/* {{{ Copyright */ /* miscpic - collection of image display and rendering routines Stephen Smith, Christian Beckmann and Matthew Webster, FMRIB Image Analysis Group Copyright (C) 1999-2009 University of Oxford */ /* Part of FSL - FMRIB's Software Library http://www.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl fsl@fmrib.ox.ac.uk Developed at FMRIB (Oxford Centre for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain), Department of Clinical Neurology, Oxford University, Oxford, UK LICENCE FMRIB Software Library, Release 5.0 (c) 2012, The University of Oxford (the "Software") The Software remains the property of the University of Oxford ("the University"). The Software is distributed "AS IS" under this Licence solely for non-commercial use in the hope that it will be useful, but in order that the University as a charitable foundation protects its assets for the benefit of its educational and research purposes, the University makes clear that no condition is made or to be implied, nor is any warranty given or to be implied, as to the accuracy of the Software, or that it will be suitable for any particular purpose or for use under any specific conditions. Furthermore, the University disclaims all responsibility for the use which is made of the Software. It further disclaims any liability for the outcomes arising from using the Software. The Licensee agrees to indemnify the University and hold the University harmless from and against any and all claims, damages and liabilities asserted by third parties (including claims for negligence) which arise directly or indirectly from the use of the Software or the sale of any products based on the Software. No part of the Software may be reproduced, modified, transmitted or transferred in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without the express permission of the University. The permission of the University is not required if the said reproduction, modification, transmission or transference is done without financial return, the conditions of this Licence are imposed upon the receiver of the product, and all original and amended source code is included in any transmitted product. You may be held legally responsible for any copyright infringement that is caused or encouraged by your failure to abide by these terms and conditions. You are not permitted under this Licence to use this Software commercially. Use for which any financial return is received shall be defined as commercial use, and includes (1) integration of all or part of the source code or the Software into a product for sale or license by or on behalf of Licensee to third parties or (2) use of the Software or any derivative of it for research with the final aim of developing software products for sale or license to a third party or (3) use of the Software or any derivative of it for research with the final aim of developing non-software products for sale or license to a third party, or (4) use of the Software to provide any service to an external organisation for which payment is received. If you are interested in using the Software commercially, please contact Isis Innovation Limited ("Isis"), the technology transfer company of the University, to negotiate a licence. Contact details are: innovation@isis.ox.ac.uk quoting reference DE/9564. */ /* }}} */ #include "miscpic.h" #include "gdfonts.h" #include "gdfontt.h" using namespace NEWIMAGE; namespace MISCPIC{ #include class TextWriter { public: unsigned int x,y; string text; TextWriter(int inputX, int inputY, string inputText); }; TextWriter::TextWriter(int inputX, int inputY, string inputText) { x=inputX; y=inputY; text=inputText; } vector textWriterVector; /* {{{ read_lut */ //template void miscpic::read_lut() { FILE *tmpfp; if ((tmpfp=fopen(lut.c_str(),"rb"))!=NULL) { char lutline[10000]; nlut = 0;rlut.clear();glut.clear();blut.clear(); while (fgets(lutline, 10000, tmpfp)!=NULL) if ( (strncmp(lutline,"<-color{",8)==0) ) { float fr, fg, fb; sscanf(lutline+8,"%f,%f,%f",&fr,&fg,&fb); rlut.push_back((int)MISCMATHS::Max(0,MISCMATHS::Min(255,255*fr))); glut.push_back((int)MISCMATHS::Max(0,MISCMATHS::Min(255,255*fg))); blut.push_back((int)MISCMATHS::Max(0,MISCMATHS::Min(255,255*fb))); /*printf("%d %d %d\n",rlut[nlut],glut[nlut],blut[nlut]);*/ nlut++; } fclose(tmpfp); } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ float2str */ string float2str(float f, int prec) { ostringstream os; if(std::abs(f)>0.00001){ os.precision(std::min((int)(prec+ceil(abs(log10(abs(f))))),7)); os.setf(ios::internal, ios::adjustfield); os << f << '\0'; } else os << "0.0"; return os.str(); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ set_minmax */ //template void miscpic::set_minmax(float bgmin, float bgmax, float s1min, float s1max, float s2min, float s2max) { minmax.push_back(bgmin); minmax.push_back(bgmax); minmax.push_back(s1min); minmax.push_back(s1max); minmax.push_back(s2min); minmax.push_back(s2max); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ add_title */ //template int miscpic::add_title(int width) { if(title.length()>0) { string tmptitle = title; int strlen=0, numns = 1; //work out number of lines etc while(tmptitle.find("\n")!