len <= 0 ) return NULL; newlist = (char **)malloc(len * sizeof(char *)); if( !newlist ) { fprintf(stderr,"** copy_char_list fails for %d pointers\n", len); return NULL; } for( c = 0; c < len; c++) /* big finish */ newlist[c] = gifti_strdup(list[c]); return newlist; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! copy any GIFTI MetaData named 'name' from dest to src (replace old) * * return 0 on success, 1 on failure to find, -1 on error *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_copy_gifti_meta(gifti_image * dest, gifti_image * src, const char * name) { char * value; if( !dest || !src || !name ) { if( G.verb > 0 ) fprintf(stderr,"** copy_gifti_meta: bad params(%p,%p,%p)\n", (void *)dest, (void *)src, name); return -1; } value = gifti_get_meta_value(&src->meta, name); if( !value ) { if( G.verb > 4 ) fprintf(stderr,"-- GCGM: did not find meta name '%s'\n", name); return 1; } return gifti_add_to_meta(&dest->meta, name, value, 1); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! copy any DataArray MetaData named 'name' from dest to src (replace old) * (apply to list of DAs, or to all) * * return 0 on success, 1 on failure to find, -1 on error *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_copy_DA_meta_many(gifti_image * dest, gifti_image * src, const char * name, const int * dalist, int len) { int c, index, use_list, numDA, rv = 0; if( !dest || !dest->darray || !src || !src->darray || !name ) { if( G.verb > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"** GCDAMM: bad params\n"); return -1; } /* if they are not equal, it is probably a user mistake to be here */ if( dest->numDA != src->numDA ) { if(G.verb>0) fprintf(stderr,"-- cannot copy DA meta, numDA %d != %d\n", src->numDA, dest->numDA); return -1; } /* the empty case is probably not an error */ if( dest->numDA <= 0 || src->numDA <= 0 ) { if( G.verb > 4 ) fprintf(stderr,"-- GCDAMM: numDA %d, %d\n", src->numDA, dest->numDA); return 0; } /* decide whether to use dalist or all DAs */ use_list = gifti_valid_int_list(dalist, len, 0, src->numDA-1, G.verb); if( use_list && G.verb > 2 ) fprintf(stderr,"++ copy_DA_meta_many, %s (list length %d)\n", use_list ? "DA in list" : "all DAs", len); /* finally, get to work */ numDA = use_list ? len : src->numDA; for( c = 0; c < numDA; c++ ) { index = use_list ? dalist[c] : c; /* choose appropriate DA index */ /* note any failures */ rv |= gifti_copy_DA_meta(dest->darray[index], src->darray[index], name); } return rv; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! copy any DataArray MetaData named 'name' from dest to src (replace old) * * return 0 on success, 1 on failure to find, -1 on error *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_copy_DA_meta(giiDataArray *dest, giiDataArray *src, const char *name) { char * value; if( !dest || !src || !name ) { if( G.verb > 0 ) fprintf(stderr,"** copy_DA_meta: bad params(%p,%p,%p)\n", (void *)dest, (void *)src, name); return -1; } value = gifti_get_meta_value(&src->meta, name); if( !value ) { if( G.verb > 4 ) fprintf(stderr,"-- GCDAM: did not find meta name '%s'\n", name); return 1; } return gifti_add_to_meta(&dest->meta, name, value, 1); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! copy ALL DataArray MetaData from dest to src (replace old) * * return 0 on success, 1 on failure to find, -1 on error *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_copy_all_DA_meta(giiDataArray *dest, giiDataArray *src) { int c, rv = 0; if( !dest || !src ) { if( G.verb > 0 ) fprintf(stderr,"** copy_all_DA_meta: bad params(%p,%p)\n", (void *)dest, (void *)src); return -1; } for( c = 0; c < src->meta.length; c++ ) rv |= gifti_copy_DA_meta(dest, src, src->meta.name[c]); return rv; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! find any differences between the two images * * verb 0-3 = quiet, state diff, state per DA, state all diffs * * return 0 if they are the same, 1 if they differ *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_compare_gifti_images(const gifti_image * g1, const gifti_image * g2, int comp_data, int verb) { int diffs = 0, data_diffs = 0, gdiffs = 0, c, rv, numDA; int lverb = verb; /* possibly override passed 'verb' */ if( G.verb > lverb ) lverb = G.verb; if( !g1 || !g2 ) { if( !g1 && !g2 ) return 0; /* both NULL means equal */ if(lverb) printf("-- gifti_images differ (exactly one is NULL)\n"); return 1; } /* check main structs */ if( gifti_compare_gims_only(g1, g2, lverb) ) { if( lverb > 0 ) printf("++ gifti_images differ\n"); if( lverb < 2 ) return 1; /* all we need to know */ gdiffs++; } /* get min numDA, just to be safe */ numDA = g1->numDA < g2->numDA ? g1->numDA : g2->numDA; for( c = 0; c < numDA; c++ ) { rv = gifti_compare_DA_pair(g1->darray[c],g2->darray[c],comp_data,lverb); if( rv ) { diffs++; if( rv & 2 ) data_diffs++; if( lverb < 2 ) break; printf("++ DataArray[%d] - difference (data %s)\n", c, ! comp_data ? "untested" : data_diffs ? "differs" : "identical"); } } if( diffs && lverb > 0 ) printf("-- differences found in %d of %d DAs\n", diffs, numDA); /* state data diffs separately */ if( lverb > 2 && comp_data ) { if( ! data_diffs ) printf("-- no data differences found\n"); else printf("-- data differences found in %d of %d DAs\n", data_diffs, numDA); } if( diffs || gdiffs ) return 1; return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! find any differences between the two sets of image data * * verb 0-2+ = quiet, state diff, state per DA * * return 0 if they are the same, 1 if they differ *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_compare_gifti_data(const gifti_image * g1, const gifti_image * g2, int verb) { int lverb = verb, c, diffs = 0, numDA; if( G.verb > lverb ) lverb = G.verb; if( !g1 || !g2 ) { if( !g1 && !g2 ) return 0; /* both NULL means equal */ if(lverb) printf("-- gim data difference (exactly one gim is NULL)\n"); return 1; } /* if numDA does not match, they differ */ if( g1->numDA != g2->numDA ) { if( lverb > 0 ) printf("-- gim data differs: numDA differs, %d vs. %d\n", g1->numDA, g2->numDA); if( lverb < 2 ) return 1; } /* even if they differ, we may want to continue, so use minimum */ numDA = g1->numDA < g2->numDA ? g1->numDA : g2->numDA; for( c = 0; c < numDA; c++ ) { if( gifti_compare_DA_data(g1->darray[c],g2->darray[c],lverb) ) { diffs++; if( lverb > 0 ) printf("++ data difference at DataArray[%d]\n", c); if( lverb < 2 ) return 1; } } if( diffs ) { /* verb must be 2, so print */ printf("-- found data diffs in %d DataArrays\n", diffs); return 1; } if( G.verb > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"-- no data diffs found\n"); return 0; } int gifti_compare_DA_data(const giiDataArray * d1, const giiDataArray * d2, int verb) { long long nbytes, offset; if( !d1 || !d2 ) { if( !d1 && !d2 ) return 0; /* both NULL means equal */ if(verb>1) printf("-- DA data difference (exactly one DA is NULL)\n"); return 1; } if( ! gifti_valid_dims(d1,verb>1) || ! gifti_valid_dims(d2,verb>1) ) { if(verb>1) printf("-- DA data diff: dims are not valid\n"); return 1; } nbytes = d1->nvals * d1->nbyper; if( nbytes != (d2->nvals * d2->nbyper) ) { if(verb>1) printf("-- DA data diff: nbytes differs, %lld vs. %lld\n", nbytes, d2->nvals * d2->nbyper); return 1; } /* okay, let's test the data */ offset = gifti_compare_raw_data(d1->data,d2->data,nbytes); if ( offset >= 0 ) { /* difference in data */ if(verb > 1) printf("-- diff in DA data at posn %lld\n", offset/d1->nbyper); return 1; } return 0; } /* compare everything but darray * (for diffs, only print if verb > 1) */ int gifti_compare_gims_only(const