(Answer) (Category) FreeSurfer Faq-O-Matic : (Category) Troubleshooting :
How do I use the static versions of tkmedit and/or tksurfer?
There are static builds of tkmedit and tksurfer called tkmedit.static and tksurfer.static. These are in the same location as the other binaries. They will not try to dynamically link GL libraries on your system, and will therefore not be able to use accelerated features of your graphics card, but should avoid any potential library problems.

To use the static version from the command line, just use the alternate version whenever you would use the normal one.

If you with to use them in csurf, you can rename the regular binary to a different name and create a symlink with the normal name to the static version, i.e. rename tksurfer to tksurfer.dynamic and create a symlink called tksurfer to tksurfer.static:

$ cd $FREESURFER_HOME/bin/<your OS>
$ mv tksurfer tksurfer.dynamic
$ ln -s tksurfer.static tksurfer

2003-Jun-20 11:52am kteich

I was having problems running tkmedit and tksurfer too. I could find the static version for the tkmedit, but don't seem to have the static version for tksurfer. Please let me know what I could do.
Thank you.
Sincerely, Harshad.
2005-Feb-23 2:55pm harshad.shanbhag
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2005-Feb-23 2:55pm
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