=string::npos && tmptitle.find("\n")w)), ysize = 3*linebrk + numns*(linebrk+gdFontSmall->h); gdImagePtr tmpim; tmpim = gdImageCreateTrueColor(xsize, ysize); int fontclr = gdImageColorResolve(tmpim,240, 240, 240); tmptitle = title; int xcoor = linebrk, ycoor = 2*linebrk; while(tmptitle.find("\n")!=string::npos && tmptitle.find("\n")sx / 2 - (strlen * gdFontSmall->w)/2; char *s = (char*)tmp.c_str(); gdImageString(tmpim, gdFontSmall, xcoor , ycoor,(unsigned char*) s, fontclr); ycoor += linebrk + gdFontSmall->h; } char *s = (char*)tmptitle.c_str(); xcoor = linebrk + tmpim->sx / 2 - (tmptitle.length() * gdFontSmall->w)/2; gdImageString(tmpim, gdFontSmall, xcoor , ycoor,(unsigned char*) s, fontclr); //assemble everything into one image gdImagePtr all; xsize = tmpim->sx + outim->sx - width; ysize = tmpim->sy + outim->sy; all = gdImageCreateTrueColor(xsize, ysize); gdImageCopy(all, tmpim, 0,0,0,0, tmpim->sx, tmpim->sy); gdImageCopy(all, outim, 0,tmpim->sy,0,0,outim->sx, outim->sy); gdImageDestroy(outim); outim = all; //outim = gdImageCreateTrueColor(xsize, ysize); //gdImageCopy(outim, all, 0, 0 ,0,0,outim->sx, outim->sy); //gdImageDestroy(all); gdImageDestroy(tmpim); } return 0; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ colourbar stuff */ //template int miscpic::add_cbar(string cbartype) { if(outim){ if(cbarptr) gdImageDestroy(cbarptr); cbarptr = gdImageCreateTrueColor(10,outim->sy); create_cbar(cbartype); gdImagePtr tmpim; int xsize = outim->sx + cbarptr->sx; int ysize = max(int(outim->sy),int(cbarptr->sy)); tmpim = gdImageCreateTrueColor(xsize, ysize); gdImageCopy(tmpim, outim, 0, (ysize-outim->sy) / 2, 0, 0,outim->sx, outim->sy); gdImageCopy(tmpim, cbarptr, outim->sx, (ysize-cbarptr->sy)/2, 0, 0, cbarptr->sx, cbarptr->sy); gdImageDestroy(outim); outim = tmpim; if(cbarptr){gdImageDestroy(cbarptr); cbarptr=NULL;} // tmpim = gdImageCreateTrueColor(outim->sx,outim->sy); // gdImageCopy(tmpim, outim, 0, 0, 0, 0, outim->sx,outim->sy); // gdImageDestroy(outim); // int xsize = tmpim->sx + cbarptr->sx; // int ysize = max(int(tmpim->sy),int(cbarptr->sy)); // outim = gdImageCreateTrueColor(xsize, ysize); // gdImageCopy(outim, tmpim, 0, (ysize-tmpim->sy) / 2, 0, 0,tmpim->sx, tmpim->sy); // gdImageCopy(outim, cbarptr, tmpim->sx, (ysize-cbarptr->sy)/2, 0, 0, cbarptr->sx, cbarptr->sy); // if(cbarptr) gdImageDestroy(cbarptr); // if(tmpim) gdImageDestroy(tmpim); } return 0; } //template int miscpic::write_cbar(string fname, string cbartype) { if(cbarptr){ gdImageDestroy(cbarptr); cbarptr = NULL; } //output colorbar if((create_cbar(cbartype)==0)&&cbarptr){ // if(debug) // cerr << " write cbar" << endl; FILE *pngout; if ((pngout = fopen(fname.c_str(), "wb"))==NULL) { cerr << "ERROR: Can't open " << fname << "for writing" << endl; return(1); } gdImagePng(cbarptr, pngout); fclose(pngout); gdImageDestroy(cbarptr); cbarptr=NULL; return 0; } else return -1; } //template int miscpic::create_cbar(string cbartype) { //if(debug) // cerr << " In create_cbar" << endl; if(lut.find("render1t")200)&&(minmax.size()>5)){ for(int y=0; y < y_size; y++){ int col = gdImageColorResolve(bluecyn, (int)rlut[y+200],(int)glut[y+200],(int)blut[y+200]); if(minmax[4]minmax[1]){ float tmp = minmax[1]; minmax[1] = minmax[0]; minmax[0]=tmp; } if(minmax[2]>minmax[3]){ float tmp = minmax[2]; minmax[2] = minmax[3]; minmax[3]=tmp; } if(minmax[4]>minmax[5]){ float tmp = minmax[4]; minmax[4] = minmax[5]; minmax[5]=tmp; } //if(debug){ // cerr << " minmax[0] : " << minmax[0] << " minmax[1] : " << minmax[1] << endl; // cerr << " minmax[2] : " << minmax[2] << " minmax[3] : " << minmax[3] << endl; // cerr << " minmax[4] : " << minmax[4] << " minmax[5] : " << minmax[5] << endl; // } //set up colorbar creation vector lbls(minmax.size()); vector lsize(minmax.size()); for(int ctr= 0; ctr< int(minmax.size()); ctr++){ lbls[ctr]=float2str(minmax[ctr],2); lsize[ctr] = int((lbls[ctr].length() + 2) * gdFontSmall->w); } //if(debug) // cerr << " labels created" << endl; int ignores = 0; int nrows=1; int stepy = 100; int topmargin = 10, leftmargin = 10; int xsize = 2*leftmargin, ysize = 0; int rctr=0, bctr=0, gctr=0; if(cbartype.length()>5){ cerr << "ERROR: to many colorbars requested" << endl; return -1; } // parse the first letter switch(char(cbartype[0])){ case 'y': xsize += max(lsize[2],lsize[3]) + width;rctr++; break; case 'b': if(nlut>200){ xsize += max(lsize[4],lsize[5]) + width; bctr++; } break; case 'g': xsize += max(lsize[0],lsize[1]);gctr++; break; default : cerr << endl<< "ERROR: Only use 'y','b' or 'g' as the first colorbar option" << endl; return -1; } //if(debug) // cerr << " parsed first symbol" << endl; // parse the rest of the colorbar line for(int ctr = 1; ctr < int(cbartype.length()); ctr++) { switch(char(cbartype[ctr])) { case 'y': rctr++; if(char(cbartype[ctr-1])=='s') xsize = max(xsize,leftmargin+width + max(lsize[2],lsize[3])); else xsize += max(lsize[2],lsize[3]) + width; break; case 'b': if(nlut>200){ bctr++; if(char(cbartype[ctr-1])=='s') xsize = max(xsize,leftmargin+width + max(lsize[4],lsize[5])); else xsize += max(lsize[4],lsize[5]) + width; } break; case 'g': gctr++; if(char(cbartype[ctr-1])=='s') xsize = max(xsize,leftmargin+ width + max(lsize[0],lsize[1])); else xsize += max(lsize[0],lsize[1]); break; case 's': nrows++; break; default : cerr << endl<< "ERROR: Only use 'y','b','g' or 's' to specify type of colorbar" << endl; return -1; } } //if(debug) // cerr << " completed parsing" << endl; if(cbarptr){ //if(debug) // cerr << " cbarptr exists" << endl; ysize = cbarptr->sy; if((0.9*(cbarptr->sy)/nrows) > 50){ stepy = int(0.9 * cbarptr->sy / nrows); topmargin = int((cbarptr->sy - nrows*stepy)/2); } else if(cbarptr->sy > 55){ ignores = 1; nrows = 1; stepy = int(0.8 * cbarptr->sy / nrows); topmargin = int((cbarptr->sy - nrows*stepy)/2); xsize = 2*leftmargin + rctr * (max(lsize[2],lsize[3]) + width) + gctr * (max(lsize[0],lsize[1]) + width) + bctr * (max(lsize[4],lsize[5]) + width); } else{ return -1; } } else{ ysize = nrows * 100 + 2*topmargin; } //know now what to do //if(debug) // cerr << " destroy cbarptr" << endl; if(cbarptr) gdImageDestroy(cbarptr); //if(cbarptr&&debug) // cerr << " failed" << endl; //if(debug) // cerr << " create cbarptr" << endl; cbarptr = gdImageCreateTrueColor(xsize,ysize); //if(debug) // cerr << " allocate black" << endl; black = gdImageColorResolve(cbarptr, 0,0,0); //define the color for labels //int lineclr = gdImageColorResolve(cbarptr,230,230,230); int fontclr = gdImageColorResolve(cbarptr,255, 0, 0); int xcoor = leftmargin; int ycoor = topmargin; gdImagePtr src = NULL; int inmin = 0; int inmax = 0; //parse colorbar option again and create plot for(int ctr=0; ctr200){ src = bluecyn; inmin=4; inmax=5; }else src = NULL; break; case 's': if(ignores==0){ src = NULL; xcoor = leftmargin; ycoor = ycoor + stepy; }else{ src = NULL; } break; default : break; } if(src){ if(stepy == y_size){ gdImageCopy(cbarptr, src, xcoor,ycoor, 0, 0, width, y_size); } else{ gdImageCopyResized(cbarptr, src, xcoor,ycoor, 0, 0, width, stepy+1, width, y_size); } //gdImageLine(cbarptr, xcoor+10, ycoor, xcoor+18, ycoor, lineclr); //gdImageLine(cbarptr, xcoor+10, ycoor+stepy-1, xcoor+18, // ycoor+stepy-1, lineclr); { char *s = (char*)lbls[inmax].c_str(); gdImageString(cbarptr, gdFontSmall, xcoor + width + gdFontSmall->w , ycoor + 1, (unsigned char*) s, fontclr); } { char *s = (char*)lbls[inmin].c_str(); gdImageString(cbarptr, gdFontSmall, xcoor + width + gdFontSmall->w , ycoor + stepy-1 - gdFontSmall->h, (unsigned char*) s, fontclr); } xcoor += width + max(lsize[inmin],lsize[inmax]); } } if(redyell) gdImageDestroy(redyell); if(bluecyn) gdImageDestroy(bluecyn); if(grays) gdImageDestroy(grays); return 0; } /* }}} */ /* {{{ write_pic */ //template void miscpic::write_pic(char *fname, int width, int height) { if ( (nlut>0) || (compare) ) { if(strstr(fname,".png")==0) write_ppm(fname,width,height,picr,picg,picb); else write_png(fname,width,height,picr,picg,picb); } else { if(strstr(fname,".png")==0) write_pgm(fname,width,height,picr); else write_png(fname,width,height,picr,picr,picr); } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ write_png */ //template int miscpic::write_png ( char *filename, int x_size, int y_size, unsigned char *r, unsigned char *g, unsigned char *b) { FILE *pngout; if(strstr(filename,".png")==NULL) strcat(filename,".png"); outim = gdImageCreateTrueColor(x_size, y_size); for(int x=0; x < x_size; x++){ for(int y=0; y < y_size; y++){ int col = gdImageColorResolve(outim, (int) r[y*x_size+x], (int) g[y*x_size+x], (int) b[y*x_size+x]); gdImageSetPixel(outim, x, y, col); } } /*** TEST ***/ for (unsigned int i=0;writeText && i int miscpic::write_pgm ( char *filename, int x_size, int y_size, unsigned char *i ) { FILE *ofp; int x, y; if ((ofp=fopen(filename,"wb"))==NULL) { printf("Can't open %s for writing\n",filename); return(1); } fprintf(ofp,"P5\n"); fprintf(ofp,"%d %d\n",x_size,y_size); fprintf(ofp,"255\n"); for(y=0; y int miscpic::write_ppm ( char *filename, int x_size, int y_size, unsigned char *r, unsigned char *g, unsigned char *b ) { FILE *ofp; int x, y; if ((ofp=fopen(filename,"wb"))==NULL) { printf("Can't open %s for writing\n",filename); return(1); } fprintf(ofp,"P6\n"); fprintf(ofp,"%d %d\n",x_size,y_size); fprintf(ofp,"255\n"); for(y=0; y void miscpic::sag(float xx, int p, int imageWidth) { float yy, zz; int y, z; if (xx<0) xx=-xx; else xx*=(float)x_size; xx=MISCMATHS::Min(x_size-1.0,xx); ostringstream tempBuffer; tempBuffer << (int)xx; //Image top left is: (p%imageWidth,p/imageWidth) TextWriter tempTextWriter((int)(p%imageWidth),(int)(p/imageWidth),"X="+tempBuffer.str()); textWriterVector.push_back(tempTextWriter); for(y=0; y0) && ((y+z)%2>trans) ) { picr[p+(z_size_pic-1-z)*imageWidth+y] = 255; picg[p+(z_size_pic-1-z)*imageWidth+y] = picb[p+(z_size_pic-1-z)*imageWidth+y] = 0; } } } else { picr[p+(z_size_pic-1-z)*imageWidth+y]= (unsigned char)MISCMATHS::Min(255,MISCMATHS::Max(0,imr.interpolate(xx,yy,zz))); picg[p+(z_size_pic-1-z)*imageWidth+y]= (unsigned char)MISCMATHS::Min(255,MISCMATHS::Max(0,img.interpolate(xx,yy,zz))); picb[p+(z_size_pic-1-z)*imageWidth+y]= (unsigned char)MISCMATHS::Min(255,MISCMATHS::Max(0,imb.interpolate(xx,yy,zz))); } } // put