/* randomise.cc Tim Behrens & Steve Smith & Matthew Webster (FMRIB) & Tom Nichols (UMich) Copyright (C) 2004-2010 University of Oxford */ /* Part of FSL - FMRIB's Software Library http://www.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl fsl@fmrib.ox.ac.uk Developed at FMRIB (Oxford Centre for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain), Department of Clinical Neurology, Oxford University, Oxford, UK LICENCE FMRIB Software Library, Release 5.0 (c) 2012, The University of Oxford (the "Software") The Software remains the property of the University of Oxford ("the University"). The Software is distributed "AS IS" under this Licence solely for non-commercial use in the hope that it will be useful, but in order that the University as a charitable foundation protects its assets for the benefit of its educational and research purposes, the University makes clear that no condition is made or to be implied, nor is any warranty given or to be implied, as to the accuracy of the Software, or that it will be suitable for any particular purpose or for use under any specific conditions. Furthermore, the University disclaims all responsibility for the use which is made of the Software. It further disclaims any liability for the outcomes arising from using the Software. The Licensee agrees to indemnify the University and hold the University harmless from and against any and all claims, damages and liabilities asserted by third parties (including claims for negligence) which arise directly or indirectly from the use of the Software or the sale of any products based on the Software. No part of the Software may be reproduced, modified, transmitted or transferred in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without the express permission of the University. The permission of the University is not required if the said reproduction, modification, transmission or transference is done without financial return, the conditions of this Licence are imposed upon the receiver of the product, and all original and amended source code is included in any transmitted product. You may be held legally responsible for any copyright infringement that is caused or encouraged by your failure to abide by these terms and conditions. You are not permitted under this Licence to use this Software commercially. Use for which any financial return is received shall be defined as commercial use, and includes (1) integration of all or part of the source code or the Software into a product for sale or license by or on behalf of Licensee to third parties or (2) use of the Software or any derivative of it for research with the final aim of developing software products for sale or license to a third party or (3) use of the Software or any derivative of it for research with the final aim of developing non-software products for sale or license to a third party, or (4) use of the Software to provide any service to an external organisation for which payment is received. If you are interested in using the Software commercially, please contact Isis Innovation Limited ("Isis"), the technology transfer company of the University, to negotiate a licence. Contact details are: innovation@isis.ox.ac.uk quoting reference DE/9564. */ #define _GNU_SOURCE 1 #define POSIX_SOURCE 1 #define CLUST_CON 26 // 26 for FSL 18 for SPM #include "miscmaths/f2z.h" #include "newimage/newimageall.h" #include "libprob.h" #include "ranopts.h" #include using namespace MISCMATHS; using namespace NEWIMAGE; using namespace Utilities; using namespace RANDOMISE; class VoxelwiseDesign { public: bool isSet; vector EV; vector location; void setup(const vector& voxelwise_ev_numbers,const vector& voxelwise_ev_filenames,const volume& mask, const int maximumLocation, const bool isVerbose); VoxelwiseDesign() { isSet=false; } Matrix adjustDesign(const Matrix& originalDesign,const int voxelNo); private: }; Matrix VoxelwiseDesign::adjustDesign(const Matrix& originalDesign, const int voxelNo) { Matrix newDesign(originalDesign); for (unsigned int currentEV=0;currentEV& EVnumbers,const vector& EVfilenames,const volume& mask,const int maximumLocation,const bool isVerbose) { isSet=false; if(EVnumbers.size() != EVfilenames.size()) throw Exception("Number of input voxelwise_ev_filenames must match number of voxelwise_ev_numbers"); location=EVnumbers; EV.resize(EVfilenames.size()); volume4D input; for(unsigned int i=0; imaximumLocation) throw Exception("voxelwise_ev_numbers option specifies a number greater than number of design EVs)"); if (isVerbose) cout << "Loading voxelwise ev: " << EVfilenames.at(i) << " for EV " << location.at(i) << endl; read_volume4D(input,EVfilenames.at(i)); EV.at(i)=input.matrix(mask); } isSet=true; } VoxelwiseDesign voxelwiseInput; class Permuter { public: bool isFlipping; bool isRandom; bool isPermutingBlocks; int nBlocks; int nSubjects; double finalPermutation; vector