
Cerebellar Parcellation Estimated by Intrinsic Functional Connectivity

Data from 1000 young healthy adults were registered using nonlinear deformation of the cerebellum in combination with surface-based alignment of the cerebral cortex. All data were acquired on Siemens 3T scanners using the same functional and structural sequences. A clustering approach was employed to identify and replicate networks of functionally coupled regions across the cerebral cortex (see Yeo et al. 2011). The complete topography of the cerebellum was then mapped by estimating the principal cerebral target for each point in the cerebellum. The majority of the human cerebellum maps to association areas. Furthermore, the extent of the cerebellum dedicated to each network is proportional to the network’s extent in the cerebrum with a few exceptions including primary visual cortex. Like somatomotor representations, cerebellar regions linked to association cortex have separate anterior and posterior representations that are oriented as mirror images of one another.

The cerebellar volumes in which each cerebellar voxel is assigned to a cerebral network (using either the 7 or 17 network solution in Yeo et al. 2011) are available for download here.


Buckner RL, Krienen FM, Castellanos A, Diaz JC, Yeo BT (2011) The organization of the human cerebellum estimated by intrinsic functional connectivity. J Neurophysiol. In Press.

Yeo BT, Krienen FM, Sepulcre J, Sabuncu MR, Lashkari D, Hollinshead M, Roffman JL, Smoller JW, Zollei L., Polimeni JR, Fischl B, Liu H, Buckner RL. The organization of the human cerebral cortex estimated by intrinsic functional connectivity. J Neurophysiol 106(3):1125-65, 2011

Cerebellar Parcellations in Nonlinear MNI152 Space

7 Network Estimate - Cerebral Cortex

7 Network Estimate - Cerebellum





17 Network Estimate - Cerebral Cortex

17 Network Estimate - Cerebellum






Resting State Cerebellar Parcellation in FSL MNI152 space. (5.2 Mb download).

Information about Downloads

1. FSL_MNI152_FreeSurferConformed_1mm.nii.gz is the FSL MNI152 1mm template interpolated and intensity normalized into a 256 x 256 x 256 1mm-isotropic volume (obtained by putting the FSL MNI152 1mm template through recon-all using FreeSurfer 4.5.0)

2. Buckner2011_7Networks_MNI152_FreeSurferConformed1mm_LooseMask.nii.gz is a volume where each cerebellar voxel was assigned to the cerebral network (out of 7 cerebral networks estimated in Yeo et al., 2011) with the most similar pattern of connectivity. The slices of this volume are shown in Buckner et al., 2011.

3. Buckner2011_7Networks_MNI152_FreeSurferConformed1mm_TightMask.nii.gz is a volume where each cerebellar voxel was assigned to the cerebral network (out of 7 cerebral networks estimated in Yeo et al., 2011) with the most similar pattern of connectivity. Here, the cerebellar mask is tighter than in (2).

4. Buckner2011_7NetworksConfidence_MNI152_FreeSurferConformed1mm_LooseMask.nii.gz displays the confidence of the network assignment in Buckner2011_7Networks_MNI152_FreeSurferConformed1mm_LooseMask.nii.gz.

5. Buckner2011_7NetworksConfidence_MNI152_FreeSurferConformed1mm_TightMask.nii.gz displays the confidence of the network assignment in Buckner2011_7Networks_MNI152_FreeSurferConformed1mm_TightMask.nii.gz.

6. Buckner2011_7Networks_ColorLUT.txt is a FreeSurfer readable text file specifying how the 7 networks are named, numbered and colored in Buckner et al. 2011:

In particular the networks are numbered from 7Networks_1 to 7Networks_7. The first column of the text file specifies the value of voxels in the nifty values corresponding to the particular network. The second column f the text file specifies the named of the networks. For example, from the text file, voxels whose values = 3 corresponds to the network 7Networks_3.Columns 3 to 5 corresponds to the R, G, B values (ranges from 0 to 55) of the networks. Last column is all zeros (FreeSurfer's default).

7. Buckner2011_17Networks_MNI152_FreeSurferConformed1mm_LooseMask.nii.gz is a volume where each cerebellar voxel was assigned to the cerebral network (out of 17 cerebral networks estimated in Yeo et al., 2011) with the most similar pattern of connectivity. The slices of this volume are shown in Buckner et al., 2011.

8. Buckner2011_17Networks_MNI152_FreeSurferConformed1mm_TightMask.nii.gz is a volume where each cerebellar voxel was assigned to the cerebral network (out of 17 cerebral networks estimated in Yeo et al., 2011) with the most similar pattern of connectivity. Here, the cerebellar mask is tighter than in (7).

9. Buckner2011_17NetworksConfidence_MNI152_FreeSurferConformed1mm_LooseMask.nii.gz displays the confidence of the network assignment in Buckner2011_17Networks_MNI152_FreeSurferConformed1mm_LooseMask.nii.gz.

10. Buckner2011_17NetworksConfidence_MNI152_FreeSurferConformed1mm_TightMask.nii.gz displays the confidence of the network assignment in Buckner2011_17Networks_MNI152_FreeSurferConformed1mm_TightMask.nii.gz.

11. Buckner2011_17Networks_ColorLUT.txt is a FreeSurfer readable text file specifying how the 17 networks are named, numbered and colored in Buckner et al. 2011:

Example Usage

See README in unzipped folder.

7 Network Tight Mask

7 Network Liberal Mask

17 Network Tight Mask

17 Network Liberal Mask





1) Except for the colortables, all the volumes are nifty volumes which can be read using any software like freeview (FreeSurfer), fslview (FSL), etc.

2) To overlay the 7-network volume on the FSL MNI152 1mm template in freeview (assuming FreeSurfer is already installed) with the appropriate colors, type the following assuming the working directory is in the same directory as the README:

freeview -v FSL_MNI152_FreeSurferConformed_1mm.nii.gz Buckner2011_7Networks_MNI152_FreeSurferConformed1mm_LooseMask.nii.gz:colormap=lut:lut=Buckner2011_7Networks_ColorLUT.txt

3) To overlay the 7-network volume and the confidence of the network assignments on the FSL MNI152 1mm template in freeview (assuming FreeSurfer is already installed) with the appropriate colors, type the following assuming the working directory is in the same directory as the README:

freeview -v FSL_MNI152_FreeSurferConformed_1mm.nii.gz Buckner2011_7Networks_MNI152_FreeSurferConformed1mm_LooseMask.nii.gz:colormap=lut:lut=Buckner2011_7Networks_ColorLUT.txt Buckner201 1_7NetworksConfidence_MNI152_FreeSurferConformed1mm_LooseMask.nii.gz:colormap=heat:heatscale=0,0.3,0.6

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CerebellumParcellation_Buckner2011 (last edited 2013-10-14 20:42:45 by ThomasYeo)