in "R" label as appropriate int icode, jcode, kcode; get_axis_orientations(inp1,icode,jcode,kcode); // check if y-axis (x-axis in the figure) is left-right if (jcode==NIFTI_L2R) { addRlabel(p,imageWidth,z_size_pic,y_size_pic,false); } if (jcode==NIFTI_R2L) { addRlabel(p,imageWidth,z_size_pic,y_size_pic,true); } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ write coronal slice */ //template void miscpic::cor(float yy, int p, int imageWidth) { float xx, zz; int x, z; if (yy<0) yy=-yy; else yy*=(float)y_size; yy=MISCMATHS::Min(y_size-1.0,yy); ostringstream tempBuffer; tempBuffer << (int)yy; //Image top left is: (p%imageWidth,p/imageWidth) TextWriter tempTextWriter((int)(p%imageWidth),(int)(p/imageWidth),"Y="+tempBuffer.str()); textWriterVector.push_back(tempTextWriter); for(x=0; x0) && ((x+z)%2>trans) ) { picr[p+(z_size_pic-1-z)*imageWidth+x] = 255; picg[p+(z_size_pic-1-z)*imageWidth+x] = picb[p+(z_size_pic-1-z)*imageWidth+x] = 0; } } } else { picr[p+(z_size_pic-1-z)*imageWidth+x]= (unsigned char)MISCMATHS::Min(255,MISCMATHS::Max(0,imr.interpolate(xx,yy,zz))); picg[p+(z_size_pic-1-z)*imageWidth+x]= (unsigned char)MISCMATHS::Min(255,MISCMATHS::Max(0,img.interpolate(xx,yy,zz))); picb[p+(z_size_pic-1-z)*imageWidth+x]= (unsigned char)MISCMATHS::Min(255,MISCMATHS::Max(0,imb.interpolate(xx,yy,zz))); } } // put in "R" label as appropriate int icode, jcode, kcode; get_axis_orientations(inp1,icode,jcode,kcode); // check if x-axis (x-axis in the figure) is left-right if (icode==NIFTI_L2R) { addRlabel(p,imageWidth,z_size_pic,x_size_pic,false); } if (icode==NIFTI_R2L) { addRlabel(p,imageWidth,z_size_pic,x_size_pic,true); } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ write axial slice */ //template void miscpic::axi(float zCoord, int p, int imageWidth) { if (zCoord<0) zCoord=-zCoord; else zCoord*=(float)z_size; zCoord=MISCMATHS::Max(0,MISCMATHS::Min(z_size-1.0,zCoord)); ostringstream tempBuffer; tempBuffer << (int)zCoord; //Image top left is: (p%imageWidth,p/imageWidth) TextWriter tempTextWriter((int)(p%imageWidth),(int)(p/imageWidth),"Z="+tempBuffer.str()); textWriterVector.push_back(tempTextWriter); for(int x=0; x0) && ((x+y)%2>trans) ) { picr[p+(y_size_pic-1-y)*imageWidth+x] = 255; picg[p+(y_size_pic-1-y)*imageWidth+x] = picb[p+(y_size_pic-1-y)*imageWidth+x] = 0; } } } else { picr[p+(y_size_pic-1-y)*imageWidth+x]= (unsigned char)MISCMATHS::Min(255,MISCMATHS::Max(0,imr.interpolate(xx,yy,zCoord))); picg[p+(y_size_pic-1-y)*imageWidth+x]= (unsigned char)MISCMATHS::Min(255,MISCMATHS::Max(0,img.interpolate(xx,yy,zCoord))); picb[p+(y_size_pic-1-y)*imageWidth+x]= (unsigned char)MISCMATHS::Min(255,MISCMATHS::Max(0,imb.interpolate(xx,yy,zCoord))); } } // put in "R" label as appropriate int icode, jcode, kcode; get_axis_orientations(inp1,icode,jcode,kcode); // check if x-axis (x-axis in the figure) is left-right if (icode==NIFTI_L2R) { addRlabel(p,imageWidth,y_size_pic,x_size_pic,false); } if (icode==NIFTI_R2L) { addRlabel(p,imageWidth,y_size_pic,x_size_pic,true); } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ slicer */ int miscpic::slicer(const volume& vol1, const volume& vol2,vector inputOptions, bool labelSlices, bool debug) { /* {{{ vars */ int picsetup=0, sagcorskip=0, axiskip=0, height=0, picsize=0; /* }}} */ /* {{{ first image stuff */ writeText=labelSlices; inp1=vol1; inp1.setinterpolationmethod(trilinear); inp1.setextrapolationmethod(zeropad); x_size = inp1.xsize(); y_size = inp1.ysize(); z_size = inp1.zsize(); size = x_size * y_size * z_size; if(inp1.max()==inp1.min()){ cerr << " WARNING: input image is empty " << endl; } lut = lutbase + vol1.getAuxFile() + ".lut"; float intensity_min(inp1.percentile(0.02)), intensity_max(inp1.percentile(0.98)); { FILE *tmpfp(NULL); if( strlen(vol1.getAuxFile().c_str())>0 && ((tmpfp=fopen(lut.c_str(),"rb"))!=NULL) ) { fclose(tmpfp); intensity_max=vol1.getDisplayMaximum(); intensity_min=vol1.getDisplayMinimum(); } } if (intensity_min==intensity_max) { intensity_min=inp1.min(); intensity_max=inp1.max(); } float scale = MISCMATHS::Min(inp1.xdim(),MISCMATHS::Min(inp1.ydim(),inp1.zdim())); /* }}} */ /* {{{ read second (optional) image */ volume edge(vol2.xsize(),vol2.ysize(),vol2.zsize()); float edgethreshold; if (vol2.nvoxels() > 1 ) { inp2=vol2; int x, y, z; compare=1; if ( (x_size!=inp2.xsize()) || (y_size!=inp2.ysize()) || (z_size!