uniquePermutations; //0 is unique for whole design, 1..nBlocks is unique per block vector permutedLabels; vector originalLabels; vector originalLocation; vector previousPermutations; ColumnVector truePermutation; ColumnVector unpermutedVector; Permuter(); ~Permuter(); void writePermutationHistory(const string& filename); void createPermutationScheme(const Matrix& design, ColumnVector groups, const bool oneNonZeroContrast, const long requiredPermutations, const bool detectingNullElements, const bool outputDebug, const bool permuteBLocks=false,const bool forceFlipping=false); void initialisePermutationBlocks(const ColumnVector& labels, const long requiredPermutations); ColumnVector createDesignLabels(const Matrix& design); void createTruePermutation(const ColumnVector& labels, ColumnVector copyOldlabels, ColumnVector& permvec); ColumnVector nextPermutation(const long perm); ColumnVector nextPermutation(const long permutationNumber, const bool printStatus, const bool isStoring); bool isPreviousPermutation(const ColumnVector& newPermutation); ColumnVector permutationVector(); double reportRequiredPermutations(const bool printToScreen); ColumnVector returnPreviousTruePermutation(const long permutationNumber); ColumnVector returnPreviousTruePermutation(const long permutationNumber, ColumnVector& previousState); private: Permuter *blockPermuter; double computeUniquePermutations(const ColumnVector& labels, const bool calculateFlips); void nextShuffle(ColumnVector& perm); void nextFlip(ColumnVector& mult); }; class ParametricStatistic { public: Matrix originalStatistic,uncorrectedStatistic,maximumDistribution,sumStatMat,sumSampMat; bool isAveraging,storingUncorrected; string outputName; void store(const volume& clusterLabels, const ColumnVector& clusterSizes, const volume& mask, const int contrastNo, const unsigned long permNo, const bool outputRaw); void store(const Matrix& parametricMatrix, const unsigned long permNo,const volume *mask, const bool outputRaw); void setup(const int nContrasts,const unsigned long nPerms, const int nVoxels, const bool wantAverage, const bool wantUncorrected, const string outputFileName); void average(const string filename, const float percentileThreshold,const volume& mask); ParametricStatistic() { isAveraging=false; } }; void ParametricStatistic::setup(const int nContrasts,const unsigned long nPerms, const int nVoxels, const bool wantAverage,const bool wantUncorrected=false,const string outputFileName="") { outputName=outputFileName; isAveraging=wantAverage; storingUncorrected=wantUncorrected; maximumDistribution.ReSize(nContrasts,nPerms); maximumDistribution=0; if ( storingUncorrected ) { uncorrectedStatistic.ReSize(1,nVoxels); uncorrectedStatistic=0; } originalStatistic.ReSize(nContrasts,nVoxels); originalStatistic=0; if ( isAveraging ) { sumStatMat=originalStatistic; sumSampMat=originalStatistic; } } void ParametricStatistic::store(const volume& clusterLabels, const ColumnVector& clusterSizes , const volume& mask, const int contrastNo, const unsigned long permNo, const bool outputtingRaw=false) { if ( clusterSizes.Nrows() > 0 ) maximumDistribution(contrastNo,permNo)=clusterSizes.MaximumAbsoluteValue(); if ( permNo==1 || isAveraging || outputtingRaw ) { volume4D parametricImage(mask.xsize(),mask.ysize(),mask.zsize(),1); parametricImage=0; for(int z=0; z *mask=NULL, const bool outputtingRaw=false ) { maximumDistribution.Column(permNo)=max(parametricMatrix.t()).t(); if (permNo==1) originalStatistic=parametricMatrix; if (storingUncorrected) uncorrectedStatistic += gt(originalStatistic,parametricMatrix); if (isAveraging) { sumStatMat+=parametricMatrix; sumSampMat+=SD(parametricMatrix,parametricMatrix); } if ( outputtingRaw ) { volume4D rawImage; rawImage.setmatrix( parametricMatrix, *mask ); save_volume4D( rawImage, outputName+"_perm" + (num2str(permNo).insert(0,"00000")).erase(0,num2str(permNo).length()) ); } } void ParametricStatistic::average(const string filename, const float percentileThreshold,const volume& mask) { if (isAveraging) { volume4D temp; temp.setmatrix(sumStatMat,mask); save_volume4D(temp,filename+"sum"); temp.setmatrix(sumSampMat,mask); save_volume4D(temp,filename+"samp"); sumStatMat=SD(sumStatMat,sumSampMat); if (percentileThreshold>0) { temp.setmatrix(sumStatMat,mask); float min=temp.percentile(percentileThreshold,mask); //cerr << min << " " << percentile((Matrix)tstat_ceav.t(),percentileThreshold*100) << endl; for(int i=1;i<=sumStatMat.Ncols();i++) if(sumStatMat(1,i)& mask, const float delta, float height_power, float size_power, int connectivity){ volume4D spatialStatistic; spatialStatistic.setmatrix(tstat,mask); tfce(spatialStatistic[0],height_power,size_power,connectivity,0,delta); return(spatialStatistic.matrix(mask)); } void clusterStatistic(ParametricStatistic& output, const Matrix& inputStatistic, const volume& mask, const float threshold, const int permutationNo, const bool