gifti_image * g1, const gifti_image * g2, int verb) { int diffs = 0; int lverb = verb; /* possibly override passed 'verb' */ if( G.verb > lverb ) lverb = G.verb; if( !g1 || !g2 ) { if( !g1 && !g2 ) return 0; /* equal */ if( lverb > 1 ) printf("-- comp gifti ims: have NULL %p, %p\n",(void*)g1,(void*)g2); return 1; /* not equal */ } if( g1->numDA != g2->numDA ) { diffs++; if( lverb > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"-- diff in GIFTI numDA: %d vs %d\n", g1->numDA, g2->numDA); if( lverb <= 1 ) return 1; } if( !g1->version || !g2->version ) { /* handle at least one NULL */ if( g1->version || g2->version ) { diffs++; if( lverb > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"-- diff in GIFTI version: one is NULL\n"); if( lverb <= 1 ) return 1; } /* else both NULL, which means equal */ } else if ( strcmp(g1->version, g2->version) ) { diffs++; if( lverb > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"-- diff in GIFTI version: %s vs. %s\n", g1->version, g2->version); if( lverb <= 1 ) return 1; } if( gifti_compare_labeltable(&g1->labeltable, &g2->labeltable, verb) ) { diffs++; if( lverb > 1 ) printf("-- diff in gifti labeltable\n"); if( lverb <= 1 ) return 1; } if( gifti_compare_nvpairs(&g1->meta, &g2->meta, verb) ) { diffs++; if( lverb > 1 ) printf("-- diff in gifti meta\n"); if( lverb <= 1 ) return 1; } if( g1->swapped != g2->swapped ) { diffs++; if( lverb > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"-- difference in GIM->swapped: %d vs %d\n", g1->swapped, g2->swapped); if( lverb <= 1 ) return 1; } if( g1->compressed != g2->compressed ) { diffs++; if( lverb > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"-- difference in GIM->compressed: %d vs %d\n", g1->compressed, g2->compressed); if( lverb <= 1 ) return 1; } if( gifti_compare_nvpairs(&g1->ex_atrs, &g2->ex_atrs, verb) ) { diffs++; if( lverb > 1 ) printf("-- diff in gifti ex_atrs\n"); if( lverb <= 1 ) return 1; } return diffs; } /*! return 0 if equal, 1 if diffs, 2 if data diffs (and 3 if both diffs) */ int gifti_compare_DA_pair(const giiDataArray * d1, const giiDataArray * d2, int comp_data, int verb) { long long offset; int c, top, diffs = 0, data_diffs = 0; int lverb = verb; /* possibly override passed 'verb' */ if( G.verb > lverb ) lverb = G.verb; if( !d1 || !d2 ) { if( !d1 && !d2 ) return 0; /* equal */ if(lverb>2) printf("-- comp DA: have NULL: %p, %p\n", (void*)d1,(void*)d2); return 3; /* not equal */ } if( d1->intent != d2->intent ) { diffs = 1; if( lverb > 1 ) printf("-- diff in DA intent: %d (%s) vs. %d (%s)\n", d1->intent, gifti_intent_to_string(d1->intent), d2->intent, gifti_intent_to_string(d2->intent)); if( lverb < 3 ) return 1; } if( d1->datatype != d2->datatype ) { diffs = 1; if( lverb > 1 ) printf("-- diff in DA datatype: %d (%s) vs. %d (%s)\n", d1->datatype, gifti_datatype2str(d1->datatype), d2->datatype, gifti_datatype2str(d2->datatype)); if( lverb < 3 ) return 1; } if( d1->ind_ord != d2->ind_ord ) { diffs = 1; if( lverb > 1 ) printf("-- diff in DA ind_ord: %d (%s) vs. %d (%s)\n", d1->ind_ord, gifti_list_index2string(gifti_index_order_list, d1->ind_ord), d2->ind_ord, gifti_list_index2string(gifti_index_order_list, d2->ind_ord)); if( lverb < 3 ) return 1; } if( d1->num_dim != d2->num_dim ) { diffs = 1; data_diffs = 1; if( lverb > 1 ) printf("-- diff in DA num_dim: %d vs. %d\n", d1->num_dim, d2->num_dim ); if( lverb < 3 ) return 3; } /* get minimum num_dim */ top = d1->num_dim < d2->num_dim ? d1->num_dim : d2->num_dim; for( c = 0; c < top; c++ ) if( d1->dims[c] != d2->dims[c] ) break; if( c < top ) { diffs = 1; data_diffs = 1; if( lverb > 1 ) { printf("-- diff in DA dims (length %d)\n ", top); gifti_disp_raw_data(d1->dims, NIFTI_TYPE_INT32, top, 0, stdout); printf(" vs "); gifti_disp_raw_data(d2->dims, NIFTI_TYPE_INT32, top, 1, stdout); } if( lverb < 3 ) return 3; } if( d1->encoding != d2->encoding ) { diffs = 1; if( lverb > 1 ) printf("-- diff in DA encoding: %d (%s) vs. %d (%s)\n", d1->encoding, gifti_list_index2string(gifti_encoding_list, d1->encoding), d2->encoding, gifti_list_index2string(gifti_encoding_list, d2->encoding)); if( lverb < 3 ) return 1; } if( d1->endian != d2->endian ) { diffs = 1; if( lverb > 1 ) printf("-- diff in DA endian: %d (%s) vs. %d (%s)\n", d1->endian, gifti_list_index2string(gifti_endian_list, d1->endian), d2->endian, gifti_list_index2string(gifti_endian_list, d2->endian)); if( lverb < 3 ) return 1; } if( d1->ext_fname || d2->ext_fname ) { if( ! d1->ext_fname || !d2->ext_fname || strcmp(d1->ext_fname, d2->ext_fname) ) { diffs = 1; if( lverb > 1 ) printf("-- diff in DA ext_fname: %s vs. %s\n", G_CHECK_NULL_STR(d1->ext_fname), G_CHECK_NULL_STR(d2->ext_fname)); if( lverb < 3 ) return 1; } } if( d1->ext_offset != d2->ext_offset ) { diffs = 1; if( lverb > 1 ) printf("-- diff in DA ext_offset: %lld vs. %lld\n", d1->ext_offset, d2->ext_offset); if( lverb < 3 ) return 1; } if( gifti_compare_nvpairs(&d1->meta, &d2->meta, verb) ) { diffs = 1; if( lverb > 1 ) printf("-- diff in DA meta\n"); if( lverb < 3 ) return 1; } if( d1->numCS != d2->numCS ) { diffs = 1; if( lverb > 1 ) printf("-- diff in DA numCS\n"); if( lverb < 3 ) return 1; } /* compare each of the CoordSystem structs */ top = d1->numCS < d2->numCS ? d1->numCS : d2->numCS; for( c = 0; c < top; c++ ) if( gifti_compare_coordsys(d1->coordsys[c], d2->coordsys[c],1,verb) ) { diffs = 1; if( lverb > 1 ) printf("-- diff in DA coordsys[%d]\n", c); if( lverb < 3 ) return 1; } if( d1->nvals != d2->nvals ) { diffs = 1; data_diffs = 1; if( lverb > 1 ) printf("-- diff in DA nvals: %lld vs. %lld\n", d1->nvals, d2->nvals); if( lverb < 3 ) return 3; } if( d1->nbyper != d2->nbyper ) { diffs = 1; data_diffs = 1; if( lverb > 1 ) printf("-- diff in DA nbyper: %d vs. %d\n", d1->nbyper, d2->nbyper); if( lverb < 3 ) return 3; } if( gifti_compare_nvpairs(&d1->ex_atrs, &d2->ex_atrs, verb) ) { diffs = 1; if( lverb > 1 ) printf("-- diff in DA ex_atrs\n"); if( lverb < 3 ) return 1; } /* check data last, and only if no data diffs and dims are valid */ /* (set the 2^1 bit for a data diff) */ if( comp_data && !data_diffs && gifti_valid_dims(d1, 0) ) { offset = gifti_compare_raw_data(d1->data,d2->data,d1->nvals*d1->nbyper); if ( offset >= 0 ) { diffs |= 2; if(lverb>1) printf("-- diff in DA data at position %lld\n", offset/d1->nbyper); if(lverb<3) return 3; } } return diffs; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! return 1 if gifti_images are approximately equal (from a data standpoint) * note: return value is opposite from gifti_compare_gifti_images * * verb 0-3 = quiet, state diff, state per DA, state all diffs * * compare information close to the data: * - numDA * - labeltable * - darray elements (pairwise) * ignore version, meta, swapped, encoding, endian, ext_*, ex_atrs, etc. * * return 1 if they are approximately the same, 0 if otherwise *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_approx_gifti_images(const gifti_image * g1, const gifti_image * g2, int comp_data, int verb) { int diffs = 0, c, numDA; int lverb = verb; /* possibly override passed 'verb' */ if( G.verb > lverb ) lverb = G.verb; if( !g1 || !g2 ) { if( !g1 && !g2 ) return 1; /* both NULL means equal */ if(lverb) printf("-- gifti_images not approx (exactly one is NULL)\n"); return 0; } if( g1->numDA != g2->numDA ) { if( lverb ) printf("-- gifti_images differ in numDA\n"); if( lverb < 2 ) return 0; diffs++; } if( ! gifti_approx_labeltables(&g1->labeltable, &g2->labeltable, lverb) ) { if( lverb ) printf("-- gifti labeltables not approx. equal\n"); if( lverb < 2 ) return 0; diffs++; } /* get