// Definitions of cost-function classes used by topup // // topup_costfunctions.cpp // // Jesper Andersson, FMRIB Image Analysis Group // // Copyright (C) 2009 University of Oxford // /* Part of FSL - FMRIB's Software Library http://www.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl fsl@fmrib.ox.ac.uk Developed at FMRIB (Oxford Centre for Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Brain), Department of Clinical Neurology, Oxford University, Oxford, UK LICENCE FMRIB Software Library, Release 5.0 (c) 2012, The University of Oxford (the "Software") The Software remains the property of the University of Oxford ("the University"). The Software is distributed "AS IS" under this Licence solely for non-commercial use in the hope that it will be useful, but in order that the University as a charitable foundation protects its assets for the benefit of its educational and research purposes, the University makes clear that no condition is made or to be implied, nor is any warranty given or to be implied, as to the accuracy of the Software, or that it will be suitable for any particular purpose or for use under any specific conditions. Furthermore, the University disclaims all responsibility for the use which is made of the Software. It further disclaims any liability for the outcomes arising from using the Software. The Licensee agrees to indemnify the University and hold the University harmless from and against any and all claims, damages and liabilities asserted by third parties (including claims for negligence) which arise directly or indirectly from the use of the Software or the sale of any products based on the Software. No part of the Software may be reproduced, modified, transmitted or transferred in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without the express permission of the University. The permission of the University is not required if the said reproduction, modification, transmission or transference is done without financial return, the conditions of this Licence are imposed upon the receiver of the product, and all original and amended source code is included in any transmitted product. You may be held legally responsible for any copyright infringement that is caused or encouraged by your failure to abide by these terms and conditions. You are not permitted under this Licence to use this Software commercially. Use for which any financial return is received shall be defined as commercial use, and includes (1) integration of all or part of the source code or the Software into a product for sale or license by or on behalf of Licensee to third parties or (2) use of the Software or any derivative of it for research with the final aim of developing software products for sale or license to a third party or (3) use of the Software or any derivative of it for research with the final aim of developing non-software products for sale or license to a third party, or (4) use of the Software to provide any service to an external organisation for which payment is received. If you are interested in using the Software commercially, please contact Isis Innovation Limited ("Isis"), the technology transfer company of the University, to negotiate a licence. Contact details are: innovation@isis.ox.ac.uk quoting reference DE/9564. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "newmat.h" #include "newmatio.h" #ifndef EXPOSE_TREACHEROUS #define EXPOSE_TREACHEROUS // To allow us to use .set_sform etc #endif #include "newimage/newimageall.h" #include "miscmaths/miscmaths.h" #include "warpfns/warpfns.h" #include "basisfield/basisfield.h" #include "basisfield/splinefield.h" #include "basisfield/dctfield.h" #include "warpfns/fnirt_file_reader.h" #include "topup_file_io.h" #include "topup_costfunctions.h" #ifndef SQR #define SQR(A) (A)*(A) #endif using namespace TOPUP; //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ // // Class TopupScan // // Has the data, acquisition info and movement parameters for // one scan. Responsible for managing the scan, resampling the // scan (and serve it up) and keeping track of update status. // // {{{ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ TopupScan::TopupScan(const NEWIMAGE::volume& scan, const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& pevec, double rotime) : _pevec(pevec), _rotime(rotime), _uptodate(false), _tp(false) { if (_pevec.Nrows() != 3) throw TopupException("TopupScan::TopupScan: pevec must have three elements"); if (_pevec(3) != 0.0) throw TopupException("TopupScan::TopupScan: third element of pevec must be zero"); _orig = boost::shared_ptr >(new NEWIMAGE::volume(scan)); _orig->setextrapolationmethod(NEWIMAGE::periodic); if (_pevec(1) && !_pevec(2)) _orig->setextrapolationvalidity(true,false,false); else if (!_pevec(1) && _pevec(2)) _orig->setextrapolationvalidity(false,true,false); else _orig->setextrapolationvalidity(false,false,false); _regrid = _orig; _subsamp = _orig; _smooth = _orig; _mp.ReSize(6); _mp = 0.0; } std::vector TopupScan::ImageSize(SizeType type) const { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupScan::ImageSize" << endl; std::vector size(3,0); if (type == Original) { size[0] = _orig->xsize(); size[1] = _orig->ysize(); size[2] = _orig->zsize(); } else if (type == Regridded) { size[0] = _regrid->xsize(); size[1] = _regrid->ysize(); size[2] = _regrid->zsize(); } else if (type == Subsampled) { size[0] = _subsamp->xsize(); size[1] = _subsamp->ysize(); size[2] = _subsamp->zsize(); } else { // Implies Target unsigned int ss = _regrid->xsize() / _subsamp->xsize(); if (_regrid->ysize()/_subsamp->ysize() != int(ss) || _regrid->zsize() / _subsamp->zsize() != int(ss)) { throw TopupException("TopupScan::ImageSize(Target): Inconsistent sub-sampling"); } if (_orig->xsize()%ss || _orig->ysize()%ss || _orig->zsize()%ss) { throw TopupException("TopupScan::ImageSize(Target): Sub-sampling incompatible with original image size"); } size[0] = _orig->xsize() / ss; size[1] = _orig->ysize() / ss; size[2] = _orig->zsize() / ss; } if (TracePrint()) cout << "Leaving TopupScan::ImageSize" << endl; return(size); } std::vector TopupScan::ImageVxs(SizeType type) const { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupScan::ImageVxs" << endl; std::vector vxs(3,0.0); if (type == Original) { vxs[0] = _orig->xdim(); vxs[1] = _orig->ydim(); vxs[2] = _orig->zdim(); } else if (type == Regridded) { vxs[0] = _regrid->xdim(); vxs[1] = _regrid->ydim(); vxs[2] = _regrid->zdim(); } else if (type == Subsampled) { vxs[0] = _subsamp->xdim(); vxs[1] = _subsamp->ydim(); vxs[2] = _subsamp->zdim(); } else { // Implies Target unsigned int ss = _regrid->xsize() / _subsamp->xsize(); if (_regrid->ysize()/_subsamp->ysize() != int(ss) || _regrid->zsize() / _subsamp->zsize() != int(ss)) { throw TopupException("TopupScan::ImageVxs(Target): Inconsistent sub-sampling"); } if (_orig->xsize()%ss || _orig->ysize()%ss || _orig->zsize()%ss) { throw TopupException("TopupScan::ImageVxs(Target): Sub-sampling incompatible with original image size"); } vxs[0] = ss * _orig->xdim(); vxs[1] = ss * _orig->ydim(); vxs[2] = ss * _orig->zdim(); } if (TracePrint()) cout << "Leaving TopupScan::ImageVxs" << endl; return(vxs); } NEWIMAGE::volume TopupScan::GetResampled(const BASISFIELD::splinefield& field) const { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupScan::GetResampled" << endl; update(field); if (TracePrint()) cout << "Leaving TopupScan::GetResampled" << endl; return(_jac * _resampled); } NEWIMAGE::volume TopupScan::GetMask(const BASISFIELD::splinefield& field) const { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupScan::GetMask" << endl; update(field); if (TracePrint()) cout << "Leaving TopupScan::GetMask" << endl; return(_mask); } NEWIMAGE::volume TopupScan::GetAlpha(const BASISFIELD::splinefield& field) const { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupScan::GetAlpha" << endl; update(field); // We will compensate for sub-sampling and change of voxel size here. // The derivative of the images are in units of /voxel, where voxel is the // re-gridded and sub-sampled space. std::vector ovxs = ImageVxs(Original); std::vector svxs = ImageVxs(Subsampled); double sf[3]; for (int i=0; i<3; i++) sf[i] = svxs[i] / ovxs[i]; NEWIMAGE::volume rval; if (_pevec(1) && !_pevec(2)) rval = float(_rotime / sf[0] * _pevec(1)) * _derivs[0] * _jac; else if (!_pevec(1) && _pevec(2)) rval = float(_rotime / sf[1] * _pevec(2)) * _derivs[1] * _jac; else rval = float(_rotime) * ((float(_pevec(1)) * _derivs[0])/sf[0] + (float(_pevec(2)) * _derivs[1])/sf[1]) * _jac; if (TracePrint()) cout << "Leaving TopupScan::GetAlpha" << endl; return(rval); } NEWIMAGE::volume TopupScan::GetBeta(const BASISFIELD::splinefield& field) const { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupScan::GetBeta" << endl; update(field); // We will compensate for sub-sampling here, though strictly speaking it really // belongs with the spatial derivative of the splines. Putting it here means // that there are fewer places where we need to do it (and maybe forget). // The derivative of the splines is in the voxel-space of the target. std::vector ovxs = ImageVxs(Original); std::vector tvxs = ImageVxs(Target); float ss = tvxs[0] / ovxs[0]; NEWIMAGE::volume rval; if (_pevec(1)) rval = float(_rotime / ss * _pevec(1)) * _resampled; else { rval = _resampled; rval = 0.0; } if (TracePrint()) cout << "Leaving TopupScan::GetBeta" << endl; return(rval); } NEWIMAGE::volume TopupScan::GetGamma(const BASISFIELD::splinefield& field) const { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupScan::GetGamma" << endl; update(field); NEWIMAGE::volume rval; // We will compensate for sub-sampling here, though strictly speaking it really // belongs with the spatial derivative of the splines. Putting it here means // that there are fewer places where we need to do it (and maybe forget). // The derivative of the splines is in the voxel-space of the target. std::vector ovxs = ImageVxs(Original); std::vector tvxs = ImageVxs(Target); float ss = tvxs[1] / ovxs[1]; if (_pevec(2)) rval = float(_rotime / ss * _pevec(2)) * _resampled; else { rval = _resampled; rval = 0.0; } if (TracePrint()) cout << "Leaving TopupScan::GetGamma" << endl; return(rval); } // Returns the derivative w.r.t. the i'th movement parameter. 0...5 corresponds to // dx, dy, dz, rx, ry, rz. It is in /mm for the translations and /radian for the rotations. NEWIMAGE::volume TopupScan::GetMovementDerivative(unsigned int i, const BASISFIELD::splinefield& field) const { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupScan::GetMovementDerivative" << endl; if (i >= 6) throw TopupException("TopupScan::GetMovementDerivative: i must be in range 0...5"); update(field); std::vector isz = this->ImageSize(Target); std::vector idim = this->ImageVxs(Target); NEWIMAGE::volume rval; rval.reinitialize(int(isz[0]),int(isz[1]),int(isz[2])); rval.setdims(float(idim[0]),float(idim[1]),float(idim[2])); // We need a rescaling since the derivaties are in units of /voxel for the // regridded/subsampled space whereas the voxel deviations below are in // voxels in the target space. std::vector sdim = this->ImageVxs(Subsampled); double sf[3]; for (int ii=0; ii<3; ii++) sf[ii] = idim[ii]/sdim[ii]; double tiny = 1e-4; // If translation if (i > 2) tiny = 1e-5; // If rotation NEWMAT::ColumnVector p(6); p = _mp; p(i+1) += tiny; NEWMAT::Matrix T1 = rval.sampling_mat().i() * mp_to_matrix(_mp).i() * rval.sampling_mat(); NEWMAT::Matrix T2 = rval.sampling_mat().i() * mp_to_matrix(p).i() * rval.sampling_mat(); NEWMAT::ColumnVector x(4); x(4) = 1.0; for (int k=0; k TopupScan::GetNumericalMovementDerivative(unsigned int i, const BASISFIELD::splinefield& field) const { NEWIMAGE::volume resampled = GetResampled(field); NEWMAT::ColumnVector tmp_mp = _mp; double tiny = 1e-4; if (i > 2) tiny = 1e-4; tmp_mp(i+1) += tiny; // cout << "i = " << i << ", mp(i+1) = " << _mp(i+1) << ", tmp_mp(i+1) = " << tmp_mp(i+1) << endl; NEWMAT::Matrix rb = mp_to_matrix(tmp_mp); // Map field(Hz)->displacement_fields // Note that general_transform expects displacement fields in mm, hence the multiplication with voxel-size. NEWIMAGE::volume4D df(_smooth->xsize(),_smooth->ysize(),_smooth->zsize(),3); copybasicproperties(*_smooth,df[0]); copybasicproperties(df[0],df[1]); copybasicproperties(df[0],df[2]); // I am forced to cast away constness on field here. When I have more // time I should address this in the splinefield class instead. BASISFIELD::splinefield& tmpfield = const_cast(field); tmpfield.AsVolume(df[0]); df[1] = float(_rotime * _pevec(2) * _orig->ydim()) * df[0]; df[0] *= _rotime * _pevec(1) * _orig->xdim(); df[2] = 0; // Don't allow any component in the z-direction NEWIMAGE::volume resampled2(_smooth->xsize(),_smooth->ysize(),_smooth->zsize()); copybasicproperties(*_smooth,resampled2); resampled2 = 0.0; general_transform(*_smooth,rb,df,resampled2); resampled2 *= GetJacobian(field); resampled2 -= resampled; resampled2 /= tiny; return(resampled2); } NEWIMAGE::volume TopupScan::GetJacobian(const BASISFIELD::splinefield& field) const { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupScan::GetJacobian" << endl; update(field); if (TracePrint()) cout << "Leaving TopupScan::GetJacobian" << endl; return(_jac); } void TopupScan::SetMovementParameters(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& mp) const { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupScan::SetMovementParameters" << endl; if (mp.Nrows() != 6) throw TopupException("TopupScan::SetMovementParameters: mp must have six elements"); for (unsigned int i=0; i<6; i++) { if (fabs(mp(i+1)-_mp(i+1))>1e-9) { _uptodate = false; _mp = mp; break; } } if (TracePrint()) cout << "Leaving TopupScan::SetMovementParameters" << endl; } void TopupScan::SetInterpolationModel(TopupInterpolationType it) const { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupScan::SetInterpolationModel" << endl; _orig->setinterpolationmethod(translate_interp_type(it)); _regrid->setinterpolationmethod(translate_interp_type(it)); _subsamp->setinterpolationmethod(translate_interp_type(it)); _smooth->setinterpolationmethod(translate_interp_type(it)); _uptodate = false; if (TracePrint()) cout << "Leaving TopupScan::SetInterpolationModel" << endl; } void TopupScan::Smooth(double fwhm) { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupScan::Smooth" << endl; if (fwhm == 0.0) { _smooth = _subsamp; } else { if (_smooth == _subsamp) { // If no copy made yet _smooth = boost::shared_ptr >(new NEWIMAGE::volume(_subsamp->xsize(),_subsamp->ysize(),_subsamp->zsize())); } copybasicproperties(*_subsamp,*_smooth); *_smooth = NEWIMAGE::smooth(*_subsamp,fwhm/sqrt(8.0*log(2.0))); } _uptodate = false; if (TracePrint()) cout << "Leaving TopupScan::Smooth" << endl; } void TopupScan::SubSample(unsigned int ss) { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupScan::SubSample" << endl; if (_regrid->xsize()%ss || _regrid->ysize()%ss || _regrid->zsize()%ss) throw TopupException("TopupScan::SubSample: invalid subsampling factor"); if (ss == 1) { _subsamp = _regrid; } else { _subsamp = boost::shared_ptr >(new NEWIMAGE::volume(_regrid->xsize()/ss,_regrid->ysize()/ss,_regrid->zsize()/ss)); _subsamp->setdims(ss*_regrid->xdim(),ss*_regrid->ydim(),ss*_regrid->zdim()); _subsamp->setinterpolationmethod(_regrid->getinterpolationmethod()); _subsamp->setextrapolationmethod(_regrid->getextrapolationmethod()); std::vector epval = _regrid->getextrapolationvalidity(); _subsamp->setextrapolationvalidity(epval[0],epval[1],epval[2]); *(_subsamp) = 0.0; for (int k=0; k<_subsamp->zsize(); k++) { for (int j=0; j<_subsamp->ysize(); j++) { for (int i=0; i<_subsamp->xsize(); i++) { for (unsigned int kk=0; kkxsize() && ysz == _orig->ysize() && zsz == _orig->zsize()) { _regrid = _orig; } else { _regrid = boost::shared_ptr >(new NEWIMAGE::volume(xsz,ysz,zsz)); double xfov = (_orig->xsize()-1)*_orig->xdim() - 1e-6; double yfov = (_orig->ysize()-1)*_orig->ydim() - 1e-6; double zfov = (_orig->zsize()-1)*_orig->zdim() - 1e-6; _regrid->setdims(xfov/double(xsz),yfov/double(ysz),zfov/double(zsz)); _regrid->setinterpolationmethod(_orig->getinterpolationmethod()); _regrid->setextrapolationmethod(_orig->getextrapolationmethod()); std::vector epval = _orig->getextrapolationvalidity(); _regrid->setextrapolationvalidity(epval[0],epval[1],epval[2]); double xfac = _regrid->xdim()/_orig->xdim(); for (int k=0; k<_regrid->zsize(); k++) { double z = k*_regrid->zdim()/_orig->zdim(); for (int j=0; j<_regrid->ysize(); j++) { double y = j*_regrid->ydim()/_orig->ydim(); for (int i=0; i<_regrid->xsize(); i++) { (*_regrid)(i,j,k) = _orig->interpolate(i*xfac,y,z); } } } _uptodate = false; _subsamp = _regrid; _smooth = _subsamp; } if (TracePrint()) cout << "Leaving TopupScan::ReGrid" << endl; } NEWIMAGE::volume4D TopupScan::GetDisplacementField(const BASISFIELD::splinefield& field) const { std::vector isz = this->ImageSize(Target); std::vector idim = this->ImageVxs(Target); NEWIMAGE::volume4D df(isz[0],isz[1],isz[2],3); df.setdims(float(idim[0]),float(idim[1]),float(idim[2]),1.0); // I am forced to cast away constness on field here. When I have more // time I should address this in the splinefield class instead. BASISFIELD::splinefield& tmpfield = const_cast(field); tmpfield.AsVolume(df[0]); df[1] = float(_rotime * _pevec(2) * _orig->ydim()) * df[0]; df[0] *= _rotime * _pevec(1) * _orig->xdim(); df[2] = 0; // Don't allow any component in the z-direction return(df); } NEWMAT::Matrix TopupScan::mp_to_matrix(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& mp) const { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupScan::mp_to_matrix" << endl; NEWMAT::Matrix mat = MovePar2Matrix(mp,*_subsamp); // Defined in topup_file_io if (TracePrint()) cout << "Leaving TopupScan::mp_to_matrix" << endl; return(mat); } // // This routine will update all the derived images // void TopupScan::update(const BASISFIELD::splinefield& field) const { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupScan::update" << endl; if (!_uptodate) { if (TracePrint()) cout << "TopupScan::update: Things not up to date, procceeds with updating." << endl; // cout << "_mp = " << _mp(1) << ", " << _mp(2) << ", " << _mp(3) << ", " << _mp(4) << ", " << _mp(5) << ", " << _mp(6) << endl; NEWMAT::Matrix rb = mp_to_matrix(_mp); // Map field(Hz)->displacement_fields _for_ _the_ _non-subsampled_ _data_ // Note that general_transform expects displacement fields in mm, hence the multiplication with voxel-size. std::vector isz = this->ImageSize(Target); std::vector idim = this->ImageVxs(Target); NEWIMAGE::volume4D df(isz[0],isz[1],isz[2],3); df.setdims(float(idim[0]),float(idim[1]),float(idim[2]),1.0); // I am forced to cast away constness on field here. When I have more // time I should address this in the splinefield class instead. BASISFIELD::splinefield& tmpfield = const_cast(field); tmpfield.AsVolume(df[0]); df[1] = float(_rotime * _pevec(2) * _orig->ydim()) * df[0]; df[0] *= _rotime * _pevec(1) * _orig->xdim(); df[2] = 0; // Don't allow any component in the z-direction // Get resampled data, resampled derivatives and mask _resampled.reinitialize(int(isz[0]),int(isz[1]),int(isz[2])); _resampled.setdims(float(idim[0]),float(idim[1]),float(idim[2])); _mask.reinitialize(int(isz[0]),int(isz[1]),int(isz[2])); _mask.setdims(float(idim[0]),float(idim[1]),float(idim[2])); _derivs.reinitialize(int(isz[0]),int(isz[1]),int(isz[2]),3); _derivs.setdims(float(idim[0]),float(idim[1]),float(idim[2]),1.0); _resampled = 0.0; _derivs = 0.0; _mask = 0; general_transform_3partial(*_smooth,rb,df,_resampled,_derivs,_mask); // Set a "frame" in the non-phase-encode directions of // the mask to zero. This is to prevent small movements // from incurring a great cost because of a new set of // voxels being excluded. for (int j=0; j<_mask.ysize(); j++) { for (int i=0; i<_mask.xsize(); i++) { _mask(i,j,0) = 0; _mask(i,j,_mask.zsize()-1) = 0; } } if (_pevec(1) && !_pevec(2)) { for (int k=0; k<_mask.zsize(); k++) { for (int i=0; i<_mask.xsize(); i++) { _mask(i,0,k) = 0; _mask(i,_mask.ysize()-1,k) = 0; } } } else if (!