outputPerms) { ColumnVector clusterSizes; volume4D spatialStatistic; spatialStatistic.setmatrix(inputStatistic,mask); spatialStatistic.binarise(threshold); volume clusterLabels=connected_components(spatialStatistic[0],clusterSizes,CLUST_CON); output.store(clusterLabels,clusterSizes,mask,1,permutationNo,outputPerms); } void clusterMassStatistic(ParametricStatistic& output, const Matrix& inputStatistic, const volume& mask, const float threshold, const int permutationNo, const bool outputPerms) { ColumnVector clusterSizes; volume4D spatialStatistic, originalSpatialStatistic; spatialStatistic.setmatrix(inputStatistic,mask); originalSpatialStatistic=spatialStatistic; spatialStatistic.binarise(threshold); volume clusterLabels=connected_components(spatialStatistic[0],clusterSizes,CLUST_CON); clusterSizes=0; for(int z=0; z0) clusterSizes(clusterLabels(x,y,z))=clusterSizes(clusterLabels(x,y,z))+originalSpatialStatistic[0](x,y,z); output.store(clusterLabels,clusterSizes,mask,1,permutationNo,outputPerms); } Matrix tfceStatistic(ParametricStatistic& output, const Matrix& inputStatistic, const volume& mask, float& tfceDelta, const float tfceHeight, const float tfceSize, const int tfceConnectivity, const int permutationNo, const bool isF, const int numContrasts, const vector& dof, const bool outputPerms, const bool overrideDelta) { Matrix tstat_ce(inputStatistic); if ( isF ) { ColumnVector zstat, dofVector(inputStatistic.AsColumn()); dofVector=dof[0]; F2z::ComputeFStats( tstat_ce.AsColumn(), numContrasts, dofVector, zstat); tstat_ce=zstat.AsRow(); } if (permutationNo==1 && !overrideDelta) { tfceDelta=tstat_ce.Maximum()/100.0; // i.e. 100 subdivisions of the max input stat height if ( tfceDelta <= 0 ) cout << "Warning: The unpermuted statistic image for the current image contains no positive values, and cannot be processed with TFCE. A blank output image will be created." << endl; } if ( tfceDelta > 0 ) tstat_ce=tfce(tstat_ce,mask,tfceDelta,tfceHeight,tfceSize,tfceConnectivity); else tstat_ce=0; output.store(tstat_ce, permutationNo,&mask,outputPerms); return (tstat_ce.Row(1)); } void checkInput(const short st,const Matrix& dm,const Matrix& tc,const Matrix& fc) { if (dm.Nrows()!=st) throw Exception("number of rows in design matrix doesn't match number of \"time points\" in input data!"); if (tc.Ncols()!=dm.Ncols()) throw Exception("number of columns in t-contrast matrix doesn't match number of columns in design matrix!"); if (fc.Ncols() !=0 && fc.Ncols()!=tc.Nrows()) throw Exception("number of columns in f-contrast matrix doesn't match number of rows in t-contrast matrix!"); } volume nonConstantMask(volume4D& data, const bool allOnes) { volume nonConstantMask(data.xsize(),data.ysize(),data.zsize()); nonConstantMask.copyproperties(data[0]); if ( allOnes ) { nonConstantMask=1; return nonConstantMask; } nonConstantMask=0; for(int z=0; z& mask, Matrix& datam, Matrix& tc, Matrix& dm, Matrix& fc, Matrix& gp, Matrix& effectiveDesign) { if (opts.tfce2D.value()) { opts.tfce.set_value("true"); opts.tfce_height.set_value("2"); opts.tfce_size.set_value("1"); opts.tfce_connectivity.set_value("26"); } if ( opts.n_perm.value() < 0 ) { throw Exception(("Randomise requires a postive number of permutations, did you mean to type -n "+num2str(opts.n_perm.value()).erase(0,1)+"?").c_str()); } if ( opts.randomSeed.set() ) srand(opts.randomSeed.value() ); if ( opts.randomSeed.set() && opts.verbose.value() ) cout << "Seeding with " << opts.randomSeed.value() << endl; if (opts.verbose.value()) cout << "Loading Data: "; volume4D data; read_volume4D(data,opts.in_fileroot.value()); if(opts.one_samp.value()) { dm.ReSize(data.tsize(),1); dm=1; tc.ReSize(1,1); tc=1; } else if ( opts.dm_file.value()=="" || opts.tc_file.value()=="" ) throw Exception("Randomise requires a design matrix and contrast as input"); if (opts.dm_file.value()!="") dm=read_vest(opts.dm_file.value()); if (opts.tc_file.value()!="") tc=read_vest(opts.tc_file.value()); if (opts.fc_file.value()!="") fc=read_vest(opts.fc_file.value()); if (opts.gp_file.value()!="") gp=read_vest(opts.gp_file.value()); else { gp.ReSize(dm.Nrows(),1); gp=1; } vector groupListed((int)gp.Maximum()+1,false); for ( int i=1; i<=gp.Nrows() ; i++ ) groupListed[(int)gp(i,1)]=true; for ( int i=1; i<=gp.Maximum(); i++ ) if ( !groupListed[i] ) throw Exception(("Error: block "+num2str(i)+" must be assigned to at least one design row in the blocks file.").c_str()); if (opts.effectiveDesignFile.value()!="") effectiveDesign=read_vest(opts.effectiveDesignFile.value()); if ( opts.nMultiVariate.value() == 1 ) checkInput(data.tsize(),dm,tc,fc); // should do a different check in the Multivariate case! if (opts.parallelData.value()) { int permutationsPerContrast(300); if (opts.tfce.value()) permutationsPerContrast=100; if (opts.voxelwise_ev_numbers.set() && opts.voxelwise_ev_filenames.set()) permutationsPerContrast=100; cout << opts.n_perm.value() << " " << int(tc.Nrows()+fc.Nrows()) << " " << opts.out_fileroot.value() << " " << permutationsPerContrast << endl; exit(0); } if (opts.nMultiVariate.set()) { // Read in 4D data - see error message below for format details if ((data.ysize()!