min numDA, just to be safe */ numDA = g1->numDA < g2->numDA ? g1->numDA : g2->numDA; for( c = 0; c < numDA; c++ ) { if( !gifti_approx_DA_pair(g1->darray[c],g2->darray[c],comp_data,lverb)){ diffs++; if(lverb) printf("++ DataArrays[%d] - not approximately equal\n",c); if( lverb < 2 ) break; } } if( diffs && lverb > 0 ) printf("-- GIFTI: approx diffs found\n"); return ! diffs; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*! return 1 if DAs are approximately equal (opposite of compare functions) * * test for difference in: * * transformation matrices : 16 values each (approx) * coordinates : 3 values per node (approx) * triangles : exact (starting node can be any of the 3) * data : approx * * lverb = 0 : no print (no print anywhere) * 1 : no print (print at higher level) * 2 : print DA level diff * 3 : print all diffs * */ int gifti_approx_DA_pair(const giiDataArray * d1, const giiDataArray * d2, int comp_data, int verb) { int c, top, can_comp, offset, diffs = 0; int lverb = verb; /* possibly override passed 'verb' */ if( G.verb > lverb ) lverb = G.verb; /* deal with any NULLs for starter */ if( !d1 && !d2 ) { if(lverb>2) printf("-- approx DA: have NULL\n"); return 1; /* yes, these are equal */ } else if( !d1 || !d2 ) { if(lverb>2) printf("-- approx DA: have one NULL\n"); return 0; /* not approximately equal */ } /* do early, to put higher level whining first */ can_comp = can_compare_DA_data(d1, d2, verb); if( d1->numCS != d2->numCS ) { diffs = 1; if( lverb > 1 ) printf("-- approx DA: diff in numCS\n"); if( lverb < 3 ) return 0; } /* compare each of the CoordSystem structs */ top = d1->numCS < d2->numCS ? d1->numCS : d2->numCS; for( c = 0; c < top; c++ ) { /* first compare without checking the data */ if( gifti_compare_coordsys(d1->coordsys[c], d2->coordsys[c],1,verb) ) { diffs = 1; if( lverb > 1 ) printf("-- diff in DA coordsys[%d]\n", c); if( lverb < 3 ) return 0; } } /* if we cannot or do not want to compare the data, return */ if( ! comp_data || ! can_comp ) return !diffs; /* if data is coordinates, compare percent diff * if trianges, compare exactly, but with any starting index * else, compare percent diff */ if( d1->intent == d2->intent && d1->intent==NIFTI_INTENT_TRIANGLE ) { /* verify that these look like triangles */ if( d1->num_dim < 2 || d1->dims[1] != 3 ) { if( lverb > 1 ) printf("-- approx DA: bad dims for TRIANGLEs: " "num_dim=%d, dims[1]=%d\n", d1->num_dim, d1->dims[1]); return 0; } offset = gifti_triangle_diff_offset(d1->data, d2->data, d1->dims[0], d1->datatype); if( offset >= 0 ) { diffs |= 2; if(lverb > 1) printf("-- approx DA: triange diff at offset %d\n", offset); if(lverb < 3) return 0; } } else { offset = gifti_approx_diff_offset(d1->data, d2->data, d1->nvals, d1->datatype, 1.0); if( offset >= 0 ) { diffs |= 2; if(lverb>1) printf("-- approx DA: data diff at offset %d\n",offset); if(lverb<3) return 0; } } return !diffs; } /* return whether the DA elements match so as to compare the data * * apply the same verb as above */ static int can_compare_DA_data(const giiDataArray *d1,const giiDataArray *d2, int verb) { int c, top, rv = 1; int lverb = verb; /* possibly override passed 'verb' */ if( G.verb > lverb ) lverb = G.verb; if( !d1 || !d2 ) { if(lverb>1) printf("-- comp DAs: have NULL DA(s) (%p, %p)\n", (void*)d1,(void*)d2); return 0; /* not equal */ } if( d1->datatype != d2->datatype ) { rv = 0; if( lverb > 1 ) printf("-- comp DAs: DA datatype diff: %d (%s) vs. %d (%s)\n", d1->datatype, gifti_datatype2str(d1->datatype), d2->datatype, gifti_datatype2str(d2->datatype)); if( lverb < 3 ) return 0; } if( d1->ind_ord != d2->ind_ord ) { rv = 0; if( lverb > 1 ) printf("-- comp DAs: ind_ord diff: %d (%s) vs. %d (%s)\n", d1->ind_ord, gifti_list_index2string(gifti_index_order_list, d1->ind_ord), d2->ind_ord, gifti_list_index2string(gifti_index_order_list, d2->ind_ord)); if( lverb < 3 ) return 0; } if( d1->num_dim != d2->num_dim ) { rv = 0; if( lverb > 1 ) printf("-- comp DAs: num_dim diff: %d vs. %d\n", d1->num_dim, d2->num_dim ); if( lverb < 3 ) return 0; } /* get minimum num_dim */ top = d1->num_dim < d2->num_dim ? d1->num_dim : d2->num_dim; for( c = 0; c < top; c++ ) if( d1->dims[c] != d2->dims[c] ) break; if( c < top ) { rv = 0; if( lverb > 1 ) { printf("-- comp DAs: DA dims diff (length %d)\n ", top); gifti_disp_raw_data(d1->dims, NIFTI_TYPE_INT32, top, 0, stdout); printf(" vs "); gifti_disp_raw_data(d2->dims, NIFTI_TYPE_INT32, top, 1, stdout); } if( lverb < 3 ) return 0; } if( d1->nvals != d2->nvals ) { rv = 0; if( lverb > 1 ) printf("-- comp DAs: nvals diff: %lld vs. %lld\n", d1->nvals, d2->nvals); if( lverb < 3 ) return 0; } if( d1->nbyper != d2->nbyper ) { rv = 0; if( lverb > 1 ) printf("-- comp DAs: nbyper diff: %d vs. %d\n", d1->nbyper, d2->nbyper); if( lverb < 3 ) return 0; } /* as a last test, make sure dims are valid, not just the same */ if( ! gifti_valid_dims(d1, 0) ) { rv = 0; if( lverb > 1 ) printf("-- comp DAs: dims not valid\n"); } return rv; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! check pointers, compare lengths, then check the Names in each list, * and see if there is a matching Name=Value pari * * only state diffs in the verb=3 case *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_compare_nvpairs(const nvpairs * p1, const nvpairs * p2, int verb) { char * value; int lverb = verb; /* possibly override passed verb */ int c, len, diffs = 0; if( G.verb > lverb ) lverb = G.verb; if( !p1 || !p2 ) { if(!p1 && !p2) return 0; /* equal */ if(lverb>2) printf("-- comp nvpairs: have NULL: %p, %p\n",(void*)p1,(void*)p2); return 1; /* not equal */ } /* they must be valid to proceed */ if( ! gifti_valid_nvpairs(p1, 0) || ! gifti_valid_nvpairs(p2, 0) ) { if( lverb > 2 ) printf("-- cannot compare invalid nvpairs\n"); return 1; } if( p1->length != p2->length ) { if( lverb > 2 ) printf("-- nvp list lengths differ: %d vs %d\n", p1->length, p2->length); if( lverb < 3 ) return 1; } /* search for mis-matches or non-existence from list 1 into list 2 */ /* assume Names are unique (each that is not will show a mis-match) */ len = p1->length < p2->length ? p1->length : p2->length; for( c = 0; c < p1->length; c++ ) { if( ! p1->value[c] ) continue; /* skip anything that doesn't exist */ value = gifti_get_meta_value(p2, p1->name[c]); if( !value ) { if( lverb > 2 ) printf("-- nvp list 2 missing Name: '%s'\n",p1->name[c]); diffs++; } else if( strcmp(value, p1->value[c]) ) { if( lverb > 2 ) printf("-- nvp diff for Name '%s':\n '%s' vs. '%s'\n", p1->name[c], p1->value[c], value); diffs++; } if( diffs && lverb < 3 ) return 1; } /* now just search for non-existence (mis-matches have been found) */ for( c = 0; c < p2->length; c++ ) { if( ! p2->value[c] ) continue; /* skip anything that doesn't exist */ value = gifti_get_meta_value(p1, p2->name[c]); if( !value ) { if( lverb > 2 ) printf("-- nvp list 1 missing Name: '%s'\n",p2->name[c]); if( lverb < 3 ) return 1; diffs++; } } return diffs; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! check pointers, lengths and contents * * return 0 if equal * * only state diffs in the verb=3 case *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_compare_labeltable(const giiLabelTable *t1, const giiLabelTable *t2, int verb) { return compare_labeltables(t1, t2, verb, 0); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! return 1 if tables are approximately equal (opposite of compare function) * * RGBA data is compared approximately * * only state diffs in the verb=3 case *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_approx_labeltables(const giiLabelTable *t1, const giiLabelTable *t2, int verb) { return( ! compare_labeltables(t1, t2, verb, 1)); } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! check pointers, lengths and contents * * only state diffs in the verb=3 case * * if approx, compare RBGA approximately *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static int compare_labeltables(const giiLabelTable *t1, const giiLabelTable *t2, int verb, int approx) { int lverb = verb; /* possibly override passed verb */ int c, roff, offset, diffs = 0; if( G.verb > lverb ) lverb = G.verb; if( !t1 || !t2 ) { if(!t1 && !t2) return 0; /* equal */ if(lverb>2) printf("-- Comp LabTab: have NULL: %p, %p\n",(void*)t1,(void*)t2); return 1; /* not */ } /* if empty, return 0 */ if( t1->length <= 0 && t2->length <= 0 ) return 0; if( t1->length != t2->length ) { if(lverb>2)printf("-- labeltable lengths diff: %d vs. %d\n", t1->length, t2->length); return 1; /* cannot compare without equal lengths */ } /* exactly 1 RGBA list is a difference */ if( (t1->rgba && !t2->rgba) || (!t1->rgba && t2->rgba) ) { if(lverb>2)printf("-- only 1 labeltable has RGBA list\n"); if(lverb<3) return 1; } /* so lengths are positive and equal, compare index list and labels */ /* set limit to 0.0 to compare indicies exactly */ offset = (int)gifti_approx_diff_offset(t1->key, t2->key, t1->length, NIFTI_TYPE_INT32, approx?1.0:0.0); if( offset >= 0 ) { if(lverb>2)printf("-- labeltable Key diff at index %d\n", offset); if(lverb<3) return 1; diffs++; } /* walk through list to compare labels */ roff = 0; for( c = 0; c < t1->length; c++ ) { if( gifti_strdiff(t1->label[c], t2->label[c]) ) { if(lverb>2)printf("-- labeltable Label diff at index %d\n", c); if(lverb<3) return 1; diffs++; break; /* stop at first difference */ } } if( t1->rgba && t2->rgba ) { /* if not approx, set limit to 0.0 to compare exactly */ offset = (int)gifti_approx_diff_offset(t1->rgba, t2->rgba, 4*t1->length, NIFTI_TYPE_FLOAT32, approx?1.0:0.0); if( offset >= 0 ) { offset /= 4; /* convert from float index to RGBA index */ if(lverb>2)printf("-- labeltable RGBA diff at index %d\n", offset); if(lverb<3) return 1; diffs++; } } return diffs; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! like strcmp, but also return: * 0: if both pointers are NULL * 1: if exactly one is NULL *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_strdiff(const char * s1, const char * s2) { if( !s1 || !s2 ) { if( s1 || s2 ) return 1; /* one NULL means different */ else return 0; /* both NULL mean equal */ } return strcmp(s1,s2); /* fall through to normal case */ } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! check pointers, compare names and xforms * * only state diffs in the verb=3 case *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_compare_coordsys(const giiCoordSystem *s1, const giiCoordSystem *s2, int comp_data, int verb) { long long offset; int lverb = verb; /* possibly override passed verb */ int diffs = 0; if( G.verb > lverb ) lverb = G.verb; if( !s1 || !s2 ) { if(!s1 && !s2) return 0; /* equal */ if(lverb>2) printf("-- Comp CoordSys: have NULL: %p, %p\n",(void*)s1,(void*)s2); return 1; } if( !s1->dataspace || !s2->dataspace ) { if( s1->dataspace || s2->dataspace ) { if(lverb>2)printf("-- coordsys dspace diff: exactly one is NULL\n"); if(lverb<3) return 1; diffs++; } } else if( strcmp(s1->dataspace, s2->dataspace) ) { if(lverb>2) printf("-- coordsys dspace diff: %s vs. %s\n", s1->dataspace, s2->dataspace); if( lverb < 3 ) return 1; diffs++; } if( !s1->xformspace || !s2->xformspace ) { if( s1->xformspace || s2->xformspace ) { if(lverb>2) printf("-- coordsys xformspace diff: exactly one is NULL\n"); if(lverb<3) return 1; diffs++; } } else if( strcmp(s1->xformspace, s2->xformspace) ) { if(lverb>2) printf("-- coordsys xformspace diff: %s vs. %s\n", s1->xformspace, s2->xformspace); if( lverb < 3 ) return 1; diffs++; } if( ! comp_data ) return diffs; /* maybe we are done */ offset = gifti_compare_raw_data(s1->xform, s2->xform, sizeof(s1->xform)); if( offset >= 0 ) { /* convert to index (to avoid printf warning) 2 Mar 2010 */ offset /= (long long)sizeof(double); if(lverb>2) printf("-- coordsys xform diff at offset %lld\n", offset); if( lverb < 3 ) return 1; diffs++; } return diffs; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! compare raw data, returing the first location difference * * return byte position of difference, so that < 0 means no difference *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ long long gifti_compare_raw_data(const void * p1, const void * p2, long long length) { long long posn; char * d1 = (char *)p1, * d2 = (char *)p2; if( !p1 || !p2 ) { if( !p1 && !p2 ) return -1; /* both NULL -> same */ if( G.verb > 3 ) fprintf(stderr,"-- raw_data pointer diff\n"); return 0; /* set difference */ } /* scan data until done or a difference is found */ for( d1 = (char *)p1, d2 = (char *)p2, posn = 0; posn < length && *d1 == *d2; posn++, d1++, d2++ ) ; if( posn < length ) return posn; /* differ at posn */ return -1; /* equal */ } /* make a local definition for this symmetric fractional difference */ #undef GIFTI_SFD #define GIFTI_SFD(a,b) (fabs((a)-(double)(b))/(fabs(a)+fabs(b))) /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! approximate comparison of raw data, returing the first location difference * (>= 0 means difference, -1 means "approximately equal") * * Compute a symmetric fractional difference: * * SFD = abs(a-b)/(abs(a)+abs(b)) * * length - number of contiguous elements to test * ni_type - NIFTI_TYPE_*, denoting the type of data to compare * limit - maximum SFD to be considered approximately equal * * * if limit = 0.0, check is faster * * * if limit >= 1.0, apply a default requiring almost all * significant bits * * * for integers, all bits are considered significant * * for real numbers, mantissa bits are considered significant * * return offset index, so that < 0 (-1) means no difference * * (return -1 if the pointers differ in whether they are set) *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ long long gifti_approx_diff_offset(const void * p1, const void * p2, long long length, int ni_type, double limit) { long long posn; double llim = limit; /* local limit (passed limit or default) */ if( !p1 || !p2 ) { if( !p1 && !p2 ) return -1; /* same */ return 0; /* different */ } switch( ni_type ) { default: fprintf(stderr,"** cannot test approx data with type %d (%s)\n", ni_type, nifti_datatype_to_string(ni_type)); return 0; case NIFTI_TYPE_INT8: { char * d1 = (char *)p1, * d2 = (char *)p2; if( llim >= 1.0 ) llim = 0.0; /* require equality for ints */ for( posn = 0; posn < length; posn++, d1++, d2++ ) { if( *d1 == *d2 ) continue; /* fast check for equality */ if( llim == 0.0 ) break; /* fast check for inequality */ if( GIFTI_SFD(*d1,*d2) > llim ) break; /* not approximate */ } break; } case NIFTI_TYPE_INT16: { short * d1 = (short *)p1, * d2 = (short *)p2; if( llim >= 1.0 ) llim = 0.0; /* require equality for ints */ for( posn = 0; posn < length; posn++, d1++, d2++ ) { if( *d1 == *d2 ) continue; /* fast check for equality */ if( llim == 0.0 ) break; /* fast check for inequality */ if( GIFTI_SFD(*d1,*d2) > llim ) break; /* not approximate */ } break; } case NIFTI_TYPE_INT32: { int * d1 = (int *)p1, * d2 = (int *)p2; if( llim >= 1.0 ) llim = 0.0; /* require equality for ints */ for( posn = 0; posn < length; posn++, d1++, d2++ ) { if( *d1 == *d2 ) continue; /* fast check for equality */ if( llim == 0.0 ) break; /* fast check for inequality */ if( GIFTI_SFD(*d1,*d2) > llim ) break; /* not approximate */ } break; } case