=inp2.zsize()) ) { cerr << "Images aren't the same size!" << endl; return 1; } volume tmpedge(inp2.xsize(),inp2.ysize(),inp2.zsize()); volume orient(inp2.xsize(),inp2.ysize(),inp2.zsize()); inp2.setextrapolationmethod(mirror); tmpedge.setextrapolationmethod(zeropad); for(z=inp2.minz(); z<=inp2.maxz(); z++) for(y=inp2.miny(); y<=inp2.maxy(); y++) for(x=inp2.minx(); x<=inp2.maxx(); x++) { float xx=inp2(x+1,y,z)-inp2(x-1,y,z), yy=inp2(x,y+1,z)-inp2(x,y-1,z), zz=inp2(x,y,z+1)-inp2(x,y,z-1); xx*=xx; yy*=yy; zz*=zz; if ( (xx>yy) && (xx>zz) ) orient.value(x,y,z)=0; else { if (yy>zz) orient.value(x,y,z)=1; else orient.value(x,y,z)=2; } tmpedge.value(x,y,z) = (float) xx+yy+zz; } edge = 0; for(z=tmpedge.minz(); z<=tmpedge.maxz(); z++) for(y=tmpedge.miny(); y<=tmpedge.maxy(); y++) for(x=tmpedge.minx(); x<=tmpedge.maxx(); x++) { if (orient.value(x,y,z)==0) { if ( (tmpedge.value(x,y,z)>tmpedge(x-1,y,z)) && (tmpedge.value(x,y,z)>=tmpedge(x+1,y,z)) ) edge.value(x,y,z)=std::sqrt(tmpedge.value(x,y,z))/2; } else { if (orient.value(x,y,z)==1) { if ( (tmpedge.value(x,y,z)>tmpedge(x,y-1,z)) && (tmpedge.value(x,y,z)>=tmpedge(x,y+1,z)) ) edge.value(x,y,z)=std::sqrt(tmpedge.value(x,y,z))/2; } else { if ( (tmpedge.value(x,y,z)>tmpedge(x,y,z-1)) && (tmpedge.value(x,y,z)>=tmpedge(x,y,z+1)) ) edge.value(x,y,z)=std::sqrt(tmpedge.value(x,y,z))/2; } } } float edge2=edge.percentile(0.02); float edge98=edge.percentile(0.98); if (edge2==edge98) edgethreshold = 0.5*(edge.max()-edge.min())+edge.min(); else edgethreshold = 0.5*(edge98-edge2)+edge2; for(z=inp2.minz(); z<=inp2.maxz(); z++) for(y=inp2.miny(); y<=inp2.maxy(); y++) for(x=inp2.minx(); x<=inp2.maxx(); x++) if(edge.value(x,y,z) > edgethreshold) inp2.value(x,y,z) = 1; else inp2.value(x,y,z) = 0; } /* }}} */ for (unsigned int current=0;current0) { for(int z=inp2.minz(); z<=inp2.maxz(); z++) for(int y=inp2.miny(); y<=inp2.maxy(); y++) for(int x=inp2.minx(); x<=inp2.maxx(); x++) if(edge.value(x,y,z) > edgethreshold) inp2.value(x,y,z) = 1; else inp2.value(x,y,z) = 0; } } /* }}} */ else if (strncmp(theopt, "-t", 2)==0) /* {{{ transparent edges? */ { cerr << "TRANS = 1" << endl; trans=1; } /* }}} */ else if (strncmp(theopt, "-n", 2)==0) /* {{{ nearestneighbour interpolation? */ inp1.setinterpolationmethod(nearestneighbour); /* }}} */ else { if ( !picsetup ) { /* {{{ read lut */ read_lut(); /* }}} */ /* {{{ setup scaling and pictures sizes */ inp1.setxdim(inp1.xdim()/scale); inp1.setydim(inp1.ydim()/scale); inp1.setzdim(inp1.zdim()/scale); x_size_pic = (int)MISCMATHS::round(x_size*inp1.xdim()); y_size_pic = (int)MISCMATHS::round(y_size*inp1.ydim()); z_size_pic = (int)MISCMATHS::round(z_size*inp1.zdim()); /*if(debug) printf("%f %f %f %d %d %d\n",inp1.xdim(),inp1.ydim(),inp1.zdim(),x_size_pic,y_size_pic,z_size_pic);*/ picsize = MISCMATHS::Max(x_size_pic,MISCMATHS::Max(y_size_pic,z_size_pic)); picsize = picsize*picsize*MISCMATHS::Max(10,2*z_size); /*if(debug) printf("%d %d %d %d\n",x_size_pic,y_size_pic,z_size_pic,picsize);*/ picr = (unsigned char*)malloc(picsize); picg = (unsigned char*)malloc(picsize); picb = (unsigned char*)malloc(picsize); sagcorskip=0; axiskip=0; height=MISCMATHS::Max(y_size_pic,z_size_pic); if (y_size_pic>z_size_pic) sagcorskip=(y_size_pic-z_size_pic)/2; else axiskip=(z_size_pic-y_size_pic)/2; /* }}} */ /* {{{ rescale image intensity */ if(debug) cerr << "Entries in LUT: " << nlut << endl; if(debug) cerr << " Intensity min, max : " << intensity_min << " " << intensity_max << endl; if (nlut==0) /* otherwise (if using luts) then the display range should already have been set correctly */ { for(int z=inp1.minz(); z<=inp1.maxz(); z++) for(int y=inp1.miny(); y<=inp1.maxy(); y++) for(int x=inp1.minx(); x<=inp1.maxx(); x++) if(intensity_max>intensity_min) inp1.value(x,y,z) = (int)(((inp1.value(x,y,z) - intensity_min ) * 255.001 ) / (intensity_max-intensity_min)); else inp1.value(x,y,z) = 0; } else { imr = inp1; img = inp1; imb = inp1; imr.setextrapolationmethod(zeropad); img.setextrapolationmethod(zeropad); imb.setextrapolationmethod(zeropad); for(int z=inp1.minz(); z<=inp1.maxz(); z++) for(int y=inp1.miny(); y<=inp1.maxy(); y++) for(int x=inp1.minx(); x<=inp1.maxx(); x++) { int tmp; if(intensity_max>intensity_min) tmp = (int)(((float)inp1.value(x,y,z) - intensity_min ) * (nlut-1) / (intensity_max-intensity_min)); else tmp = 0; tmp = MISCMATHS::Min(nlut-1,MISCMATHS::Max(0,tmp)); imr.value(x,y,z) = rlut[tmp]; img.value(x,y,z) = glut[tmp]; imb.value(x,y,z) = blut[tmp]; } if(debug){ save_volume(imr,"IMG_R"); save_volume(img,"IMG_G"); save_volume(imb,"IMG_B"); } } /* }}} */ picsetup=1; } /* {{{ zero picture */ memset(picr,0,picsize); memset(picg,0,picsize); memset(picb,0,picsize); /* }}} */ /* {{{ can specify a title for each plot using -T */ if(!strncmp(theopt, "-T", 2)) { string tmpstr = string(""); int otheropt; do{ theopt = strtok(NULL,discard); otheropt = 1; otheropt=(strncmp(theopt, "-x", 2)&& strncmp(theopt, "-y", 2)&& strncmp(theopt, "-z", 2)&& strncmp(theopt, "-a", 2)&& strncmp(theopt, "-A", 2)&& strncmp(theopt, "-S", 2)); if(otheropt) tmpstr+= string(theopt) + " "; }while(otheropt); set_title(tmpstr); } /* }}} */ if (!strncmp(theopt, "-x", 2)) /* {{{ write sagittal slice */ { theopt = strtok(NULL,discard); if (theopt==NULL) { cerr << "Error - must have a slice choice after the -x option." << endl; exit (1); } float slice=atof(theopt); theopt = strtok(NULL,discard); if (theopt==NULL) { cerr << "Error - must have a picture output filename when using the -x option." << endl; exit (1); } sag(slice, sagcorskip*y_size_pic, y_size_pic); write_pic(theopt,y_size_pic,height); } /* }}} */ else if (!strncmp(theopt, "-y", 2)) /* {{{ write coronal slice */ { theopt = strtok(NULL,discard); if (theopt==NULL) { cerr << "Error - must have a slice choice after the -y option." << endl; exit (1); } float slice=atof(theopt); theopt = strtok(NULL,discard); if (theopt==NULL) { cerr << "Error - must have a picture output filename when using the -y option." << endl; exit (1); } cor(slice, sagcorskip*x_size_pic, x_size_pic); write_pic(theopt,x_size_pic,height); } /* }}} */ else if (!strncmp(theopt, "-z", 2)) /* {{{ write axial slice */ { theopt = strtok(NULL,discard); if (theopt==NULL) { cerr << "Error - must have a slice choice after the -z option." << endl; exit (1); } float slice=atof(theopt); theopt = strtok(NULL,discard); if (theopt==NULL) { cerr << "Error - must have a picture output filename when using the -z option." << endl; exit (1); } axi(slice, axiskip*x_size_pic, x_size_pic); write_pic(theopt,x_size_pic,height); } /* }}} */ else if (!strncmp(theopt, "-a", 2)) /* {{{ write default slices */ { theopt = strtok(NULL,discard); if (theopt==NULL) { cerr << "Error - must have a picture output filename after the -a option." << endl; exit (1); } int width=y_size_pic+2*x_size_pic; sag(0.5, sagcorskip*width, width); cor(0.5, y_size_pic + sagcorskip*width, width); axi(0.5, y_size_pic+x_size_pic + axiskip*width, width); write_pic(theopt,width,height); } /* }}} */ else if ( (!strncmp(theopt, "-A", 2)) || (!strncmp(theopt, "-S", 2)) ) /* {{{ write all slices */ { int maxwidth, nx, ny, width, row, column, height, z=0, sample=1, slices; if (!strcmp(theopt, "-S")) { theopt = strtok(NULL,discard); if (theopt==NULL) { cerr << "Error - must set the option choice when using the -S option." << endl; exit (1); } sample=atoi(theopt); } theopt = strtok(NULL,discard); if (theopt==NULL) { cerr << "Error - must set the option when using the -S or -A options." << endl; exit (1); } maxwidth=atoi(theopt); theopt = strtok(NULL,discard); if (theopt==NULL) { cerr << "Error - must have a picture output filename after the -S or -A options." << endl; exit (1); } slices=(int)(ceil(float(z_size / sample))); nx=MISCMATHS::Min(MISCMATHS::Max(maxwidth/x_size_pic,1),slices); ny=(int)ceil( ((float)slices) / nx); width=x_size_pic*nx; height=y_size_pic*ny; /*printf("%d %d %d %d %d\n",slices,nx,ny,width,height);*/ for(row=0;row& vol1, const volume& vol2, const char *opts, bool labelSlices, bool debug) { /* {{{ vars */ int picsetup=0, sagcorskip=0, axiskip=0, height=0, picsize=0; /* }}} */ /* {{{ first image stuff */ writeText=labelSlices; inp1=vol1; inp1.setinterpolationmethod(trilinear); inp1.setextrapolationmethod(zeropad); x_size = inp1.xsize(); y_size = inp1.ysize(); z_size = inp1.zsize(); size = x_size * y_size * z_size; if(inp1.max()==inp1.min()){ cerr << " WARNING: input image is empty " << endl; } lut = lutbase + vol1.getAuxFile() + ".lut"; float intensity_min(inp1.percentile(0.02)), intensity_max(inp1.percentile(0.98)); { FILE *tmpfp(NULL); if( strlen(vol1.getAuxFile().c_str())>0 && ((tmpfp=fopen(lut.c_str(),"rb"))!=NULL) ) { fclose(tmpfp); intensity_max=vol1.getDisplayMaximum(); intensity_min=vol1.getDisplayMinimum(); } } if (intensity_min==intensity_max) { intensity_min=inp1.min(); intensity_max=inp1.max(); } float scale = MISCMATHS::Min(inp1.xdim(),MISCMATHS::Min(inp1.ydim(),inp1.zdim())); /* }}} */ /* {{{ read second (optional) image */ if (vol2.nvoxels() > 1 ) { inp2=vol2; int x, y, z; compare=1; if ( (x_size!=inp2.xsize()) || (y_size!=inp2.ysize()) || (z_size!=inp2.zsize()) ) { cerr << "Images aren't the same size!" << endl; return 1; } volume edge(inp2.xsize(),inp2.ysize(),inp2.zsize()); volume tmpedge(inp2.xsize(),inp2.ysize(),inp2.zsize()); volume orient(inp2.xsize(),inp2.ysize(),inp2.zsize()); inp2.setextrapolationmethod(mirror); tmpedge.setextrapolationmethod(zeropad); for(z=inp2.minz(); z<=inp2.maxz(); z++) for(y=inp2.miny(); y<=inp2.maxy(); y++) for(x=inp2.minx(); x<=inp2.maxx(); x++) { float xx=inp2(x+1,y,z)-inp2(x-1,y,z), yy=inp2(x,y+1,z)-inp2(x,y-1,z), zz=inp2(x,y,z+1)-inp2(x,y,z-1); xx*=xx; yy*=yy; zz*=zz; if ( (xx>yy) && (xx>zz) ) orient.value(x,y,z)=0; else { if (yy>zz) orient.value(x,y,z)=1; else orient.value(x,y,z)=2; } tmpedge.value(x,y,z) = (float) xx+yy+zz; } edge = 0; for(z=tmpedge.minz(); z<=tmpedge.maxz(); z++) for(y=tmpedge.miny(); y<=tmpedge.maxy(); y++) for(x=tmpedge.minx(); x<=tmpedge.maxx(); x++) { if (orient.value(x,y,z)==0) { if ( (tmpedge.value(x,y,z)>tmpedge(x-1,y,z)) && (tmpedge.value(x,y,z)>=tmpedge(x+1,y,z)) ) edge.value(x,y,z)=std::sqrt(tmpedge.value(x,y,z))/2; } else { if (orient.value(x,y,z)==1) { if ( (tmpedge.value(x,y,z)>tmpedge(x,y-1,z)) && (tmpedge.value(x,y,z)>=tmpedge(x,y+1,z)) ) edge.value(x,y,z)=std::sqrt(tmpedge.value(x,y,z))/2; } else { if ( (tmpedge.value(x,y,z)>tmpedge(x,y,z-1)) && (tmpedge.value(x,y,z)>=tmpedge(x,y,z+1)) ) edge.value(x,y,z)=std::sqrt(tmpedge.value(x,y,z))/2; } } } float edge2=edge.percentile(0.02); float edge98=edge.percentile(0.98); float edgethreshold; if (edge2==edge98) edgethreshold = 0.5*(edge.max()-edge.min())+edge.min(); else edgethreshold = 0.5*(edge98-edge2)+edge2; for(z=inp2.minz(); z<=inp2.maxz(); z++) for(y=inp2.miny(); y<=inp2.maxy(); y++) for(x=inp2.minx(); x<=inp2.maxx(); x++) if(edge.value(x,y,z) > edgethreshold) inp2.value(x,y,z) = 1; else inp2.value(x,y,z) = 0; } /* }}} */ char *theopt; char t[10243]; /* needs to be of fixed width for strtok to