=opts.nMultiVariate.value()) || (data.zsize()!=1) || (data.tsize()!=dm.Nrows())) { throw Exception("Multi-Variate input data of wrong size!\nSize must be: N x k x 1 x M\n where N=#vertices, k=#multi-variate dims, M=#subjects"); } // make data matrix of concatenated components, with all of component 1, then all of component 2, etc. // this way the first sx values represent a whole mesh/volume of values for a component // and the output stats can just be taken as the first set of values (with corresponding row indices) datam.ReSize(data.tsize(),data.xsize()*opts.nMultiVariate.value()); for (int t=1; t<=data.tsize(); t++) { for (int n=1; n<=opts.nMultiVariate.value(); n++) { for (int x=1; x<=data.xsize(); x++) { datam(t,x+(n-1)*data.xsize())=data(x-1,n-1,0,t-1); } } } // dummy mask (if needed) of size of output mask.reinitialize(data.xsize(),1,1); mask=1.0f; } else { if (opts.maskname.value()!="") { read_volume(mask,opts.maskname.value()); if (!samesize(data[0],mask)) throw Exception("Mask dimensions do not match input data dimensions!"); } else mask=nonConstantMask(data, opts.disableNonConstantMask.value() ); if ( mask.sum() < 1 ) throw Exception("Data mask is blank."); datam=data.matrix(mask); if (opts.demean_data.value()) datam=remmean(datam); } if ( datam.Nrows() == 0 || datam.Ncols() == 0 ) throw Exception("No data voxels present."); if (opts.verbose.value()) cout << endl; if (opts.voxelwise_ev_numbers.set() && opts.voxelwise_ev_filenames.set()) voxelwiseInput.setup(opts.voxelwise_ev_numbers.value(),opts.voxelwise_ev_filenames.value(),mask,dm.Ncols(),opts.verbose.value()); if (opts.verbose.value()) cout << "Data loaded" << endl; } Matrix PermutedDesign(const Matrix& originalDesign,const ColumnVector& permutation,const bool multiply){ Matrix output=originalDesign; for(int row=1;row<=originalDesign.Nrows();row++) { if (multiply) output.Row(row)=originalDesign.Row(row)*permutation(row); else output.Row(row) << originalDesign.Row(int(permutation(row))); } return output; } Matrix calculateTstat(const Matrix& data, const Matrix& model, const Matrix& tc, Matrix& estimate, Matrix& residuals, Matrix& sigmaSquared, const float dof) { Matrix pinvModel(pinv(model)); // inverted model used several times estimate=pinvModel*data; residuals=data-model*estimate; estimate=tc*estimate; //estimate now is cope sigmaSquared=sum(SP(residuals,residuals))/dof; residuals=diag(tc*pinvModel*pinvModel.t()*tc.t())*sigmaSquared; //residuals now is varcope return(SD(estimate,sqrt(residuals))); } Matrix calculateFStat(const Matrix& data, const Matrix& model, const Matrix& contrast, const float dof,const int rank) { // model is N_subject by N_ev // data is N_subject by N_voxels Matrix pinvModel(pinv(model)); // inverted model used several times Matrix estimate = pinvModel*data; Matrix residuals= data-model*estimate; residuals = sum(SP(residuals,residuals))/dof; //residuals now hold sigmasquared estimate = pinv((contrast*pinvModel).t()).t()*contrast*estimate; estimate = sum(SP(estimate,estimate))/rank; return(SD(estimate,residuals)); } Matrix smoothTstat(const Matrix inputSigmaSquared,const volume& mask,const volume& smoothedMask, const float sigma_mm) { volume4D sigsqvol; sigsqvol.setmatrix(inputSigmaSquared,mask); sigsqvol[0]=smooth(sigsqvol[0],sigma_mm); sigsqvol[0]/=smoothedMask; Matrix newSigmaSquared=sigsqvol.matrix(mask); return(SD(newSigmaSquared,inputSigmaSquared)); } void OutputStat(const ParametricStatistic input,const volume& mask, const int nPerms,string statLabel,const string fileRoot,const bool outputText, const bool outputRaw=true, const bool writeCritical=true) { volume4D output(mask.xsize(),mask.ysize(),mask.zsize(),1); long nVoxels(input.originalStatistic.Ncols()); Matrix currentStat(1,nVoxels); output.setmatrix(input.originalStatistic.Row(1),mask); if (outputRaw) save_volume4D(output,fileRoot+statLabel); RowVector distribution = input.maximumDistribution.Row(1); if (outputText) { ofstream output_file((fileRoot+"_corrp"+statLabel+".txt").c_str()); output_file << distribution.t(); output_file.close(); } SortAscending(distribution); int criticalLocation=(int)ceil(0.95*nPerms); double criticalValue=distribution(criticalLocation); if ( writeCritical ) cout << "Critical Value for: " << fileRoot+"_corrp"+statLabel << " is: " << criticalValue << endl; currentStat=0; for(int i=1; i<=nVoxels; i++) for(int j=nPerms; j>=1; j--) //N.B. it's probably safe to start at nPerms-1, which would also help the '1's bug if ((float)input.originalStatistic(1,i)>(float)distribution(j)) { currentStat(1,i) = float(j)/nPerms; j=0; } output.setmatrix(currentStat,mask); save_volume4D(output,fileRoot+"_corrp"+statLabel); if (input.storingUncorrected) { output.setmatrix(input.uncorrectedStatistic.Row(1)/float(nPerms),mask); save_volume4D(output,fileRoot+"_p"+statLabel); } } float MVGLM_fit(const Matrix& X, const Matrix& Y, const Matrix& contrast, vector& dof) { // adapted by Mark Jenkinson from code in first_utils (by Brian Patenaude) // Y is data : N_subject x 3 // X is design : N_subject x N_ev // contrast is : N_con x N_ev // g = Y.Ncols = 3 // p = X.Ncols = N_ev // N = Y.Nrows = N_subjects // Calculate estimated values Matrix Yhat=X*(X.t()*X).i()*X.t()*Y; // Calculate R0 (residual) covariance matrix Matrix R0=Y-Yhat; R0=R0.t()*R0; // Calculate R1, the sum-square /cross square product for hypothesis test Matrix Yhat1= X*contrast.t()*(contrast*X.t()*X*contrast.t()).i()*contrast*X.t()*Y; Matrix R1=Y-Yhat1; // Not efficient but easy to convert to other statistics R1=R1.t()*R1-R0; // Calculate Pillai F int g=Y.Ncols(); int p=X.Ncols();//number of dependant int N=Y.Nrows();//total sample size float F=0, df2=0,df1=0; float pillai=(R1*(R1+R0).i()).Trace(); int s=1; if (p<(g-1)) {s=p;} else {s=g-1;} float t=(abs(p-g-1)-1)/2.0; float u=(N-g-p-1)/2.0; F=((2*u+s+1)/(2*t+s+1))*(pillai/(s-pillai)); df1=s*(2*t+s+1); df2=s*(2*u+s+1); if (dof.size()!=2) dof.resize(2); dof[0]=df1; dof[1]=df2; // cout<<"Pillai F "<& dof, int nMultiVariate) { // model is N_subject by N_ev // data is N_subject by (N_vertex * 3) // dof[0] for numerator (F) and dof[1] for denominator - but are these ever needed? int nvert=data.Ncols()/nMultiVariate; int nsubj=data.Nrows(); int nev=model.Ncols(); Matrix Fstat(1,nvert), datav(nsubj,3), contrast(nev,nev); contrast=IdentityMatrix(nev); // is this what is needed after initial mangled of design?!? for (int n=1; n<=nvert; n++) { for (int r=1; r<=nsubj; r++) { datav(r,1)=data(r,n); datav(r,2)=data(r,n+nvert); datav(r,3)=data(r,n+2*nvert); } Fstat(1,n) = MVGLM_fit(model,datav,contrast,dof); } return Fstat; } Matrix evaluateStatistics(const Matrix& data,const Matrix& model,const Matrix& contrast, Matrix& cope, Matrix& varcope, Matrix& sigmaSquared,vector& dof,const int rank,const int multiVariate, const bool doingF) { if ( doingF ) { if ( multiVariate > 1 ) return calculateMultiVariateFStat(model, data, dof, multiVariate); else return calculateFStat(data, model, contrast, dof[0], rank); } else return calculateTstat(data, model, contrast, cope, varcope, sigmaSquared, dof[0]); } void calculatePermutationStatistics(ranopts& opts, const volume& mask, Matrix& datam, Matrix& tc, Matrix& dm,int tstatnum, vector& dof, Permuter& permuter, VoxelwiseDesign& voxelwiseDesign) { int nVoxels=(int)no_mask_voxels(mask); int rankF=MISCMATHS::rank(tc.t()); if ( opts.isDebugging.value() ) { cerr << "Input Design: " << endl << dm << endl; cerr << "Input Contrast: " << endl << tc << endl; cerr << "Contrast rank: " << rankF << endl; cerr << "Dof: " << dof[0] << " original dof: " << ols_dof(dm) << endl; } volume4D tstat4D(mask.xsize(),mask.ysize(),mask.zsize(),1); float tfce_delta(0), clusterThreshold(0), massThreshold(0); if ( opts.tfce_delta.set() ) tfce_delta=opts.tfce_delta.value(); if (tstatnum>=0) clusterThreshold=opts.cluster_thresh.value(); else clusterThreshold=opts.f_thresh.value(); if (tstatnum>=0) massThreshold=opts.clustermass_thresh.value(); else massThreshold=opts.fmass_thresh.value(); bool isNormalising( opts.cluster_norm.value() && tstatnum >=0 ), lowram(false); string statLabel; if (tstatnum<0) statLabel="_fstat"+num2str(-tstatnum); else statLabel="_tstat"+num2str(tstatnum); // prepare smoothed mask for use (as a convolution renormaliser) in variance smoothing if required volume smoothedMask; if(opts.var_sm_sig.value()>0) smoothedMask=smooth(binarise(mask,(float)0.5),opts.var_sm_sig.value()); // containers for different inference distribution ParametricStatistic clusters, clusterMasses, clusterNormals, clusterEnhanced, clusterEnhancedNormals, voxels; Matrix dmperm, tstat(1,nVoxels), pe(dm.Ncols(),nVoxels), cope(1,nVoxels), varcope(1,nVoxels), sigmaSquared(1,nVoxels), previousTFCEStat; unsigned long nPerms=(unsigned long)permuter.reportRequiredPermutations(opts.verbose.value()); if ( !((clusterThreshold>0) || (massThreshold>0) || opts.tfce.value() || opts.voxelwiseOutput.value()) ) { cout << "Warning! No output options selected. Outputing raw tstat only" << endl; nPerms=1; } // resize the containers for the relevant inference distributions voxels.setup(1,nPerms,nVoxels,false,true,opts.out_fileroot.value()+"_vox"+statLabel); if ( clusterThreshold >0 ) clusters.setup(1,nPerms,nVoxels,isNormalising,false,opts.out_fileroot.value()+"_clustere"+statLabel); if ( massThreshold>0 ) clusterMasses.setup(1,nPerms,nVoxels,false,false,opts.out_fileroot.value()+"_clusterm"+statLabel); if ( clusters.isAveraging ) clusterNormals.setup(1,nPerms,nVoxels,false,false,opts.out_fileroot.value()+"_clustern"+statLabel); if ( opts.tfce.value() ) clusterEnhanced.setup(1,nPerms,nVoxels,isNormalising,true,opts.out_fileroot.value()+"_tfce"+statLabel); if ( clusterEnhanced.isAveraging ) { clusterEnhancedNormals.setup(1,nPerms,nVoxels,false,false,opts.out_fileroot.value()+"_tfcen"+statLabel); try { previousTFCEStat.ReSize(nPerms,clusterEnhanced.sumStatMat.Ncols());} //between 5e17 - 5e18 values for a 2gb machine catch (...) {cerr << "using lowram" << endl; lowram=true;} } for(unsigned long perm=1; perm<=nPerms; perm++) { ColumnVector permvec = permuter.nextPermutation(perm,opts.verbose.value(), isNormalising || opts.outputTextPerm.value()); dmperm=PermutedDesign(dm,permvec,permuter.isFlipping); if (voxelwiseDesign.isSet) for(int voxel=1;voxel<=datam.Ncols();voxel++) { Matrix dmtemp(voxelwiseDesign.adjustDesign(dm,voxel)), sigmaTemp(1,1), copeTemp(1,1), varcopeTemp(1,1); dof[0]=ols_dof(dmtemp); if (opts.demean_data.value()) dof[0]--; dmperm=PermutedDesign(dmtemp,permvec,permuter.isFlipping); tstat.Column(voxel)=evaluateStatistics(datam.Column(voxel), dmperm, tc, copeTemp, varcopeTemp, sigmaTemp, dof, rankF, opts.nMultiVariate.value(), (tstatnum < 0) ); sigmaSquared.Column(voxel)=sigmaTemp; cope.Column(voxel)=copeTemp; varcope.Column(voxel)=varcopeTemp; } else tstat=evaluateStatistics(datam, dmperm, tc, cope, varcope, sigmaSquared, dof, rankF, opts.nMultiVariate.value(), (tstatnum < 0) ); if ( opts.outputGlm.value() && perm == 1 && tstatnum>0 ) { volume4D temp4D; Matrix estimate( pinv(dm)*datam ); //regenerate paramter estimates - make efficient later temp4D.setmatrix(estimate,mask); save_volume4D(temp4D,opts.out_fileroot.value()+"_glm_pe"+statLabel); temp4D.setmatrix(cope,mask); save_volume4D(temp4D,opts.out_fileroot.value()+"_glm_cope"+statLabel); temp4D.setmatrix(varcope,mask); save_volume4D(temp4D,opts.out_fileroot.value()+"_glm_varcope"+statLabel); temp4D.setmatrix(sigmaSquared,mask); save_volume4D(temp4D,opts.out_fileroot.value()+"_glm_sigmasqr"+statLabel); } if( opts.var_sm_sig.value()>0 && tstatnum > 0 ) tstat=SD(tstat,sqrt(smoothTstat(sigmaSquared,mask,smoothedMask,opts.var_sm_sig.value()))); if ( opts.isDebugging.value() ) cerr << "statistic Maximum: " << tstat.Maximum() << endl; voxels.store(tstat,perm,&mask,opts.output_permstat.value()); if (opts.tfce.value()) { Matrix tfceOutput=tfceStatistic(clusterEnhanced,tstat,mask,tfce_delta,opts.tfce_height.value(),opts.tfce_size.value(),opts.tfce_connectivity.value(),perm,(tstatnum<0),tc.Nrows(),dof,opts.output_permstat.value(), opts.tfce_delta.set()); if(!lowram && clusterEnhanced.isAveraging ) previousTFCEStat.Row(perm)=tfceOutput.Row(1); } if ( clusterThreshold > 0 ) clusterStatistic(clusters,tstat,mask,clusterThreshold,perm,opts.output_permstat.value()); if ( massThreshold > 0 ) clusterMassStatistic(clusterMasses,tstat,mask,massThreshold,perm,opts.output_permstat.value()); } //End of Permutations //Rerun perms for clusternorm if ( isNormalising ) { volume4D temp4D; if ( clusters.isAveraging ) { clusters.average(opts.out_fileroot.value()+statLabel+"_clusternorm",0,mask); temp4D.setmatrix(clusters.sumStatMat,mask); } if (clusterEnhanced.isAveraging) clusterEnhanced.average(opts.out_fileroot.value()+statLabel+"_tfcenorm",0.02,mask); for(unsigned long perm=1; perm<=nPerms; perm++) { if (opts.verbose.value()) cout << "Starting second-pass " << perm << endl; if ( clusters.isAveraging || ( clusterEnhanced.isAveraging && lowram ) ) //Regenerate stats { ColumnVector permvec=permuter.returnPreviousTruePermutation(perm); dmperm=PermutedDesign(dm,permvec,permuter.isFlipping); tstat=calculateTstat(datam,dmperm,tc,cope,varcope,sigmaSquared,dof[0]); } if ( clusters.isAveraging ) { ColumnVector clustersizes; tstat4D.setmatrix(tstat,mask); tstat4D.binarise(clusterThreshold); volume clusterLabels=connected_components(tstat4D[0],clustersizes,CLUST_CON); ColumnVector entries,cluster(clustersizes.Nrows()); cluster=0; entries=cluster; for(int z=0; z 0 ) OutputStat(clusters,mask,nPerms,statLabel,opts.out_fileroot.value()+"_clustere",opts.outputTextNull.value(),opts.outputRaw.value(),opts.verbose.value()); if ( massThreshold > 0 ) OutputStat(clusterMasses,mask,nPerms,statLabel,opts.out_fileroot.value()+"_clusterm",opts.outputTextNull.value(),opts.outputRaw.value(),opts.verbose.value()); if ( clusters.isAveraging ) OutputStat(clusterNormals,mask,nPerms,statLabel,opts.out_fileroot.value()+"_clustern",opts.outputTextNull.value(),opts.outputRaw.value(),opts.verbose.value()); if ( opts.tfce.value() ) OutputStat(clusterEnhanced,mask,nPerms,statLabel,opts.out_fileroot.value()+"_tfce",opts.outputTextNull.value(),opts.outputRaw.value(),opts.verbose.value()); if ( clusterEnhanced.isAveraging ) OutputStat(clusterEnhancedNormals,mask,nPerms,statLabel,opts.out_fileroot.value()+"_tfcen",opts.outputTextNull.value(),opts.outputRaw.value(),opts.verbose.value()); if (opts.outputTextPerm.value()) permuter.writePermutationHistory(opts.out_fileroot.value()+"_perm"+statLabel+".txt"); } bool convertContrast(const