_pevec(1) && _pevec(2)) { for (int k=0; k<_mask.zsize(); k++) { for (int j=0; j<_mask.ysize(); j++) { _mask(0,j,k) = 0; _mask(_mask.xsize()-1,j,k) = 0; } } } // Get Jacobian BASISFIELD::splinefield xcomp = field; BASISFIELD::splinefield ycomp = field; BASISFIELD::splinefield zcomp = field; xcomp.ScaleField(_rotime * _pevec(1) * _orig->xdim()); ycomp.ScaleField(_rotime * _pevec(2) * _orig->ydim()); zcomp.ScaleField(0.0); _jac.reinitialize(int(isz[0]),int(isz[1]),int(isz[2])); _jac.setdims(float(idim[0]),float(idim[1]),float(idim[2])); NEWIMAGE::deffield2jacobian(xcomp,ycomp,zcomp,_jac); _uptodate = true; } if (TracePrint()) cout << "Leaving TopupScan::update" << endl; } // }}} End of fold. //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ // // Class TopupScanManager // // Responsible for managing the scans, updating the resampled ones // as neccessary, keep track of update-status and to serve up // resampled scans and a mask that is the intersection of the // individual masks. // // {{{ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ TopupScanManager::TopupScanManager(const NEWIMAGE::volume4D& scans, const NEWMAT::Matrix& pevecs, const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& rotimes) : _ss(1), _fwhm(0.0), _mpi(scans.tsize()), _tp(false) { if (scans.tsize() != pevecs.Ncols() || scans.tsize() != rotimes.Nrows()) throw TopupException("TopupScanManager::TopupScanManage: Mismatched input parameters"); _scans.resize(scans.tsize()); for (int i=0; iImageSize(Original); // Work out which movement parameters can be estimated _hasx=false; _hasy=false; double first_xvec = 0; double first_yvec = 0; unsigned int index_five = 0; // Index of file for which we can only estimate 5 movement parameters for (unsigned int i=0; i<_scans.size(); i++) { NEWMAT::ColumnVector pevec = _scans[i]->GetPhaseEncodeDirection(); if (pevec(1)) { _hasx = true; if (!first_xvec) first_xvec = pevec(1); else if (have_different_signs(first_xvec,pevec(1)) && !index_five) index_five=i; } if (pevec(2)) { _hasy = true; if (!first_yvec) first_yvec = pevec(2); else if (have_different_signs(first_yvec,pevec(2)) && !index_five) index_five=i; } } // cout << "first_xvec = " << first_xvec << ", first_yvec = " << first_yvec << ", index_five = " << index_five << endl; _mpi[0].resize(0); // First scan is always reference if (_hasx && _hasy) { // If so we can estimate all paramaters for (unsigned int i=1; i= _scans.size()) throw TopupException("TopupScanManager::NoOfMovementParametersForScan: scan index out of range"); return(_mpi[scan].size()); } NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix TopupScanManager::GetMovementParameters() const { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupScanManager::GetMovementParameters" << endl; NEWMAT::ColumnVector ovec(NoOfMovementParameters()); unsigned int indx = 1; for (unsigned int i=0; iGetMovementParameters(); for (unsigned int j=0; j<_mpi[i].size(); j++) { ovec(indx++) = tmp(_mpi[i][j]+1); } } if (TracePrint()) cout << "Leaving TopupScanManager::GetMovementParameters" << endl; ovec.Release(); return(ovec); } NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix TopupScanManager::GetAllMovementParameters() const { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupScanManager::GetAllMovementParameters" << endl; NEWMAT::ColumnVector ovec(6*NoOfScans()); for (unsigned int i=0; iGetMovementParameters(); } if (TracePrint()) cout << "Leaving TopupScanManager::GetAllMovementParameters" << endl; ovec.Release(); return(ovec); } NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix TopupScanManager::GetRigidBodyMatrix(unsigned int i) const { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupScanManager::GetRigidBodyMatrix" << endl; if (i >= _scans.size()) throw TopupException("TopupScanManager::GetRigidBodyMatrix: index i out of range"); NEWMAT::Matrix omat = _scans[i]->GetRigidBodyMatrix(); if (TracePrint()) cout << "Leaving TopupScanManager::GetRigidBodyMatrix" << endl; omat.Release(); return(omat); } bool TopupScanManager::HasBeta(unsigned int i) const { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupScanManager::HasBeta" << endl; if (i >= _scans.size()) throw TopupException("TopupScanManager::HasBeta: index i out of range"); if (TracePrint()) cout << "Leaving TopupScanManager::HasBeta" << endl; return(_scans[i]->HasBeta()); } bool TopupScanManager::HasGamma(unsigned int i) const { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupScanManager::HasGamma" << endl; if (i >= _scans.size()) throw TopupException("TopupScanManager::HasGamma: index i out of range"); if (TracePrint()) cout << "Leaving TopupScanManager::HasGamma" << endl; return(_scans[i]->HasGamma()); } NEWIMAGE::volume TopupScanManager::GetScan(unsigned int i, const BASISFIELD::splinefield& field) const { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupScanManager::GetScan" << endl; if (i >= _scans.size()) throw TopupException("TopupScanManager::GetScan: index i out of range"); if (TracePrint()) cout << "Leaving TopupScanManager::GetScan" << endl; return(_scans[i]->GetResampled(field)); } NEWIMAGE::volume TopupScanManager::GetAlpha(unsigned int i, const BASISFIELD::splinefield& field) const { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupScanManager::GetAlpha" << endl; if (i >= _scans.size()) throw TopupException("TopupScanManager::GetAlpha: index i out of range"); if (TracePrint()) cout << "Leaving TopupScanManager::GetAlpha" << endl; return(_scans[i]->GetAlpha(field)); } NEWIMAGE::volume TopupScanManager::GetBeta(unsigned int i, const BASISFIELD::splinefield& field) const { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupScanManager::GetBeta" << endl; if (i >= _scans.size()) throw TopupException("TopupScanManager::GetBeta: index i out of range"); if (TracePrint()) cout << "Leaving TopupScanManager::GetBeta" << endl; return(_scans[i]->GetBeta(field)); } NEWIMAGE::volume TopupScanManager::GetGamma(unsigned int i, const BASISFIELD::splinefield& field) const { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupScanManager::GetGamma" << endl; if (i >= _scans.size()) throw TopupException("TopupScanManager::GetGamma: index i out of range"); if (TracePrint()) cout << "Leaving TopupScanManager::GetGamma" << endl; return(_scans[i]->GetGamma(field)); } NEWIMAGE::volume TopupScanManager::GetMovementDerivative(unsigned int scan, unsigned int deriv, const BASISFIELD::splinefield& field) const { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupScanManager::GetMovementDerivative" << endl; if (scan >= _scans.size()) throw TopupException("TopupScanManager::GetMovementDerivative: index scan out of range"); if (deriv >= _mpi[scan].size()) throw TopupException("TopupScanManager::GetMovementDerivative: index deriv out of range"); if (TracePrint()) cout << "Leaving TopupScanManager::GetMovementDerivative" << endl; return(_scans[scan]->GetMovementDerivative(_mpi[scan][deriv],field)); } NEWIMAGE::volume TopupScanManager::GetNumericalMovementDerivative(unsigned int scan, unsigned int deriv, const BASISFIELD::splinefield& field) const { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupScanManager::GetNumericalMovementDerivative" << endl; if (scan >= _scans.size()) throw TopupException("TopupScanManager::GetNumericalMovementDerivative: index scan out of range"); if (deriv >= _mpi[scan].size()) throw TopupException("TopupScanManager::GetNumericalMovementDerivative: index deriv out of range"); if (TracePrint()) cout << "Leaving TopupScanManager::GetNumericalMovementDerivative" << endl; // cout << "scan = " << scan << ", deriv = " << deriv << ", _mpi[scan][deriv] = " << _mpi[scan][deriv] << endl; return(_scans[scan]->GetNumericalMovementDerivative(_mpi[scan][deriv],field)); } NEWIMAGE::volume TopupScanManager::GetJacobian(unsigned int i, const BASISFIELD::splinefield& field) const { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupScanManager::GetJacobian" << endl; if (i >= _scans.size()) throw TopupException("TopupScanManager::GetJacobian: index i out of range"); if (TracePrint()) cout << "Leaving