NIFTI_TYPE_INT64: { long long * d1 = (long long *)p1, * d2 = (long long *)p2; if( llim >= 1.0 ) llim = 0.0; /* require equality for ints */ for( posn = 0; posn < length; posn++, d1++, d2++ ) { if( *d1 == *d2 ) continue; /* fast check for equality */ if( llim == 0.0 ) break; /* fast check for inequality */ if( GIFTI_SFD(*d1,*d2) > llim ) break; /* not approximate */ } break; } case NIFTI_TYPE_UINT8: { unsigned char *d1 = (unsigned char *)p1, *d2 = (unsigned char *)p2; if( llim >= 1.0 ) llim = 0.0; /* require equality for ints */ for( posn = 0; posn < length; posn++, d1++, d2++ ) { if( *d1 == *d2 ) continue; /* fast check for equality */ if( llim == 0.0 ) break; /* fast check for inequality */ if( GIFTI_SFD(*d1,*d2) > llim ) break; /* not approximate */ } break; } case NIFTI_TYPE_UINT16: { unsigned short *d1=(unsigned short *)p1, *d2=(unsigned short *)p2; if( llim >= 1.0 ) llim = 0.0; /* require equality for ints */ for( posn = 0; posn < length; posn++, d1++, d2++ ) { if( *d1 == *d2 ) continue; /* fast check for equality */ if( llim == 0.0 ) break; /* fast check for inequality */ if( GIFTI_SFD(*d1,*d2) > llim ) break; /* not approximate */ } break; } case NIFTI_TYPE_UINT32: { unsigned int * d1 = (unsigned int *)p1, * d2 = (unsigned int *)p2; if( llim >= 1.0 ) llim = 0.0; /* require equality for ints */ for( posn = 0; posn < length; posn++, d1++, d2++ ) { if( *d1 == *d2 ) continue; /* fast check for equality */ if( llim == 0.0 ) break; /* fast check for inequality */ if( GIFTI_SFD(*d1,*d2) > llim ) break; /* not approximate */ } break; } case NIFTI_TYPE_UINT64: { unsigned long long * d1 = (unsigned long long *)p1; unsigned long long * d2 = (unsigned long long *)p2; if( llim >= 1.0 ) llim = 0.0; /* require equality for ints */ for( posn = 0; posn < length; posn++, d1++, d2++ ) { if( *d1 == *d2 ) continue; /* fast check for equality */ if( llim == 0.0 ) break; /* fast check for inequality */ if( GIFTI_SFD(*d1,*d2) > llim ) break; /* not approximate */ } break; } case NIFTI_TYPE_FLOAT32: { float * d1 = (float *)p1, * d2 = (float *)p2; if( llim >= 1.0 ) llim = 1e-5; for( posn = 0; posn < length; posn++, d1++, d2++ ) { if( *d1 == *d2 ) continue; /* fast check for equality */ if( llim == 0.0 ) break; /* fast check for inequality */ if( GIFTI_SFD(*d1,*d2) > llim ) break; /* not approximate */ } break; } case NIFTI_TYPE_FLOAT64: { double * d1 = (double *)p1, * d2 = (double *)p2; if( llim >= 1.0 ) llim = 1e-12; for( posn = 0; posn < length; posn++, d1++, d2++ ) { if( *d1 == *d2 ) continue; /* fast check for equality */ if( llim == 0.0 ) break; /* fast check for inequality */ if( GIFTI_SFD(*d1,*d2) > llim ) break; /* not approximate */ } break; } } if( posn < length ) return posn; /* differ at 1-based posn */ return -1; /* approximately equal */ } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! compare triangles - return triangle index of first difference * - so -1 means no difference * * require the type to be 1, 2 or 4-byte integers * could cheat and compare as unsigned... * * require consistent wrapping, but allow for varying first vertex *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_triangle_diff_offset(const void *p1, const void *p2, int ntri, int ni_type) { int posn = -1; /* if either pointer is not set, we're out of here */ if( !p1 || !p2 ) { if( !p1 && !p2 ) return -1; /* same */ return 0; /* different */ } if( ntri <= 0 ) return -1; switch( ni_type ) { case NIFTI_TYPE_INT8: { char * d1 = (char *)p1, * d2 = (char *)p2; for( posn = 0; posn < ntri; posn++, d1+=3, d2+=3 ) { if( *d1 == *d2 ) { /* same first index */ if( d1[1] != d2[1] || d1[2] != d2[2] ) break; } else if ( d1[0] == d2[1] ) { /* index off by 1 */ if( d1[1] != d2[2] || d1[2] != d2[0] ) break; } else if ( d1[0] == d2[2] ) { /* index off by 2 */ if( d1[1] != d2[0] || d1[2] != d2[1] ) break; } } break; } case NIFTI_TYPE_INT16: { short * d1 = (short *)p1, * d2 = (short *)p2; for( posn = 0; posn < ntri; posn++, d1+=3, d2+=3 ) { if( *d1 == *d2 ) { /* same first index */ if( d1[1] != d2[1] || d1[2] != d2[2] ) break; } else if ( d1[0] == d2[1] ) { /* index off by 1 */ if( d1[1] != d2[2] || d1[2] != d2[0] ) break; } else if ( d1[0] == d2[2] ) { /* index off by 2 */ if( d1[1] != d2[0] || d1[2] != d2[1] ) break; } } break; } case NIFTI_TYPE_INT32: { int * d1 = (int *)p1, * d2 = (int *)p2; for( posn = 0; posn < ntri; posn++, d1+=3, d2+=3 ) { if( *d1 == *d2 ) { /* same first index */ if( d1[1] != d2[1] || d1[2] != d2[2] ) break; } else if ( d1[0] == d2[1] ) { /* index off by 1 */ if( d1[1] != d2[2] || d1[2] != d2[0] ) break; } else if ( d1[0] == d2[2] ) { /* index off by 2 */ if( d1[1] != d2[0] || d1[2] != d2[1] ) break; } } break; } case NIFTI_TYPE_UINT8: { unsigned char *d1 = (unsigned char *)p1, *d2 = (unsigned char *)p2; for( posn = 0; posn < ntri; posn++, d1+=3, d2+=3 ) { if( *d1 == *d2 ) { /* same first index */ if( d1[1] != d2[1] || d1[2] != d2[2] ) break; } else if ( d1[0] == d2[1] ) { /* index off by 1 */ if( d1[1] != d2[2] || d1[2] != d2[0] ) break; } else if ( d1[0] == d2[2] ) { /* index off by 2 */ if( d1[1] != d2[0] || d1[2] != d2[1] ) break; } } break; } case NIFTI_TYPE_UINT16: { unsigned short *d1=(unsigned short *)p1, *d2=(unsigned short *)p2; for( posn = 0; posn < ntri; posn++, d1+=3, d2+=3 ) { if( *d1 == *d2 ) { /* same first index */ if( d1[1] != d2[1] || d1[2] != d2[2] ) break; } else if ( d1[0] == d2[1] ) { /* index off by 1 */ if( d1[1] != d2[2] || d1[2] != d2[0] ) break; } else if ( d1[0] == d2[2] ) { /* index off by 2 */ if( d1[1] != d2[0] || d1[2] != d2[1] ) break; } } break; } case NIFTI_TYPE_UINT32: { unsigned int * d1 = (unsigned int *)p1, * d2 = (unsigned int *)p2; for( posn = 0; posn < ntri; posn++, d1+=3, d2+=3 ) { if( *d1 == *d2 ) { /* same first index */ if( d1[1] != d2[1] || d1[2] != d2[2] ) break; } else if ( d1[0] == d2[1] ) { /* index off by 1 */ if( d1[1] != d2[2] || d1[2] != d2[0] ) break; } else if ( d1[0] == d2[2] ) { /* index off by 2 */ if( d1[1] != d2[0] || d1[2] != d2[1] ) break; } } break; } default: { fprintf(stderr,"** gifti_tri_diff: invalid type %d\n", ni_type); return 1; } } if( posn < ntri ) return posn; /* difference offset */ return -1; /* no difference */ } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! print raw data (nvals of type 'type') to the given file stream * * possibly write a trailing newline *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_disp_raw_data(const void * data, int type, int nvals, int newline, FILE * stream) { FILE * fp = stream ? stream : stdout; char * dp, fbuf[64]; int c, size; gifti_datatype_sizes(type, &size, NULL); /* get nbyper */ if( size == 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"** GDRD: cannot print with size 0, type %d\n", type); return 1; } for( c = 0, dp = (char *)data; c < nvals; c++, dp += size ) { switch( type ) { case NIFTI_TYPE_INT8: fprintf(fp, "%d", *(char *)dp); break; case NIFTI_TYPE_INT16: fprintf(fp, "%d", *(short *)dp); break; case NIFTI_TYPE_INT32: fprintf(fp, "%d", *(int *)dp); break; case NIFTI_TYPE_INT64: fprintf(fp, "%lld", *(long long *)dp); break; case NIFTI_TYPE_UINT8: fprintf(fp, "%u", *(unsigned char *)dp); break; case NIFTI_TYPE_UINT16: fprintf(fp, "%u", *(unsigned short *)dp); break; case NIFTI_TYPE_UINT32: fprintf(fp, "%u", *(unsigned int *)dp); break; case NIFTI_TYPE_UINT64: fprintf(fp, "%llu", *(unsigned long long *)dp); break; case NIFTI_TYPE_FLOAT32: sprintf(fbuf,"%f", *(float *)dp); gifti_clear_float_zeros(fbuf); fprintf(fp, "%s", fbuf); break; case NIFTI_TYPE_FLOAT64: sprintf(fbuf,"%f", *(double *)dp); gifti_clear_float_zeros(fbuf); fprintf(fp, "%s", fbuf); break; default: fprintf(stderr,"** Gdisp_raw_data: invalid type %d\n", type); return 1; } if( c < nvals - 1 ) fputc(' ', fp); } if ( newline ) fputc('\n', fp); return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! remove trailing zeros from string of printed float * return 1 if something was cleared * 0 if not *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_clear_float_zeros( char * str ) { char * dp, * valp; int len; if( !str || !