Matrix& inputModel,const Matrix& inputContrast,const Matrix& inputData,Matrix& outputModel,Matrix& outputContrast, Matrix& outputData, const int mode) { int r(inputContrast.Nrows()),p(inputContrast.Ncols()); Matrix tmp=(IdentityMatrix(p)-inputContrast.t()*pinv(inputContrast.t())); Matrix U,V; DiagonalMatrix D; SVD(tmp, D, U, V); Matrix c2=U.Columns(1,p-r); c2=c2.t(); Matrix C = inputContrast & c2; if ( MISCMATHS::rank(C) < C.Nrows() ) throw Exception("Error: This (f)contrast appears to be rank defficient, please check your design."); Matrix W=inputModel*C.i(); Matrix W1=W.Columns(1,r); Matrix W2=W.Columns(r+1,W.Ncols()); bool confoundsExist( W2.Ncols() > 0 ); if ( confoundsExist && mode == 0 ) outputData=(IdentityMatrix(W2.Nrows())-W2*pinv(W2))*inputData; else if ( confoundsExist && mode == 1 ) outputData=(IdentityMatrix(W2.Nrows())-W2*pinv(W2))*inputData; else outputData=inputData; if ( mode == 0 ) { //Kennedy Regress Y_a on X_a outputModel=W1; outputContrast=IdentityMatrix(r); if ( confoundsExist ) outputModel=W1-W2*pinv(W2)*W1; } if ( mode == 1 || mode == 2 || mode == 3 ) { //Regress Y_a (Freedman_Lane) or Y (No unconfounding) or Y_aFull ( ter Braak ) on X | Z outputModel=W1; outputContrast=IdentityMatrix(r); if ( confoundsExist ) { Matrix nuisanceContrast(r,W2.Ncols()); nuisanceContrast=0; outputContrast = outputContrast | nuisanceContrast; outputModel = outputModel | W2; } if ( mode == 3 ) outputData=(IdentityMatrix(outputModel.Nrows())-outputModel*pinv(outputModel))*inputData; } return(confoundsExist); } void analyseContrast(const Matrix& inputContrast, const Matrix& dm, const Matrix& datam, const volume& mask,const Matrix& gp,const int& contrastNo,ranopts& opts, const Matrix& effectiveDesign) { //-ve num for f-stat contrast Matrix NewModel,NewCon,NewDataM; VoxelwiseDesign fullVoxelwiseDesign; Permuter permuter; bool hasConfounds(false); if (voxelwiseInput.isSet) { NewDataM=datam; vector effectiveVoxelwiseRegressors; effectiveVoxelwiseRegressors.resize(inputContrast.Nrows()); for (unsigned int currentEV=0;currentEV0 && oneRegressor),opts.n_perm.value(),opts.detectNullSubjects.value(),opts.isDebugging.value(),opts.permuteBlocks.value(),opts.one_samp.value()); else permuter.createPermutationScheme(remmean(dm)*inputContrast.t(),gp.Column(1),(contrastNo>0 && oneRegressor),opts.n_perm.value(),opts.detectNullSubjects.value(),opts.isDebugging.value(),opts.permuteBlocks.value(),opts.one_samp.value()); if( permuter.isFlipping ) cout << "One-sample design detected; sign-flipping instead of permuting." << endl; if( opts.verbose.value() || opts.how_many_perms.value() ) { if( permuter.isFlipping ) cout << permuter.uniquePermutations[0] << " sign-flips required for exhaustive test"; else cout << permuter.uniquePermutations[0] << " permutations required for exhaustive test"; if (contrastNo>0) cout << " of t-test " << contrastNo << endl; if (contrastNo==0) cout << " of all t-tests " << endl; if (contrastNo<0) cout << " of f-test " << abs(contrastNo) << endl; if(opts.how_many_perms.value()) return; } vector dof(1,ols_dof(dm)-(int)opts.demean_data.value()); calculatePermutationStatistics(opts,mask,NewDataM,NewCon,NewModel,contrastNo,dof,permuter,fullVoxelwiseDesign); } void analyseFContrast(Matrix& fc,Matrix& tc,Matrix& model,Matrix& data,volume& mask,Matrix& gp,ranopts& opts, const Matrix& effectiveDesign) { int startingContrast(1); int finalContrast(fc.Nrows()); if ( opts.skipTo.value() > 0 ) { startingContrast=opts.skipTo.value(); finalContrast=min( fc.Nrows(), opts.skipTo.value() ); } for( int fstat=startingContrast; fstat<=finalContrast ; fstat++ ) { Matrix fullFContrast( 0, tc.Ncols() ); for (int tcon=1; tcon<=fc.Ncols() ; tcon++ ) if (fc(fstat,tcon)==1) fullFContrast &= tc.Row(tcon); analyseContrast(fullFContrast,model,data,mask,gp,-fstat,opts,effectiveDesign); } } int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { Log& logger = LogSingleton::getInstance(); ranopts& opts = ranopts::getInstance(); opts.parse_command_line(argc,argv,logger); if (opts.parallelData.value()) opts.verbose.set_value("false"); Matrix model, Tcontrasts, Fcontrasts, data, blockLabels, effectiveDesign; volume mask; if ( opts.verbose.value() ) { cout << "randomise options: "; for (int i=1;i 0.0001 ) needsDemean=false; if (needsDemean && !opts.demean_data.value()) cerr << "Warning: All design columns have zero mean - consider using the -D option to demean your data" << endl; if (!needsDemean && opts.demean_data.value()) { cerr << "Warning: Data demeaning selected, but at least one design column has non-zero mean - therefore invoking automatic demeaning of design matrix" << endl; model=remmean(model); } if(opts.fc_file.value()!