TopupScanManager::GetJacobian" << endl; return(_scans[i]->GetJacobian(field)); } void TopupScanManager::FieldUpdated() const { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupScanManager::FieldUpdated" << endl; _up_to_date = false; for (unsigned int i=0; i<_scans.size(); i++) _scans[i]->SetUpToDate(false); if (TracePrint()) cout << "Leaving TopupScanManager::FieldUpdated" << endl; } void TopupScanManager::ReGrid(unsigned int xsz, unsigned int ysz, unsigned int zsz) { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupScanManager::ReGrid" << endl; if (xsz != _regrid_sz[0] || ysz != _regrid_sz[1] || zsz != _regrid_sz[2]) { _regrid_sz[0] = xsz; _regrid_sz[1] = ysz; _regrid_sz[2] = zsz; _up_to_date = false; for (unsigned int i=0; iReGrid(int(xsz),int(ysz),int(zsz)); _scans[i]->SubSample(_ss); _scans[i]->Smooth(_fwhm); } } if (TracePrint()) cout << "Leaving TopupScanManager::ReGrid" << endl; } void TopupScanManager::SubSample(unsigned int ss) { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupScanManager::SubSample" << endl; if (ss != _ss) { _ss = ss; _up_to_date = false; for (unsigned int i=0; iSubSample(ss); _scans[i]->Smooth(_fwhm); } } if (TracePrint()) cout << "Leaving TopupScanManager::SubSample" << endl; } void TopupScanManager::Smooth(double fwhm) { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupScanManager::Smooth" << endl; if (fwhm != _fwhm) { _fwhm = fwhm; _up_to_date = false; for (unsigned int i=0; iSmooth(fwhm); } if (TracePrint()) cout << "Leaving TopupScanManager::Smooth" << endl; } void TopupScanManager::SetMovementParameters(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& p) const { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupScanManager::SetMovementParameters" << endl; if (p.Nrows() != int(NoOfMovementParameters())) throw TopupException("TopupScanManager::SetMovementParameters: wrong size parameter vector p"); unsigned int indx=1; for (unsigned int i=0; iSetMovementParameters(tmp); else if (_mpi[i].size()) { NEWMAT::ColumnVector mp(6); mp = 0.0; for (unsigned int j=0; j<_mpi[i].size(); j++) { mp(_mpi[i][j]+1) = tmp(j+1); } _scans[i]->SetMovementParameters(mp); } if (!_scans[i]->UpToDate()) _up_to_date = false; } if (TracePrint()) cout << "Leaving TopupScanManager::SetMovementParameters" << endl; } void TopupScanManager::SetInterpolationModel(TopupInterpolationType it) const { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupScanManager::SetInterpolationModel" << endl; if (it != _it) { _up_to_date = false; _it = it; for (unsigned int i=0; iSetInterpolationModel(it); } } if (TracePrint()) cout << "Leaving TopupScanManager::SetInterpolationModel" << endl; } void TopupScanManager::update(const BASISFIELD::splinefield& field) const { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupScanManager::update" << endl; if (!_up_to_date) { if (TracePrint()) cout << "TopupScanManager::update: Things not up to date, proceeds with updating." << endl; _mean = _scans[0]->GetResampled(field); _mask = _scans[0]->GetMask(field); _mean_alpha = _scans[0]->GetAlpha(field); if (HasBeta()) _mean_beta = _scans[0]->GetBeta(field); if (HasGamma()) _mean_gamma = _scans[0]->GetGamma(field); for (unsigned int i=1; i<_scans.size(); i++) { _mean += _scans[i]->GetResampled(field); _mask *= _scans[i]->GetMask(field); _mean_alpha += _scans[i]->GetAlpha(field); if (HasBeta(i)) _mean_beta += _scans[i]->GetBeta(field); if (HasGamma(i)) _mean_gamma += _scans[i]->GetGamma(field); } _mean /= _scans.size(); _mean_alpha /= _scans.size(); _mean_beta /= _scans.size(); _mean_gamma /= _scans.size(); _up_to_date = true; } if (TracePrint()) cout << "Leaving TopupScanManager::update" << endl; } // }}} End of fold. //@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ // // Class TopupCF // // The "main" class of the Topup application. Passed to the nonlin // library. // // {{{ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ TopupCF::TopupCF(const NEWIMAGE::volume4D& scans, const NEWMAT::Matrix& pevecs, const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& rotimes, double warpres, unsigned int sporder) : _sm(scans,pevecs,rotimes), _field(field_factory(scans,warpres,sporder)), _wr(warpres), _lambda(10), _ssql(true), _rt(BendingEnergy), _mf(false), _hp(MISCMATHS::BFMatrixDoublePrecision), _dl(0), _level(0), _iter(0), _attempt(0) { _sm.SetInterpolationModel(LinearInterp); } NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix TopupCF::Par() const { NEWMAT::ColumnVector ovec(NPar()); ovec.Rows(1,NDefPar()) = *(_field.GetCoef()); if (!_mf) ovec.Rows(NDefPar()+1,NDefPar()+NMovPar()) = _sm.GetMovementParameters(); ovec.Release(); return(ovec); } void TopupCF::SetRegridding(const std::vector& rims) { std::vector curims = _sm.ImageSize(Regridded); if (rims[0] != curims[0] || rims[1] != curims[1] || rims[2] != curims[2]) { _sm.ReGrid(rims); } } void TopupCF::SubSample(unsigned int ss) { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupCF::SubSample" << endl; if (ss != _sm.SubSampling()) { double step = double(ss)/double(_sm.SubSampling()); _sm.SubSample(ss); // Will throw if ss is incompatible with image size // Make new field std::vector size = _sm.ImageSize(Target); std::vector vxs = _sm.ImageVxs(Target); std::vector ksp(3,0); for (unsigned int i=0; i<3; i++) ksp[i] = (static_cast(MISCMATHS::round(double(_wr/vxs[i])))) ? static_cast(MISCMATHS::round(double(_wr/vxs[i]))) : 1; BASISFIELD::splinefield new_field(size,vxs,ksp,_field.Order()); // Insert old field into new NEWIMAGE::volume vol(size[0],size[1],size[2]); vol.setdims(vxs[0],vxs[1],vxs[2]); double start = (step-1.0)/2.0; double kk=start; for (unsigned int k=0; k size = _sm.ImageSize(Target); std::vector vxs = _sm.ImageVxs(Target); std::vector ksp(3,0); for (unsigned int i=0; i<3; i++) ksp[i] = (static_cast(MISCMATHS::round(double(_wr/vxs[i])))) ? static_cast(MISCMATHS::round(double(_wr/vxs[i]))) : 1; BASISFIELD::splinefield new_field(size,vxs,ksp,_field.Order()); // Get old field in image format NEWIMAGE::volume vol(size[0],size[1],size[2]); vol.setdims(vxs[0],vxs[1],vxs[2]); _field.AsVolume(vol); new_field.Set(vol); _field = new_field; } if (TracePrint()) cout << "Leaving TopupCF::SetWarpResolution" << endl; } void TopupCF::WriteCoefficients(const std::string& fname) const { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupCF::WriteCoefficients" << endl; TopupFileWriter write_it(fname,_field); if (TracePrint()) cout << "Leaving TopupCF::WriteCoefficients" << endl; } void TopupCF::WriteUnwarped(const std::string& fname) const { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupCF::WriteUnwarped" << endl; std::vector imsz = _sm.ImageSize(Subsampled); NEWIMAGE::volume4D out(imsz[0],imsz[1],imsz[2],_sm.NoOfScans()); for (unsigned int i=0; i<_sm.NoOfScans(); i++) { out[i] = _sm.GetScan(i,_field); } write_volume4D(out,fname); if (TracePrint()) cout << "Leaving TopupCF::WriteUnwarped" << endl; } void TopupCF::WriteJacobiansForDebug(const std::string& fname) const { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupCF::WriteJacobiansForDebug" << endl; std::vector imsz = _sm.ImageSize(Subsampled); NEWIMAGE::volume4D out(imsz[0],imsz[1],imsz[2],_sm.NoOfScans()); for (unsigned int i=0; i<_sm.NoOfScans(); i++) { out[i] = _sm.GetJacobian(i,_field); } write_volume4D(out,fname); if (TracePrint()) cout << "Leaving TopupCF::WriteJacobiansForDebug" << endl; } void TopupCF::WriteJacobians(const std::string& fname) const { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupCF::WriteJacobians" << endl; for (unsigned int i=0; i<_sm.NoOfScans(); i++) { NEWIMAGE::volume out = _sm.GetJacobian(i,_field); std::stringstream tmp(fname+std::string("_"),ios_base::out|ios_base::app); tmp.width(2); tmp.fill('0'); tmp << i+1; write_volume(out,tmp.str()); } if (TracePrint()) cout << "Leaving TopupCF::WriteJacobians" << endl; } void TopupCF::WriteField(const std::string& fname) const { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupCF::WriteField" << endl; TopupFileWriter write_it(fname,_sm.GetScan(0,_field),_field); if (TracePrint()) cout << "Leaving TopupCF::WriteField" << endl; } void TopupCF::WriteDisplacementFields(const std::string& fname) const { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupCF::WriteDisplacementFields" << endl; for (unsigned int i=0; i<_sm.NoOfScans(); i++) { NEWIMAGE::volume4D out = _sm.GetDisplacementField(i,_field); std::stringstream tmp(fname+std::string("_"),ios_base::out|ios_base::app); tmp.width(2); tmp.fill('0'); tmp << i+1; write_volume4D(out,tmp.str()); } if (TracePrint()) cout << "Leaving TopupCF::WriteDisplacementFields" << endl; } void TopupCF::WriteMask(const std::string& fname) const { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupCF::WriteMask" << endl; const NEWIMAGE::volume& mask = _sm.GetMask(_field); write_volume(mask,fname); if (TracePrint()) cout << "Leaving TopupCF::WriteMask" << endl; } void TopupCF::WriteMaskedDiff(const std::string& fname) const { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupCF::WriteMaskedDiff" << endl; std::vector imsz = _sm.ImageSize(Subsampled); NEWIMAGE::volume4D out(imsz[0],imsz[1],imsz[2],_sm.NoOfScans()); const NEWIMAGE::volume& mean = _sm.GetMean(_field); const NEWIMAGE::volume& mask = _sm.GetMask(_field); for (unsigned int s=0; s<_sm.NoOfScans(); s++) { out[s] = 0.0; const NEWIMAGE::volume& scan = _sm.GetScan(s,_field); for (int k=0; k TopupCF::FieldEnergyHess() const { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupCF::FieldEnergyHess" << endl; boost::shared_ptr hptr; if (_rt==BendingEnergy) hptr = _field.BendEnergyHess(_hp); else hptr = _field.MemEnergyHess(_hp); if (TracePrint()) cout << "Leaving TopupCF::FieldEnergyHess" << endl; return(hptr); } double TopupCF::cf(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& p) const { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupCF::cf" << endl; if (p.Nrows() != int(NPar())) throw TopupException("Topup_CF::cf: wrong size parameter vector p"); set_field_params(p); set_movement_params(p); const NEWIMAGE::volume& mean = _sm.GetMean(_field); const NEWIMAGE::volume& mask = _sm.GetMask(_field); double ssd = 0.0; unsigned int n = static_cast(mask.sum()); for (unsigned int s=0; s<_sm.NoOfScans(); s++) { const NEWIMAGE::volume& scan = _sm.GetScan(s,_field); for (int k=0; k 1) { WriteMask(string("TopupDebugMask")+debug_string()); WriteMaskedDiff(string("TopupDebugMaskedDiff")+debug_string()); } } if (Verbose()) cout << "SSD = " << ssd << "\tn = " << n; double reg = Lambda() * FieldEnergy(); // May be membrane- or bending-energy. if (Verbose()) cout << "\tReg = " << reg; double cost = ssd + reg; if (Verbose()) cout << "\tCost = " << cost << endl; if (TracePrint()) cout << "Leaving TopupCF::cf" << endl; return(cost); } NEWMAT::ReturnMatrix TopupCF::grad(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& p) const { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupCF::grad" << endl; if (p.Nrows() != int(NPar())) throw TopupException("Topup_CF::grad: wrong size parameter vector p"); set_field_params(p); if (!MovementsFixed()) set_movement_params(p); NEWMAT::ColumnVector gradient(NPar()); gradient = 0.0; // The top part of the gradient pertains to the non-linear displacements const NEWIMAGE::volume& mean = _sm.GetMean(_field); const NEWIMAGE::volume& mean_alpha = _sm.GetMeanAlpha(_field); const NEWIMAGE::volume& mean_beta = _sm.GetMeanBeta(_field); const NEWIMAGE::volume& mean_gamma = _sm.GetMeanGamma(_field); const NEWIMAGE::volume& mask = _sm.GetMask(_field); unsigned int n = static_cast(mask.sum()); unsigned int m = _sm.NoOfScans(); // Here we calculate the entities used in equation 18 in the tech-report // // First Allocate memory for the ones we will use std::vector *> abf(3,static_cast *>(0)); abf[0] = new NEWIMAGE::volume(mean.xsize(),mean.ysize(),mean.zsize()); copybasicproperties(mean,*(abf[0])); *(abf[0]) = 0.0; if (_sm.HasBeta()) { abf[1] = new NEWIMAGE::volume(mean.xsize(),mean.ysize(),mean.zsize()); copybasicproperties(mean,*(abf[1])); *(abf[1]) = 0.0; } if (_sm.HasGamma()) { abf[2] = new NEWIMAGE::volume(mean.xsize(),mean.ysize(),mean.zsize()); copybasicproperties(mean,*(abf[2])); *(abf[2]) = 0.0; } // Then calculate them for (unsigned int i=0; i<_sm.NoOfScans(); i++) { NEWIMAGE::volume diff = mean - _sm.GetScan(i,_field); *(abf[0]) += (mean_alpha - _sm.GetAlpha(i,_field)) * diff; if (_sm.HasBeta(i)) *(abf[1]) += (mean_beta - _sm.GetBeta(i,_field)) * diff; if (_sm.HasGamma(i)) *(abf[2]) += (mean_gamma - _sm.GetGamma(i,_field)) * diff; } gradient.Rows(1,NDefPar()) += 2.0 * _field.Jte(*(abf[0]),&mask) / (n*(m - 1)); std::vector deriv(3,0); if (_sm.HasBeta()) { deriv[0] = 1; gradient.Rows(1,NDefPar()) += 2.0 * _field.Jte(deriv,*(abf[1]),&mask) / (n*(m - 1)); deriv[0] = 0; } if (_sm.HasGamma()) { deriv[1] = 1; gradient.Rows(1,NDefPar()) += 2.0 * _field.Jte(deriv,*(abf[2]),&mask) / (n*(m - 1)); deriv[1] = 0; } delete abf[0]; if (_sm.HasBeta()) delete abf[1]; if (_sm.HasGamma()) delete abf[2]; // Now do the movement bit if (!MovementsFixed()) { unsigned int gi = NDefPar()+1; for (unsigned int s=0; s<_sm.NoOfScans(); s++) { NEWIMAGE::volume diff = mean - _sm.GetScan(s,_field); // cout << "Scan s = " << s << ", No d = " << _sm.NoOfMovementParametersForScan(s) << endl; for (unsigned int d=0; d<_sm.NoOfMovementParametersForScan(s); d++) { NEWIMAGE::volume deriv = _sm.GetMovementDerivative(s,d,_field); gradient(gi) = - (2.0 / (n*(m - 1))) * sum_of_prod(diff,deriv,mask); gi++; } } // gradient.Rows(NDefPar()+1,NPar()) = numerical_gradient(p,NDefPar()+1,NPar(),1e-4,false); // Uncomment for numerical derivatives } // Look at numerical and analytical derivatives /* static int counter=0; cout << "counter = " << counter << endl; if (counter == 14) { NEWMAT::ColumnVector comp_grad(NPar()-NDefPar()); unsigned int gi = 1; for (unsigned int s=0; s<_sm.NoOfScans(); s++) { NEWIMAGE::volume diff = mean - _sm.GetScan(s,_field); cout << "Scan s = " << s << ", No d = " << _sm.NoOfMovementParametersForScan(s) << endl; for (unsigned int d=0; d<_sm.NoOfMovementParametersForScan(s); d++) { NEWIMAGE::volume aderiv = _sm.GetMovementDerivative(s,d,_field); NEWIMAGE::volume nderiv = _sm.GetNumericalMovementDerivative(s,d,_field); char fname[256]; sprintf(fname,"Analytical_derivative_image_s%d_d%d",s+1,d+1); write_volume(aderiv,string(fname)); sprintf(fname,"Numerical_derivative_image_s%d_d%d",s+1,d+1); write_volume(nderiv,string(fname)); comp_grad(gi) = - (2.0 / (n*(m - 1))) * sum_of_prod(diff,nderiv,mask); gi++; } } // Derivatives w.r.t. the warps MISCMATHS::write_ascii_matrix(string("numerical_warp_derivatives.txt"),numerical_gradient(p,NDefPar()/2,NDefPar()/2+99,1e-1,false)); MISCMATHS::write_ascii_matrix(string("analytical_warp_derivatives.txt"),gradient.Rows(NDefPar()/2,NDefPar()/2+99)); // Movement derivatives MISCMATHS::write_ascii_matrix(string("numerical_movement_derivatives.txt"),numerical_gradient(p,NDefPar()+1,NPar(),1e-4,false)); MISCMATHS::write_ascii_matrix(string("analytical_movement_derivatives.txt"),gradient.Rows(NDefPar()+1,NPar())); // MISCMATHS::write_ascii_matrix(string("composite_movement_derivatives.txt"),comp_grad); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } else counter++; */ if (debug_level()) { set_iter(iter()+1); if (debug_level() > 0) { MISCMATHS::write_ascii_matrix(string("TopupDebugGradient_")+debug_string()+string(".txt"),gradient); } } // Add regularisation to the non-linear bit gradient.Rows(1,NDefPar()) += Lambda()*FieldEnergyGrad(); if (debug_level() > 1) { MISCMATHS::write_ascii_matrix(string("TopupDebugGradientWithReg_")+debug_string()+string(".txt"),gradient); } if (TracePrint()) cout << "Leaving TopupCF::grad" << endl; gradient.Release(); return(gradient); } // The resulting hessian is organised as // [d2f/dwdw d2f/dwdp] // [d2f/dpdw d2f/dpdp] boost::shared_ptr TopupCF::hess(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& p, boost::shared_ptr iptr) const { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupCF::hess" << endl; if (p.Nrows() != int(NPar())) throw TopupException("Topup_CF::grad: wrong size parameter vector p"); set_field_params(p); if (!MovementsFixed()) set_movement_params(p); const NEWIMAGE::volume& mean = _sm.GetMean(_field); const NEWIMAGE::volume& mean_alpha = _sm.GetMeanAlpha(_field); const NEWIMAGE::volume& mean_beta = _sm.GetMeanBeta(_field); const NEWIMAGE::volume& mean_gamma = _sm.GetMeanGamma(_field); const NEWIMAGE::volume& mask = _sm.GetMask(_field); unsigned int n = static_cast(mask.sum()); unsigned int m = _sm.NoOfScans(); // Here we calculate the entities in equation 20 in the tech-report // // The order of the 6 elements in abc will be aa ab ac bb bc cc // Space will be allocated only for those that actually have non-zero values std::vector *> abc(6,static_cast *>(0)); abc[0] = new NEWIMAGE::volume(mean.xsize(),mean.ysize(),mean.zsize()); copybasicproperties(mean,*(abc[0])); *(abc[0]) = 0.0; if (_sm.HasBeta()) { abc[1] = new NEWIMAGE::volume(mean.xsize(),mean.ysize(),mean.zsize()); copybasicproperties(mean,*(abc[1])); *(abc[1]) = 0.0; abc[3] = new NEWIMAGE::volume(mean.xsize(),mean.ysize(),mean.zsize()); copybasicproperties(mean,*(abc[3])); *(abc[3]) = 0.0; } if (_sm.HasGamma()) { abc[2] = new NEWIMAGE::volume(mean.xsize(),mean.ysize(),mean.zsize()); copybasicproperties(mean,*(abc[2])); *(abc[2]) = 0.0; abc[5] = new NEWIMAGE::volume(mean.xsize(),mean.ysize(),mean.zsize()); copybasicproperties(mean,*(abc[5])); *(abc[5]) = 0.0; } if (_sm.HasBeta() && _sm.HasGamma()) { abc[4] = new NEWIMAGE::volume(mean.xsize(),mean.ysize(),mean.zsize()); copybasicproperties(mean,*(abc[4])); *(abc[4]) = 0.0; } // Now calculate aa ab ac bb bc cc as needed for (unsigned int i=0; i<_sm.NoOfScans(); i++) { NEWIMAGE::volume alpha_diff = mean_alpha - _sm.GetAlpha(i,_field); *(abc[0]) += (alpha_diff * alpha_diff); if (_sm.HasBeta()) { NEWIMAGE::volume beta_diff = mean_beta - _sm.GetBeta(i,_field); *(abc[1]) += (alpha_diff * beta_diff); *(abc[3]) += (beta_diff * beta_diff); if (_sm.HasGamma()) { NEWIMAGE::volume gamma_diff = mean_gamma - _sm.GetGamma(i,_field); *(abc[2]) += (alpha_diff * gamma_diff); *(abc[4]) += (beta_diff * gamma_diff); *(abc[5]) += (gamma_diff * gamma_diff); } } else if (_sm.HasGamma()) { NEWIMAGE::volume gamma_diff = mean_gamma - _sm.GetGamma(i,_field); *(abc[2]) += (alpha_diff * gamma_diff); *(abc[5]) += (gamma_diff * gamma_diff); } } // And use these to calculate the non-linear part of the Hessian NEWIMAGE::volume ones(mean.xsize(),mean.ysize(),mean.zsize()); copybasicproperties(mean,ones); ones = 1.0; boost::shared_ptr nonlin_bit = _field.JtJ(*(abc[0]),ones,&mask,HessianPrecision()); std::vector deriv1(3,0); std::vector deriv2(3,0); if (_sm.HasBeta()) { deriv2[0] = 1; boost::shared_ptr tmp = _field.JtJ(deriv1,*(abc[1]),deriv2,ones,&mask,HessianPrecision()); nonlin_bit->AddToMe(*tmp); nonlin_bit->AddToMe(*(tmp->Transpose())); tmp = _field.JtJ(deriv2,*(abc[3]),ones,&mask,HessianPrecision()); nonlin_bit->AddToMe(*tmp); deriv2[0] = 0; } if (_sm.HasGamma()) { deriv2[1] = 1; boost::shared_ptr tmp = _field.JtJ(deriv1,*(abc[2]),deriv2,ones,&mask,HessianPrecision()); nonlin_bit->AddToMe(*tmp); nonlin_bit->AddToMe(*(tmp->Transpose())); tmp = _field.JtJ(deriv2,*(abc[5]),ones,&mask,HessianPrecision()); nonlin_bit->AddToMe(*tmp); deriv2[1] = 0; } if (_sm.HasBeta() && _sm.HasGamma()) { deriv1[0] = 1; deriv2[1] = 1; boost::shared_ptr tmp = _field.JtJ(deriv1,*(abc[4]),deriv2,ones,&mask,HessianPrecision()); nonlin_bit->AddToMe(*tmp); nonlin_bit->AddToMe(*(tmp->Transpose())); } nonlin_bit->MulMeByScalar(2.0/(n*(m-1))); // Add regularisation if (Lambda()) nonlin_bit->AddToMe(*FieldEnergyHess(),Lambda()); // Debug printouts if (debug_level()>1) { NEWIMAGE::volume4D out(mean.xsize(),mean.ysize(),mean.zsize(),6); copybasicproperties(mean,out); out = 0.0; out[0] = *(abc[0]); if (_sm.HasBeta()) { out[1] = *(abc[1]); out[3] = *(abc[3]); } if (_sm.HasGamma()) { out[2] = *(abc[2]); out[5] = *(abc[5]); } if (_sm.HasBeta() && _sm.HasGamma()) out[4] = *(abc[4]); write_volume4D(out,string("TopupDebugABC")+debug_string()); } // Clean up a little delete abc[0]; if (_sm.HasBeta()) { delete abc[1]; delete abc[3]; } if (_sm.HasGamma()) { delete abc[2]; delete abc[5]; } if (_sm.HasBeta() && _sm.HasGamma()) { delete abc[4]; } if (!MovementsFixed()) { // Now calculate the movement bit (lower right corner). std::vector tile_sizes(_sm.NoOfScans()); for (unsigned int s=1; s<_sm.NoOfScans(); s++) tile_sizes[s] = _sm.NoOfMovementParametersForScan(s); TiledMatrix tiled_move_bit(tile_sizes); for (unsigned int s1=1; s1<_sm.NoOfScans(); s1++) { for (unsigned int s2=s1; s2<_sm.NoOfScans(); s2++) { if (s1 == s2) tiled_move_bit.SetTile(s1,s2,((2.0/(n*(m-1))) * (1.0 - 1.0/m)) * movement_hessian(s1,s2,mask,_field)); else { tiled_move_bit.SetTile(s1,s2,- ((1.0/(n*(m-1))) * (2.0/m)) * movement_hessian(s1,s2,mask,_field)); tiled_move_bit.SetTile(s2,s1,tiled_move_bit.GetTile(s1,s2).t()); } } } boost::shared_ptr move_bit = boost::shared_ptr(new FullBFMatrix(tiled_move_bit.Untile())); // And finally the interaction (the left and bottom "stripes"); NEWMAT::Matrix interaction(NDefPar(),NMovPar()); NEWIMAGE::volume beta_diff; NEWIMAGE::volume gamma_diff; std::vector