*str ) return 0; /* that was easy */ dp = strchr(str, '.'); /* find '.' */ if( !dp ) return 0; /* no '.', easy too */ len = strlen(dp); /* never clear what is just to the right of '.' */ for( valp = dp+len-1; (valp > dp+1) && (*valp==' ' || *valp=='0'); valp-- ) *valp = '\0'; /* clear, so we don't worry about break conditions */ if( valp < dp + len - 1 ) return 1; return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! set all DataArray attributes of the given name to the given value *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_set_atr_in_DAs(gifti_image *gim, const char *name, const char *value, const int * dalist, int len) { int c, ind; if( !gim || !name || !value ) { fprintf(stderr,"** set_DA_atrs: bad params (%p,%p,%p)\n", (void *)gim, (void *)name, (void *)value); return 1; } if( !gim->darray ) return 0; /* just leave */ if( dalist && len > 0 ) { /* set atrs for those DA in dalist */ if( ! gifti_valid_int_list(dalist, len, 0, gim->numDA-1, 1) ) return 1; /* good to go */ for( c = 0; c < len; c++ ) { ind = dalist[c]; /* for clarity */ if( ! gim->darray[ind] ) continue; /* trioanoid */ if( gifti_str2attr_darray(gim->darray[ind], name, value) ) { if( G.verb > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"** bad DA attr '%s'='%s'\n",name,value); return 1; } } if( G.verb > 2 ) fprintf(stderr,"++ set atrs in %d DAs, '%s'='%s'\n",len,name,value); return 0; } /* else continue, do all of them */ for( c = 0; c < gim->numDA; c++ ) { if( ! gim->darray[c] ) continue; /* trioanoid */ if( gifti_str2attr_darray(gim->darray[c], name, value) ) { if(G.verb>1)fprintf(stderr,"** bad DA attr '%s'='%s'\n",name,value); return 1; } } if( G.verb > 4 ) fprintf(stderr,"++ set attr in all DAs, '%s'='%s'\n", name, value); return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! set MetaData name/value pairs in all DAs in list (or all in gim) *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_set_DA_meta( gifti_image *gim, const char *name, const char *value, const int * dalist, int len, int replace ) { int c, ind; if( !gim || !name || !value ) { fprintf(stderr,"** set_DA_meta: bad params (%p,%p,%p)\n", (void *)gim, (void *)name, (void *)value); return 1; } if( !gim->darray ) return 0; /* just leave */ if( dalist && len > 0 ) { /* set meta for those DA in dalist */ if( ! gifti_valid_int_list(dalist, len, 0, gim->numDA-1, 1) ) return 1; /* good to go */ for( c = 0; c < len; c++ ) { ind = dalist[c]; /* for clarity */ if( ! gim->darray[ind] ) continue; /* trioanoid */ if( gifti_add_to_meta(&gim->darray[ind]->meta,name,value,replace) ) return 1; } if( G.verb > 2 ) fprintf(stderr,"++ set meta in %d DAs, '%s'='%s'\n",len,name,value); return 0; } /* else continue, do all of them */ for( c = 0; c < gim->numDA; c++ ) { if( ! gim->darray[c] ) continue; /* trioanoid */ if( gifti_add_to_meta(&gim->darray[c]->meta,name,value,replace) ) return 1; } if( G.verb > 4 ) fprintf(stderr,"++ set MetaData in all DAs, '%s'='%s'\n", name, value); return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! allocate and return a newly created gifti_image_struct * * if numDA > 0, allocate and initialize gim->darray * if intent is a valid NIFTI_INTENT code, set it in all DataArray elements * if dtype is a valid NIFTI_TYPE, set it in all DA elements * if dims is set (MUST be of length 6), set the dims in all DA elements * if alloc_data, allocate zero-filled data in each DA element * * note that if numDA <= 0, the function returns an empty gifti_image *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ gifti_image * gifti_create_image( int numDA, int intent, int dtype, int ndim, const int * dims, int alloc_data ) { gifti_image * gim; int c, errs = 0; if( G.verb > 1 ) { /* maybe start with some chit-chat */ fprintf(stderr,"++ creating gifti_image with %d DA elements\n", numDA); if( G.verb > 2 ) { fprintf(stderr," intent[%d] = %s, dtype[%d] = %s,\n" " alloc_data = %d, ndim = %d, dims: ", intent, gifti_intent_to_string(intent), dtype, gifti_datatype2str(dtype), alloc_data, ndim); if( !dims ) fprintf(stderr,"\n"); else gifti_disp_raw_data(dims, DT_INT32, GIFTI_DARRAY_DIM_LEN, 1, stderr); } } /* basic step - create empty image (with a version string) */ gim = (gifti_image *)calloc(1, sizeof(gifti_image)); if(!gim){ fprintf(stderr,"** failed to alloc gifti_image\n"); return NULL; } gifti_clear_gifti_image(gim); gim->version = gifti_strdup(GIFTI_XML_VERSION); if( numDA <= 0 ) return gim; /* done */ /* apply numDA, which is incremented in add_empty_darray() */ gim->numDA = 0; if( gifti_add_empty_darray(gim, numDA) ) { /* then cannot continue */ gifti_free_image(gim); return NULL; } /* init all to defaults */ for( c = 0; c < gim->numDA; c++ ) errs += gifti_set_DA_defaults(gim->darray[c]); /* and fill in any other pieces */ if( gifti_intent_is_valid(intent) ) errs += gifti_set_atr_in_DAs(gim,"Intent", gifti_intent_to_string(intent), NULL, 0); if( gifti_valid_datatype(dtype, 1) ) { errs += gifti_set_atr_in_DAs(gim,"DataType", gifti_datatype2str(dtype), NULL, 0); errs += gifti_update_nbyper(gim); } if( dims && ndim >= 0 ) errs += gifti_set_dims_all_DA(gim, ndim, dims); /* don't try this if there are errors */ if( !errs && alloc_data ) errs += gifti_alloc_DA_data(gim, NULL, 0); if( errs ) { /* then fail out */ gifti_free_image(gim); return NULL; } return gim; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! allocate nvals*nbyper bytes of (zero-filled) data in each DataArray * (in dalist or simply in gim) * * return 0 on success * 1 on error *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_alloc_DA_data(gifti_image * gim, const int * dalist, int len) { giiDataArray * da; long long nbytes, ntot = 0; int c, index, nset = 0, use_list, numDA; if( !gim || !gim->darray || gim->numDA <= 0 ) return 0; /* decide whether to use dalist or allocate all data */ use_list = gifti_valid_int_list(dalist, len, 0, gim->numDA-1, 0); if( use_list && G.verb > 2 ) fprintf(stderr,"++ allocating data for %s\n", use_list ? "DA in list" : "all DAs"); if( use_list && DA_data_exists(gim, dalist, len) ) { fprintf(stderr,"** data already exists for some DAs in list\n"); return 1; } numDA = use_list ? len : gim->numDA; for( c = 0; c < numDA; c++ ) { index = use_list ? dalist[c] : c; /* choose appropriate DA index */ da = gim->darray[index]; /* set convenient pointer */ if( ! da ) continue; /* if dimensions do not make sense, fail out */ if( ! gifti_valid_dims(da, G.verb > 0) ) return 1; if( da->nvals < 0 || da->nbyper < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"** bad nvals, nbyper in DA[%d]\n",index); return 1; } nbytes = da->nvals * da->nbyper; if( nbytes <= 0 ) continue; /* skip empty data */ ntot += nbytes; /* compute total bytes */ nset++; da->data = calloc(nbytes, sizeof(char)); if( !da->data ) { fprintf(stderr,"** gifti_alloc_DA_data: failed on DA %d of %d\n" " %lld bytes (%lld total)\n", index, numDA, nbytes, ntot); return 1; } } if( G.verb > 3) fprintf(stderr,"++ alloc'd %lld bytes in %d DA elements\n", ntot, nset); return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! set num_dims, dims and