work */ //const char *discard = " ,;:'][}{"; const char *discard = " "; strcpy(t, opts); theopt=strtok(t,discard); while ( theopt ) { if (strncmp(theopt,"-l",2)==0) /* {{{ lut option lut */ { theopt = strtok(NULL,discard); if (!theopt || strncmp(theopt,"-",1)==0 ) { cerr << "Error - must have a LUT name after the -l option." << endl; exit (1); } if(strstr(theopt,"/")==NULL){ lut = lutbase + string(theopt)+".lut";} else{ lut = string(theopt);} } /* }}} */ else if (strncmp(theopt, "-s", 2)==0) /* {{{ set scale etc */ { theopt = strtok(NULL,discard); if (!theopt || strncmp(theopt,"-",1)==0) { cerr << "Error - must have a scaling factor after the -s option." << endl; exit (1); } scale /= atof(theopt); } /* }}} */ else if (strncmp(theopt, "-u", 2)==0) /* {{{ Do not label the image (i.e. u for unlabeled!) */ { LR_label_flag = false; } /* }}} */ else if (strncmp(theopt, "-i", 2)==0) /* {{{ set intensity range */ { theopt = strtok(NULL,discard); if (!theopt) { cerr << "Error - must set min and max intensities after the -i option." << endl; exit (1); } intensity_min=atof(theopt); theopt = strtok(NULL,discard); if (!theopt) { cerr << "Error - must set min and max intensities after the -i option." << endl; exit (1); } intensity_max=atof(theopt); } /* }}} */ else if (strncmp(theopt, "-t", 2)==0) /* {{{ transparent edges? */ trans=1; /* }}} */ else if (strncmp(theopt, "-n", 2)==0) /* {{{ nearestneighbour interpolation? */ inp1.setinterpolationmethod(nearestneighbour); /* }}} */ else { if ( !picsetup ) { /* {{{ read lut */ read_lut(); /* }}} */ /* {{{ setup scaling and pictures sizes */ inp1.setxdim(inp1.xdim()/scale); inp1.setydim(inp1.ydim()/scale); inp1.setzdim(inp1.zdim()/scale); x_size_pic = (int)MISCMATHS::round(x_size*inp1.xdim()); y_size_pic = (int)MISCMATHS::round(y_size*inp1.ydim()); z_size_pic = (int)MISCMATHS::round(z_size*inp1.zdim()); /*if(debug) printf("%f %f %f %d %d %d\n",inp1.xdim(),inp1.ydim(),inp1.zdim(),x_size_pic,y_size_pic,z_size_pic);*/ picsize = MISCMATHS::Max(x_size_pic,MISCMATHS::Max(y_size_pic,z_size_pic)); picsize = picsize*picsize*MISCMATHS::Max(10,2*z_size); /*if(debug) printf("%d %d %d %d\n",x_size_pic,y_size_pic,z_size_pic,picsize);*/ picr = (unsigned char*)malloc(picsize); picg = (unsigned char*)malloc(picsize); picb = (unsigned char*)malloc(picsize); sagcorskip=0; axiskip=0; height=MISCMATHS::Max(y_size_pic,z_size_pic); if (y_size_pic>z_size_pic) sagcorskip=(y_size_pic-z_size_pic)/2; else axiskip=(z_size_pic-y_size_pic)/2; /* }}} */ /* {{{ rescale image intensity */ if(debug) cerr << "Entries in LUT: " << nlut << endl; if(debug) cerr << " Intensity min, max : " << intensity_min << " " << intensity_max << endl; if (nlut==0) /* otherwise (if using luts) then the display range should already have been set correctly */ { for(int z=inp1.minz(); z<=inp1.maxz(); z++) for(int y=inp1.miny(); y<=inp1.maxy(); y++) for(int x=inp1.minx(); x<=inp1.maxx(); x++) if(intensity_max>intensity_min) inp1.value(x,y,z) = (int)(((inp1.value(x,y,z) - intensity_min ) * 255.001 ) / (intensity_max-intensity_min)); else inp1.value(x,y,z) = 0; } else { imr = inp1; img = inp1; imb = inp1; imr.setextrapolationmethod(zeropad); img.setextrapolationmethod(zeropad); imb.setextrapolationmethod(zeropad); for(int z=inp1.minz(); z<=inp1.maxz(); z++) for(int y=inp1.miny(); y<=inp1.maxy(); y++) for(int x=inp1.minx(); x<=inp1.maxx(); x++) { int tmp; if(intensity_max>intensity_min) tmp = (int)(((float)inp1.value(x,y,z) - intensity_min ) * (nlut-1) / (intensity_max-intensity_min)); else tmp = 0; tmp = MISCMATHS::Min(nlut-1,MISCMATHS::Max(0,tmp)); imr.value(x,y,z) = rlut[tmp]; img.value(x,y,z) = glut[tmp]; imb.value(x,y,z) = blut[tmp]; } if(debug){ save_volume(imr,"IMG_R"); save_volume(img,"IMG_G"); save_volume(imb,"IMG_B"); } } /* }}} */ picsetup=1; } /* {{{ zero picture */ memset(picr,0,picsize); memset(picg,0,picsize); memset(picb,0,picsize); /* }}} */ /* {{{ can specify a title for each plot using -T */ if(!strncmp(theopt, "-T", 2)) { string tmpstr = string(""); int otheropt; do{ theopt = strtok(NULL,discard); otheropt = 1; otheropt=(strncmp(theopt, "-x", 2)&& strncmp(theopt, "-y", 2)&& strncmp(theopt, "-z", 2)&& strncmp(theopt, "-a", 2)&& strncmp(theopt, "-A", 2)&& strncmp(theopt, "-S", 2)); if(otheropt) tmpstr+= string(theopt) + " "; }while(otheropt); set_title(tmpstr); } /* }}} */ if (!strncmp(theopt, "-x", 2)) /* {{{ write sagittal slice */ { theopt = strtok(NULL,discard); if (theopt==NULL) { cerr << "Error - must have a slice choice after the -x option." << endl; exit (1); } float slice=atof(theopt); theopt = strtok(NULL,discard); if (theopt==NULL) { cerr << "Error - must have a picture output filename when using the -x option." << endl; exit (1); } sag(slice, sagcorskip*y_size_pic, y_size_pic); write_pic(theopt,y_size_pic,height); } /* }}} */ else if (!strncmp(theopt, "-y", 2)) /* {{{ write coronal slice */ { theopt = strtok(NULL,discard); if (theopt==NULL) { cerr << "Error - must have a slice choice after the -y option." << endl; exit (1); } float slice=atof(theopt); theopt = strtok(NULL,discard); if (theopt==NULL) { cerr << "Error - must have a picture