deriv(3,0); unsigned int offset = 0; for (unsigned int s=1; s<_sm.NoOfScans(); s++) { NEWIMAGE::volume alpha_diff = mean_alpha - _sm.GetAlpha(s,_field); if (_sm.HasBeta()) beta_diff = mean_beta - _sm.GetBeta(s,_field); if (_sm.HasGamma()) gamma_diff = mean_gamma - _sm.GetGamma(s,_field); for (unsigned d=0; d<_sm.NoOfMovementParametersForScan(s); d++) { NEWIMAGE::volume deriv_wrt_move = _sm.GetMovementDerivative(s,d,_field); interaction.Column(offset+d+1) = - _field.Jte(deriv_wrt_move,alpha_diff,&mask); if (_sm.HasBeta()) { deriv[0]=1; interaction.Column(offset+d+1) -= _field.Jte(deriv,deriv_wrt_move,beta_diff,&mask); deriv[0]=0; } if (_sm.HasGamma()) { deriv[1]=1; interaction.Column(offset+d+1) -= _field.Jte(deriv,deriv_wrt_move,gamma_diff,&mask); deriv[1]=0; } } offset += _sm.NoOfMovementParametersForScan(s); } interaction *= 2.0/(n*(m-1)); boost::shared_ptr bf_interaction = boost::shared_ptr(new FullBFMatrix(interaction)); // And then put them together nonlin_bit->VertConcatBelowMe(*(bf_interaction->Transpose())); bf_interaction->VertConcatBelowMe(*move_bit); nonlin_bit->HorConcat2MyRight(*bf_interaction); } /* static int counter=0; cout << "counter = " << counter << endl; if (counter == 24) { // 2nd derivatives w.r.t. the warps MISCMATHS::write_ascii_matrix(string("numerical_warp_hessian.txt"),numerical_hessian(p,NDefPar()/2,NDefPar()/2+10,1e-1,false)); MISCMATHS::write_ascii_matrix(string("analytical_warp_hessian.txt"),nonlin_bit->SubMatrix(NDefPar()/2,NDefPar()/2+10,NDefPar()/2, NDefPar()/2+10)); // Movement 2nd derivatives MISCMATHS::write_ascii_matrix(string("numerical_movement_hessian.txt"),numerical_hessian(p,NDefPar()+1,NPar(),1e-3,false)); MISCMATHS::write_ascii_matrix(string("analytical_movement_hessian.txt"),nonlin_bit->SubMatrix(NDefPar()+1,NPar(), NDefPar()+1,NPar())); // Interaction 2nd derivatives MISCMATHS::write_ascii_matrix(string("numerical_interaction_hessian.txt"),numerical_hessian(p,NDefPar()/2+1,NDefPar()/2+10, NDefPar()+1,NPar(),1e-1,1e-3,false)); MISCMATHS::write_ascii_matrix(string("analytical_interaction_hessian.txt"),nonlin_bit->SubMatrix(NDefPar()/2+1,NDefPar()/2+10, NDefPar()+1,NPar())); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } else counter++; */ if (debug_level() > 2) nonlin_bit->Print(string("TopupDebugHess")+debug_string()+string(".txt")) ; if (TracePrint()) cout << "Leaving TopupCF::hess" << endl; return(nonlin_bit); } BASISFIELD::splinefield TopupCF::field_factory(const NEWIMAGE::volume4D& scans, double warpres, unsigned int sporder) const { std::vector size(3,0); size[0]=scans.xsize(); size[1]=scans.ysize(); size[2]=scans.zsize(); std::vector vxs(3,0.0); vxs[0]=scans.xdim(); vxs[1]=scans.ydim(); vxs[2]=scans.zdim(); std::vector ksp(3,0); for (unsigned int i=0; i<3; i++) ksp[i] = (static_cast(MISCMATHS::round(double(warpres/vxs[i])))) ? static_cast(MISCMATHS::round(double(warpres/vxs[i]))) : 1; BASISFIELD::splinefield field(size,vxs,ksp,sporder); return(field); } void TopupCF::set_field_params(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& p) const { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupCF::set_field_params" << endl; if (p.Nrows() != int(NPar())) throw TopupException("Topup_CF::set_field_params: wrong size parameter vector p"); for (unsigned int i=0; i<_field.CoefSz(); i++) { if (fabs(p(i+1)-_field.GetCoef(i)) > 1e-6) { _field.SetCoef(p.Rows(1,_field.CoefSz())); _sm.FieldUpdated(); break; } } if (TracePrint()) cout << "Leaving TopupCF::set_field_params" << endl; } void TopupCF::set_movement_params(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& p) const { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupCF::set_movement_params" << endl; if (!_mf) { if (p.Nrows() != int(NPar())) throw TopupException("Topup_CF::set_movement_params: wrong size parameter vector p"); NEWMAT::ColumnVector mp = p.Rows(_field.CoefSz()+1,p.Nrows()); _sm.SetMovementParameters(mp); } if (TracePrint()) cout << "Leaving TopupCF::set_movement_params" << endl; } double TopupCF::sum_of_prod(const NEWIMAGE::volume& i1, const NEWIMAGE::volume& i2, const NEWIMAGE::volume& mask) const { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupCF::sum_of_prod" << endl; double sum = 0.0; for (int k=0; k& mask, const BASISFIELD::splinefield& field) const { if (TracePrint()) cout << "Entering TopupCF::movement_hessian" << endl; NEWMAT::Matrix rval(_sm.NoOfMovementParametersForScan(s1),_sm.NoOfMovementParametersForScan(s2)); std::vector isz = _sm.ImageSize(Subsampled); NEWIMAGE::volume4D deriv1(isz[0],isz[1],isz[2],_sm.NoOfMovementParametersForScan(s1)); for (unsigned int d=0; d<_sm.NoOfMovementParametersForScan(s1); d++) { deriv1[d] = _sm.GetMovementDerivative(s1,d,field); } if (s1 == s2) { // If it is on the diagonal for (unsigned int d1=0; d1<_sm.NoOfMovementParametersForScan(s1); d1++) { for (unsigned int d2=d1; d2<_sm.NoOfMovementParametersForScan(s1); d2++) { rval(d1+1,d2+1) = sum_of_prod(deriv1[d1],deriv1[d2],mask); if (d1 != d2) rval(d2+1,d1+1) = rval(d1+1,d2+1); } } } else { NEWIMAGE::volume4D deriv2(isz[0],isz[1],isz[2],_sm.NoOfMovementParametersForScan(s2)); for (unsigned int d=0; d<_sm.NoOfMovementParametersForScan(s2); d++) { deriv2[d] = _sm.GetMovementDerivative(s2,d,field); } for (unsigned int d1=0; d1<_sm.NoOfMovementParametersForScan(s1); d1++) { for (unsigned int d2=0; d2<_sm.NoOfMovementParametersForScan(s2); d2++) { rval(d1+1,d2+1) = sum_of_prod(deriv1[d1],deriv2[d2],mask); } } } if (TracePrint()) cout << "Leaving TopupCF::movement_hessian" << endl; rval.Release(); return(rval); } NEWMAT::ColumnVector TopupCF::numerical_gradient(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& p, unsigned int fi, unsigned int li, double delta, bool reg) const { NEWMAT::ColumnVector tmp_p = p; double old_lambda = _lambda; if (!reg) _lambda = 0; if (delta < 0) { if (fi < NDefPar()) delta = 1e-1; else delta = 1e-4; } double lcf = cf(p); NEWMAT::ColumnVector numd(li-fi+1); for (unsigned int gi=fi, i=1; gi<=li; gi++, i++) { tmp_p(gi) += delta; numd(i) = (cf(tmp_p) - lcf) / delta; tmp_p(gi) -= delta; } if (!reg) _lambda = old_lambda; return(numd); } NEWMAT::Matrix TopupCF::numerical_hessian(const NEWMAT::ColumnVector& p, unsigned int fi1, unsigned int li1, unsigned int fi2, unsigned int li2, double delta1, double delta2, bool reg) const { NEWMAT::Matrix hess(li1-fi1+1,li2-fi2+1); NEWMAT::ColumnVector tmp_p = p; double old_lambda = _lambda; if (reg) _lambda = 0; if (delta1 < 0) { if (fi1 < NDefPar()) delta1 = 1e-1; else delta1 = 1e-4; } if (delta2 < 0) { if (fi2 < NDefPar()) delta2 = 1e-1; else delta2 = 1e-4; } double lcf = cf(p); for (unsigned int row=fi1, i=1; row<=li1; row++, i++) { tmp_p(row) += delta1; double first = (cf(tmp_p) - lcf) / delta1; tmp_p(row) -= delta1; for (unsigned int col=fi2, j=1; col<=li2; col++, j++) { tmp_p(col) += delta2; double tmp_cf = cf(tmp_p); tmp_p(row) += delta1; double second = (cf(tmp_p) - tmp_cf) / delta1; tmp_p(col) -= delta2; tmp_p(row) -= delta1; hess(i,j) = (second-first) / delta2; } } if (!reg) _lambda = old_lambda; return(hess); } // }}} End of fold