nvals in every DataArray element * * return 0 on success * 1 on error *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_set_dims_all_DA(gifti_image * gim, int ndim, const int * dims) { long long nvals; int c, d, nset = 0; if(!gim || ndim < 0 || ndim > GIFTI_DARRAY_DIM_LEN || !dims) { fprintf(stderr,"** SDA_DA: bad params (%p, %d, %p)\n", (void *)gim, ndim, (void *)dims); return 1; } if( !gim->darray || gim->numDA == 0 ) return 0; /* first compute nvals */ for( d = 0, nvals = 1; d < ndim; d++) nvals *= dims[d]; if( nvals <= 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"** GSDA_DA: malformed dims[%d]: ", ndim); gifti_disp_raw_data(dims, DT_INT32, GIFTI_DARRAY_DIM_LEN, 1, stderr); return 1; } if( ndim == 0 ) nvals = 0; /* insert num_dim and fill dims (pad with 0s) */ for( c = 0; c < gim->numDA; c++ ) { if( !gim->darray[c] ) continue; /* paranoid */ gim->darray[c]->num_dim = ndim; for( d = 0; d < ndim; d++ ) gim->darray[c]->dims[d] = dims[d]; for( /* continue */ ; d < GIFTI_DARRAY_DIM_LEN; d++ ) gim->darray[c]->dims[d] = 0; gim->darray[c]->nvals = nvals; nset++; } if(G.verb > 3) { fprintf(stderr,"++ set dims in %d of %d DA elements to: ", nset, gim->numDA); gifti_disp_raw_data(dims, DT_INT32, GIFTI_DARRAY_DIM_LEN, 1, stderr); } return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! update nbyper/swapsize for all DataArray elements * * return 0 on success * 1 on error *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_update_nbyper(gifti_image * gim) { giiDataArray * da; int c, errs = 0; if( !gim ) return 1; if( !gim->darray || gim->numDA == 0 ) return 0; for( c = 0; c < gim->numDA; c++ ){ da = gim->darray[c]; /* just to look cleaner */ if( !da ) continue; errs += gifti_datatype_sizes(da->datatype, &da->nbyper, NULL); } return errs; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! fill DataArray element with default values * * return 0 on success * 1 on error *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_set_DA_defaults(giiDataArray * da) { int c; if(!da) { fprintf(stderr,"** NULL in set_DA_defaults\n"); return 1; } if( G.verb > 6 ) fprintf(stderr,"-- setting DA defaults\n"); gifti_clear_DataArray(da); /* start with empty struct */ /* and fill with any non-NULL, non-zero values */ da->intent = NIFTI_INTENT_NONE; da->datatype = NIFTI_TYPE_FLOAT32; da->ind_ord = GIFTI_IND_ORD_ROW_MAJOR; da->num_dim = 1; /* one value per node */ for( c = 0; c < GIFTI_DARRAY_DIM_LEN; c++ ) da->dims[c] = 0; da->encoding = GIFTI_ENCODING_B64BIN; /* zlib may not be available */ da->endian = gifti_get_this_endian(); da->ext_offset = 0; da->nvals = 0; da->nbyper = 0; gifti_datatype_sizes(da->datatype, &da->nbyper, NULL); return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! clear the DataArray element *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_clear_DataArray(giiDataArray * da) { if(!da) { fprintf(stderr,"** NULL in clear_DataArray\n"); return 1; } if( G.verb > 5 ) fprintf(stderr,"-- clearing DataArray\n"); memset(da, 0, sizeof(giiDataArray)); da->ext_fname = NULL; gifti_clear_nvpairs(&da->meta); da->coordsys = NULL; da->data = NULL; gifti_clear_nvpairs(&da->ex_atrs); return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! simply clear all contents of the passed gifti_image * (being explicit with pointers) * * return 0 on success * 1 on error *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_clear_gifti_image(gifti_image * gim) { if(!gim) { fprintf(stderr,"** NULL in clear_gifti_image\n"); return 1; } if( G.verb > 5 ) fprintf(stderr,"-- clearing gifti_image\n"); /* set the version and clear all pointers */ memset(gim, 0, sizeof(gifti_image)); gim->version = NULL; gifti_clear_nvpairs(&gim->meta); gifti_clear_LabelTable(&gim->labeltable); gim->darray = NULL; gifti_clear_nvpairs(&gim->ex_atrs); return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! read a dataset, just for numDA * * may write faster gxml function for this, if it seems important *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_read_dset_numDA(const char * fname) { gifti_image * gim; int numDA; if( !fname ) { fprintf(stderr,"** NULL to gifti_read_dset_numDA\n"); return -1; } if( G.verb > 2 ) fprintf(stderr,"++ read dset numDA, file '%s'\n",fname); gim = gifti_read_da_list(fname, 0, NULL, 0); if( !gim ) return -1; /* errors already printed */ numDA = gim->numDA; if(G.verb > 1) fprintf(stderr,"++ read dset numDA, file '%s', numDA = %d\n", fname, numDA); gifti_free_image(gim); /* lose dataset and return */ return numDA; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! return whether the list values are from min to max *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_valid_int_list(const int *list, int len, int min, int max, int whine) { int c; if( !list || len <= 0 ) return 0; for( c = 0; c < len; c++ ) if( list[c] < min || list[c] > max ) { if( whine ) fprintf(stderr,"** bad list index [%d] = %d, not in [%d,%d]\n", c, list[c], min, max); return 0; } return 1; } /* return whether any DAs in list have data */ static int DA_data_exists(gifti_image * gim, const int * dalist, int len) { int length, uselist = 0; int c, ind; if( !dalist || len <= 0 ) { /* then scan all DA elements */ length = gim->numDA; if( length <= 0 ) return 0; } else if( !gifti_valid_int_list(dalist, len, 0, gim->numDA-1, 1) ) { return 0; } else { uselist = 1; length = len; } for( c = 0; c < length; c++ ) { ind = uselist ? dalist[c] : c; if( gim->darray[ind] && gim->darray[ind]->data ) return 1; } return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! add the name=value pair to the MetaData lists * * if the name already exists, fail, unless 'replace' is set * * return 0 on success, 1 on error *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_add_to_meta( giiMetaData * md, const char * name, const char * value, int replace ) { int c; if( !md || !name || !value ) return 1; if( G.verb > 5 ) fprintf(stderr,"++ GA2M: name '%s', value '%s', replace = %d\n", name, value, replace); /* see if 'name' is already here */ for( c = 0; c < md->length; c++ ) { if( !md->name[c] && G.verb > 2 ) { fprintf(stderr,"** G MD[%d]: no name to check for replacement\n",c); continue; } if( !strcmp(md->name[c], name) ) { /* a match, apply and return */ if( !md->value[c] && G.verb > 2 ) { fprintf(stderr,"** G MD[%d]: no value to replace\n",c); md->value[c] = gifti_strdup(value); return 0; } if( replace ) { if( G.verb > 5 ) fprintf(stderr," (add via REPLACE)\n"); if( md->value[c] ) free(md->value[c]); md->value[c] = gifti_strdup(value); return 0; } else { fprintf(stderr,"** G_add_to_meta: name '%s', already exists\n", name); return 1; } } } /* name is new, so just add it */ if( G.verb > 5 ) fprintf(stderr," (adding new entry)\n"); md->length++; md->name = (char **)realloc(md->name, md->length * sizeof(char *)); md->value = (char **)realloc(md->value, md->length * sizeof(char *)); if( !md->name || !md->value ) { fprintf(stderr,"** GA2M:failed to realloc %d MD pointers\n",md->length); md->length = 0; return 1; } md->name[md->length-1] = gifti_strdup(name); md->value[md->length-1] = gifti_strdup(value); if( ! md->name[md->length-1] || ! md->value[md->length-1] ) return 1; return 0; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------- *! check for validity of the gifti_image (including sub-structures) * * if whine is set, complain about any errors * * return 1 if valid, 0 otherwise *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_valid_gifti_image( gifti_image * gim, int whine ) { int c, errs = 0; if( !gim ) { if(whine) fprintf(stderr,"** invalid: gifti_image ptr is NULL\n"); return 0; } if( G.verb > 3 ) fprintf(stderr,"-- checking for valid gifti_image...