/* * gifdecode.c * * Copyright (c) 1997,1998,1999 by Hans Dinsen-Hansen * Partly inspired by Helene Schulerud's inversrl_imageb.c of 13.2.1991. * Copyright (c) 1995,1996 by Kevin Kadow * Copyright (c) 1990,1991,1992,1993 by Mark Podlipec * All rights reserved. * * This software may be freely copied, modified and redistributed * without fee provided that this copyright notice is preserved * intact on all copies and modified copies. * * There is no warranty or other guarantee of fitness of this software. * It is provided solely "as is". The author(s) disclaim(s) all * responsibility and liability with respect to this software's usage * or its effect upon hardware or computer systems. * * The Graphics Interchange format (c) is the Copyright property of * Compuserve Incorporated. Gif(sm) is a Service Mark property of * Compuserve Incorporated. * */ #include #include "whirlgif.h" extern unsigned int debugFlag, verbose; extern int count; ULONG codeSize, expected, imgsize, mask, old, picI, rootCodeSize, first[MAXVAL]; UBYTE *topGifBuff, *picture, gifBuff[MAXVAL], last[MAXVAL]; int imgheight, imgwidth, interlaced, pass, step[5]={7,7,3,1,0}, start[5]= {0,4,2,1,0}; void GifDecode(FILE *fp, UBYTE *pix, GifImageHdr gifimage) { UBYTE *chPos, firstCodeOut = 0, charBuff[256]; ULONG CLEAR, EOI, bits = 0, code = 0, codeFeched, buffCount = 0; int need = 0; interlaced = gifimage.i; imgwidth = gifimage.width; imgheight = gifimage.height; imgsize = imgwidth * imgheight; picture = pix; pass = picI = 0; if ( debugFlag > 1 ) fprintf(stderr, "(interlaced,imgwidth,imgheight,imgsize)=(%d,%d,%d,%d)\n", interlaced, imgwidth, imgheight, imgsize); rootCodeSize = Xgetc(fp); CLEAR = 1 << rootCodeSize; EOI = CLEAR + 1; GifClearTable(); if ( (buffCount = Xgetc(fp)) == 0 ) { sprintf( (char *)charBuff, "End of image # %d before it began!\n", count); TheEnd1( (char *)charBuff); } while(buffCount > 0) { if ( fread(charBuff, 1, buffCount, fp) != buffCount ) { sprintf( (char *)charBuff, "Premature end of file; Image # %d\n", count); TheEnd1( (char *)charBuff); } for(chPos = charBuff; buffCount-- > 0; chPos++) { need += (int) *chPos << bits; bits += 8; while (bits >= codeSize) { code = need & mask; need >>= codeSize; bits -= codeSize; if(code > expected) TheEnd1("Neither LZW nor RunLength (new code != expected)\n"); if (code == EOI) { if (debugFlag > 1) fprintf(stderr, "Image # %d ends; buffCount=%d\n", count, buffCount); goto skipRest; } if(code == CLEAR) { GifClearTable(); continue; } if(old == MAXVAL) { /* i.e. first code after clear table */ pix = GifSendData(pix, 1, &last[code]); firstCodeOut = last[code]; old = code; continue; } codeFeched = code; if(code == expected) { *topGifBuff++ = firstCodeOut; code = old; } while(code > CLEAR) { *topGifBuff++ = last[code]; code = first[code]; } *topGifBuff++ = firstCodeOut = last[code]; first[expected] = old; last[expected] = firstCodeOut; if(expected < MAXVAL) expected++; if(((expected & mask) == 0) && (expected < MAXVAL)) { codeSize++; mask += expected; } old = codeFeched; pix = GifSendData(pix, topGifBuff - gifBuff, gifBuff); topGifBuff = gifBuff; } /* end of extracting codes */ } /* end of reading a block of data */ if ( (buffCount = Xgetc(fp)) == 0 ) { sprintf( (char *)charBuff, "End of image # %d without EOI\n", count); TheEnd1( (char *)charBuff); } } skipRest: if (debugFlag) fprintf(stderr, "Ending GifDecode, written: %ld=%d\n", interlaced && (pix-picture == 0) ? imgsize : pix - picture, imgsize); return ; } UBYTE *GifSendData(UBYTE *pix, int bytes, UBYTE source[]) { int j=0; for(j = bytes - 1; j >= 0; j--) { picI++; *pix = source[j]; pix++; if ( interlaced && (picI % imgwidth == 0) ) { picI += ( imgwidth * step[pass]); if (picI >= imgsize) { picI = start[++pass] * imgwidth; if ( debugFlag > 1 ) fprintf(stderr, "De-interlacing: (picI,pass,start[pass])=(%d,%d,%d)\n", picI, pass, start[pass]); } pix = &picture[picI]; } } return(pix); } void GifClearTable() { int i, maxi; maxi = 1 << rootCodeSize; expected = maxi + 2; if (debugFlag > 1 ) fprintf(stderr, "Initing Table..."); old = MAXVAL; codeSize = rootCodeSize + 1; mask = (1<