output filename when using the -y option." << endl; exit (1); } cor(slice, sagcorskip*x_size_pic, x_size_pic); write_pic(theopt,x_size_pic,height); } /* }}} */ else if (!strncmp(theopt, "-z", 2)) /* {{{ write axial slice */ { theopt = strtok(NULL,discard); if (theopt==NULL) { cerr << "Error - must have a slice choice after the -z option." << endl; exit (1); } float slice=atof(theopt); theopt = strtok(NULL,discard); if (theopt==NULL) { cerr << "Error - must have a picture output filename when using the -z option." << endl; exit (1); } axi(slice, axiskip*x_size_pic, x_size_pic); write_pic(theopt,x_size_pic,height); } /* }}} */ else if (!strncmp(theopt, "-a", 2)) /* {{{ write default slices */ { theopt = strtok(NULL,discard); if (theopt==NULL) { cerr << "Error - must have a picture output filename after the -a option." << endl; exit (1); } int width=y_size_pic+2*x_size_pic; sag(0.5, sagcorskip*width, width); cor(0.5, y_size_pic + sagcorskip*width, width); axi(0.5, y_size_pic+x_size_pic + axiskip*width, width); write_pic(theopt,width,height); } /* }}} */ else if ( (!strncmp(theopt, "-A", 2)) || (!strncmp(theopt, "-S", 2)) ) /* {{{ write all slices */ { int maxwidth, nx, ny, width, row, column, height, z=0, sample=1, slices; if (!strcmp(theopt, "-S")) { theopt = strtok(NULL,discard); if (theopt==NULL) { cerr << "Error - must set the option choice when using the -S option." << endl; exit (1); } sample=atoi(theopt); } theopt = strtok(NULL,discard); if (theopt==NULL) { cerr << "Error - must set the option when using the -S or -A options." << endl; exit (1); } maxwidth=atoi(theopt); theopt = strtok(NULL,discard); if (theopt==NULL) { cerr << "Error - must have a picture output filename after the -S or -A options." << endl; exit (1); } slices=(int)(ceil(float(z_size / sample))); nx=MISCMATHS::Min(MISCMATHS::Max(maxwidth/x_size_pic,1),slices); ny=(int)ceil( ((float)slices) / nx); width=x_size_pic*nx; height=y_size_pic*ny; /*printf("%d %d %d %d %d\n",slices,nx,ny,width,height);*/ for(row=0;row int miscpic::overlay(volume& newvol, volume& bg, volume& s1,volume& s2, float bgmin, float bgmax, float s1min, float s1max, float s2min, float s2max, int colour_type, int checker, string cbarfname, string cbartype, bool out_int, bool dbg) { float latitude = 0.00001, hrange, A , B; int ns = 1; volume tmpvol; float factor1 = 1.0, factor2 = 1.0; debug = false; set_minmax(bgmin,bgmax,s1min,s1max,s2min,s2max); if(debug){ cerr << " libvis - overlay " << endl << " bgmin/bgmax : " << bgmin << " " << bgmax<< endl << " s1min/s1max : " << s1min << " " << s1max<< endl << " s2min/s2max : " << s2min << " " << s2max<< endl << " colour_type : " << colour_type << " checker : " << checker << endl << " cbarfname : " << cbarfname << " cbartype : " << cbartype << endl << " hdrinfo lut : " << newvol.getAuxFile() << endl << " hdr cal_min : " << newvol.getDisplayMinimum() << endl << " hdr cal_max : " << newvol.getDisplayMaximum() << endl << " bg perc. : " << bg.percentile(0.1) << " " << bg.percentile(0.9) << endl << " s1 perc. : " << s1.percentile(0.1) << " " << s1.percentile(0.9) << endl; if(s2min != s2max) cerr << " s2 perc. : " << s2.percentile(0.1) << " " << s2.percentile(0.9) << endl; if(&s1==&s2) cerr << " s1 and s2 point to the same volume " << endl; else cerr << " s1 and s2 point to different volumes " << endl; } if(s1max= (s1min - latitude)); if(checker > 0) mask1 *= (x+y+z) % 2; if (ns == 1){ if ( colour_type == 0 ) tmpvol.value(x,y,z) = A + newbg*0.95*hrange*(1-mask1) + ( news1*0.9*hrange + 1.05*hrange ) * mask1; else tmpvol.value(x,y,z) = A + newbg*0.95*hrange*(1-mask1) + ( ((int)(news1*5*0.999)) * 0.2*hrange + newbg*hrange*0.5*0.2 + 1.05*hrange) * mask1; } else{ float news2 = (MISCMATHS::Min((factor2*s2(x,y,z)),s2max)-s2min)/(s2max-s2min); int mask2 = ((factor2*s2(x,y,z)) >= (s2min - latitude)); if (checker > 0) mask2 *=(x+y+z)%2; if ( colour_type == 0 ) tmpvol.value(x,y,z) = A + newbg*hrange*0.95*(1-mask1)*(1-mask2) + ( news1*hrange*0.9 + hrange*1.05 ) * mask1 + ( news2*hrange*0.9 + hrange*2.05 ) * mask2; else tmpvol.value(x,y,z) = A + newbg*hrange*0.95*(1-mask1)*(1-mask2) + ( ((int)(news1*5*0.999)) * 0.2*hrange + newbg*hrange*0.5*0.2 + 1.05*hrange) * mask1*(1-mask2) + ( ((int)(news2*5*0.999)) * 0.2*hrange + newbg*hrange*0.5*0.2 + 2.05*hrange) * mask2*(1-mask1) + ( ((int)((news1+news2)*5*0.999)) * 0.2*hrange + newbg*hrange*0.5*0.4 + 3.05*hrange) * mask1*mask2; } } } } if (ns == 1) lut = string("render1"); else lut = string("render2"); if (colour_type == 1) lut += string("t"); tmpvol.setAuxFile(lut); lut = lutbase + lut + ".lut"; copyconvert(tmpvol,newvol); // if(debug) // cerr << " calling write_cbar() " << endl; if(cbarfname.length()>1) write_cbar(cbarfname, cbartype); // cbarptr = gdImageCreateTrueColor(200,400); // if(cbarfname.length()>1) // write_cbar(cbarfname, cbartype); // gdImageDestroy(cbarptr); return(0); } /* }}} */ /* {{{ template class miscpic */ //template class miscpic; //template class miscpic; //template class miscpic; //template class miscpic; //template class miscpic; //template class miscpic; //template class miscpic; //template class miscpic; /* }}} */ }