\n"); if( gim->numDA < 0 ) { if(whine) fprintf(stderr,"** invalid: numDA = %d\n", gim->numDA); errs ++; } if( !gim->version || (atof(gim->version) != atof(GIFTI_XML_VERSION)) ) { if(whine) fprintf(stderr, "** invalid: gim version = %s\n", G_CHECK_NULL_STR(gim->version)); errs++; } if( ! gifti_valid_nvpairs(&gim->meta, whine) ) errs ++; if( ! gifti_valid_LabelTable(&gim->labeltable, whine) ) errs ++; for( c = 0; c < gim->numDA; c++ ) { if( G.verb > 5 ) fprintf(stderr,"-- checking DA[%d]\n", c); if( ! gifti_valid_DataArray(gim->darray[c], whine) ) { if( G.verb > 3 ) fprintf(stderr,"-- DA[%d] has errors\n",c); errs++; } else if( G.verb > 4 ) fprintf(stderr,"-- DA[%d] is VALID\n",c); } /* no check on swapped or compressed */ if( ! gifti_valid_nvpairs(&gim->ex_atrs, whine) ) errs ++; if( G.verb > 2 ) { fprintf(stderr,"-- gifti_image: errors = %d", errs); if( errs ) fprintf(stderr," (INVALID)\n"); else fprintf(stderr," (VALID)\n"); } if( errs ) return 0; else return 1; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! return whether data exists * * - darray, each darray[i] and darray[i]->data must be set * * return 1 if true, 0 otherwise *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_image_has_data(const gifti_image * gim) { int c; if( !gim || !gim->darray || gim->numDA <= 0 ) return 0; for( c = 0; c < gim->numDA; c++ ) if( !gim->darray[c] ) { if(G.verb > 3) fprintf(stderr,"** gim missing data at ind %d\n",c); return 0; } return 1; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! duplicate the given gifti_image struct, optionally including data * * Allocate and copy all contents of the gifti_image structure and * sub-structures. If copy_data is not set, all data pointers within * DataArray elements will be left as NULL. * * return a pointer to the newly allocated structure *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ gifti_image * gifti_copy_gifti_image(const gifti_image * gold, int copy_data) { gifti_image * gnew; int c, errs = 0; /* check for errors at each step */ if( !gold ){ fprintf(stderr,"** copy_gim: input is NULL\n"); return NULL; } if(G.verb > 3) fprintf(stderr,"++ copying gifti_image (%s data)...\n", copy_data ? "with" : "without" ); gnew = (gifti_image *)calloc(1, sizeof(gifti_image)); if(!gnew){fprintf(stderr,"** copy_gim, failed alloc\n"); return NULL;} /* copy one piece at a time */ gnew->numDA = gold->numDA; gnew->version = gifti_strdup(gold->version); errs = gifti_copy_nvpairs(&gnew->meta, &gold->meta); if(!errs) errs=gifti_copy_LabelTable(&gnew->labeltable, &gold->labeltable); /* if needed, create and copy the DataArray list */ if( !errs && gold->darray && gold->numDA > 0 ) { gnew->darray=(giiDataArray**)malloc(gold->numDA*sizeof(giiDataArray*)); if( !gnew->darray ) { fprintf(stderr,"** copy_gim: failed to alloc darray of len %d\n", gold->numDA); errs = 1; } for( c = 0; !errs && c < gold->numDA; c++ ) { gnew->darray[c] = gifti_copy_DataArray(gold->darray[c], copy_data); if( !gnew->darray[c]) errs++; } } /* and copy the extras */ if( !errs ) { gnew->swapped = gold->swapped; gnew->compressed = gold->compressed; errs = gifti_copy_nvpairs(&gnew->ex_atrs, &gold->ex_atrs); } /* on failure, blow everything away */ if( errs ) { gifti_free_image(gnew); return NULL; } return gnew; } /*---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*! convert all data to NIFTI_TYPE_FLOAT32 * * for each DataArray * if data exists, convert it (free old, allocate new) * else, leave as NULL *//*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int gifti_convert_to_float(gifti_image * gim) { giiDataArray * da; void * olddata; int oldtype, newtype = NIFTI_TYPE_FLOAT32; /* for future? */ int c, nbyper, oldnbyper; if( !gim ) return 1; if( !gim->darray || gim->numDA <= 0 ) { if( G.verb > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"-- no darray to convert to float\n"); return 0; } if( G.verb > 1 ) fprintf(stderr,"++ converting gifti_image to float\n"); /* first, check for problems in any DA */ for( c = 0; c < gim->numDA; c++ ) { da = gim->darray[c]; if( !da ) continue; /* if the data has an unknown type, panic into error */ if( da->data && !gifti_valid_datatype(da->datatype, 0) ) { fprintf(stderr,"** unknown dtype %d, cannot convert to floats\n", da->datatype); return 1; } /* dimension information must be consistent */ if( !gifti_valid_dims(da, 1) ) return 1; } /* will update nbyper in each DA, below */ gifti_datatype_sizes(newtype, &nbyper, NULL); /* all is well, update all DA elements */ for( c = 0; c < gim->numDA; c++ ) { da = gim->darray[c]; if( !da ) continue; oldtype = da->datatype; oldnbyper = da->nbyper; if( oldtype == newtype ) { if(G.verb > 3) fprintf(stderr,"++ convert DA[%d] already type %s\n", c, gifti_datatype2str(newtype)); continue; /* no change needed */ } if(G.verb > 3) fprintf(stderr,"++ convert DA[%d] from %s to %s\n", c, gifti_datatype2str(oldtype), gifti_datatype2str(newtype)); if( oldtype == newtype ) continue; /* no change needed */ /* start trashing DataArray: adjust datatype and nbyper */ da->datatype = newtype; da->nbyper = nbyper; /* if there is no data, we are done with this DA */ if( !da->data ) { if( G.verb > 4 ) fprintf(stderr,"-- no data to convert\n"); continue; } /* store old data pointer, and allocate new data space */ olddata = da->data; da->data = NULL; /* so alloc_DA_data doesn't whine */ if( gifti_alloc_DA_data(gim, &c, 1) ) return 1; /* copy the data, and nuke the old stuff */ if( copy_data_as_float(da->data,newtype,olddata,oldtype,da->nvals) ) { /* undo this copy and return */ free(da->data); da->data = olddata; da->datatype = oldtype; da->nbyper = oldnbyper; return 1; } free(olddata); /* done with this, data has been copied */ } return 0; } /* copy old data to float array */ static int copy_data_as_float(void * dest, int dtype, void * src, int stype, long long nvals) { float * dptr = (float *)dest; long long c; if( !dest || !src ) { fprintf(stderr,"** copy_data_as_float: missing pointers\n"); return 1; } if( dtype != NIFTI_TYPE_FLOAT32 ) { fprintf(stderr,"** can't copy to float with dest type %d\n", dtype); return 1; } switch( stype ) { default: { fprintf(stderr,"** copy2float: can't handle src type %d\n",stype); return 1; } case NIFTI_TYPE_INT8: { char * sptr = (char *)src; for( c = 0; c < nvals; c++ ) dptr[c] = (float)sptr[c]; break; } case NIFTI_TYPE_INT16: { short * sptr = (short *)src; for( c = 0; c < nvals; c++ ) dptr[c] = (float)sptr[c]; break; } case NIFTI_TYPE_INT32: { int * sptr = (int *)src; for( c = 0; c < nvals; c++ ) dptr[c] = (float)sptr[c]; break; } case NIFTI_TYPE_INT64: { long long * sptr = (long long *)src; for( c = 0; c < nvals; c++ ) dptr[c] = (float)sptr[c]; break; } case NIFTI_TYPE_UINT8: { unsigned char * sptr = (unsigned char *)src; for( c = 0; c < nvals; c++ ) dptr[c] = (float)sptr[c]; break; } case NIFTI_TYPE_UINT16: { unsigned short * sptr = (unsigned short *)src; for( c = 0; c < nvals; c++ ) dptr[c] = (float)sptr[c]; break; } case NIFTI_TYPE_UINT32: { unsigned int * sptr = (unsigned int *)src; for( c = 0; c < nvals; c++ ) dptr[c] = (float)sptr[c]; break; } case NIFTI_TYPE_UINT64: { unsigned long long * sptr = (unsigned long long *)src; for( c = 0; c < nvals; c++ ) dptr[c] = (float)sptr[c]; break; } case NIFTI_TYPE_FLOAT32: { float * sptr = (float *)src; for( c = 0; c < nvals; c++ ) dptr[c] = sptr[c]; break; } case NIFTI_TYPE_FLOAT64: { double * sptr = (double *)src; for( c = 0; c < nvals; c++ ) dptr[c] = (float)sptr[c]; break; } } return 0; }