="") analyseFContrast(Fcontrasts,Tcontrasts,model,data,mask,blockLabels,opts,effectiveDesign); int startingContrast(1); int finalContrast( Tcontrasts.Nrows() ); if ( opts.skipTo.value() > 0 ) { startingContrast=opts.skipTo.value()-Fcontrasts.Nrows(); finalContrast=min( Tcontrasts.Nrows(), opts.skipTo.value()-Fcontrasts.Nrows() ); } for (int tstat = startingContrast; tstat <= finalContrast && tstat > 0 && !opts.doFOnly.value(); tstat++ ) analyseContrast(Tcontrasts.Row(tstat),model,data,mask,blockLabels,tstat,opts,effectiveDesign); } catch(Exception& e) { cerr << "ERROR: Program failed" << e.what() << endl << endl << "Exiting" << endl; return 1; } catch(...) { cerr << "ERROR: Program failed, unknown exception" << endl << endl << "Exiting" << endl; return 1; } if ( opts.verbose.value() ) cout << "Finished, exiting." << endl; return 0; } //Permuter Class void Permuter::createPermutationScheme(const Matrix& design, ColumnVector groups, const bool oneNonZeroContrast, const long requiredPermutations, const bool detectingNullElements, const bool outputDebug, const bool permuteBlocks, const bool forceFlipping) { nBlocks=int(groups.Maximum())+1; //+1 to include the "0" block nSubjects=design.Nrows(); if (detectingNullElements) for(int row=1;row<=nSubjects;row++) if (abs(design.Row(row).Sum())<1e-10 && !isFlipping) //original just checked if Sum()==0 groups(row)=0; isPermutingBlocks=permuteBlocks; if ( isPermutingBlocks ) { blockPermuter=new Permuter; ColumnVector dummyBlocks(nBlocks-1); dummyBlocks=1; Matrix effectiveBlockDesign(0,design.Ncols()*design.Nrows()/(nBlocks-1)); for(int group=1;groupcreatePermutationScheme(effectiveBlockDesign,dummyBlocks,false,requiredPermutations,false,outputDebug,false,forceFlipping); } ColumnVector labels = createDesignLabels(design|groups); if ( forceFlipping ) labels=1; if ( isPermutingBlocks ) for( int row=1;row<=nSubjects;row++ ) labels(row)=row; if ( forceFlipping ) labels=1; isFlipping = ( (labels.Maximum()==1) && oneNonZeroContrast ) || forceFlipping ; originalLocation.resize(nBlocks); permutedLabels.resize(nBlocks); originalLabels.resize(nBlocks); for(int group=0;group=1;row--) //Now work backwards to fill in the starting locations if(groups(row)==group) originalLocation[group](member--)=row; } initialisePermutationBlocks(labels,requiredPermutations); if (outputDebug) cerr << "Subject | Design | group | label" << endl << ( truePermutation | design | groups | labels ) << endl; } ColumnVector Permuter::returnPreviousTruePermutation(const long permutationNumber) { if (isFlipping) return previousPermutations[permutationNumber-1]; else { ColumnVector permvec(unpermutedVector); for(long perm=1; perm<=permutationNumber; perm++) createTruePermutation(previousPermutations[perm-1],previousPermutations[perm-1-int(perm!=1)],permvec); return permvec; } } ColumnVector Permuter::returnPreviousTruePermutation(const long permutationNumber, ColumnVector& previousState) { if (isFlipping) return previousPermutations[permutationNumber-1]; else { createTruePermutation(previousPermutations[permutationNumber-1],previousPermutations[permutationNumber-1-int(permutationNumber!=1)],previousState); return previousState; } } void Permuter::initialisePermutationBlocks(const ColumnVector& designLabels,const long requiredPermutations) { truePermutation.ReSize(nSubjects); for(int i=1;i<=nSubjects;i++) truePermutation(i)=i; if (isFlipping) truePermutation=1; unpermutedVector=truePermutation; uniquePermutations.resize(nBlocks); uniquePermutations[0]=1; for(int group=0;group0) uniquePermutations[group]=computeUniquePermutations(permutedLabels[group],isFlipping); uniquePermutations[0]*=uniquePermutations[group]; originalLabels[group]=permutedLabels[group]; } if ( isPermutingBlocks ) uniquePermutations[0]=blockPermuter->uniquePermutations[0]; isRandom=!(requiredPermutations==0 || requiredPermutations>=uniquePermutations[0]); if (isRandom) finalPermutation=requiredPermutations; else finalPermutation=uniquePermutations[0]; previousPermutations.reserve((long)finalPermutation); } ColumnVector Permuter::permutationVector() { ColumnVector newvec(nSubjects); for(int block=0;blocknextPermutation(permutationNumber,false,false); for(int block=1;blockisFlipping ) permutedLabels[block]=originalLabels[block]*permutedBlocksFoo(block); else permutedLabels[block]=originalLabels[(int)permutedBlocksFoo(block)]; } return(permutationVector()); } for(int group=1;group=0; i--) if(newPermutation==previousPermutations[i]) return true; return false; } void Permuter::nextShuffle(ColumnVector& perm){ vector temp; for (int i=1;i<=perm.Nrows();i++) temp.push_back((int)perm(i)); if (isRandom) random_shuffle(temp.begin(),temp.end()); else next_permutation(temp.begin(),temp.end()); for (int i=1;i<=perm.Nrows();i++) perm(i)=temp[i-1]; } void Permuter::nextFlip(ColumnVector& flip){ if (isRandom) { for(int i=1;i<=flip.Nrows();i++) { float tmp=(float)rand()/RAND_MAX; if(tmp > 0.5) flip(i)=1; else flip(i)=-1; } } else for (int n=flip.Nrows();n>0;n--) if(flip(n)==1) { flip(n)=-1; if (n knownLabels; for(int i=1;i<=design.Nrows();i++){ bool wasExistingLabel(false); for(unsigned int l=0;l