Brodmann Area Maps (BA Maps)

The [ Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging] and the [ Institute of Neurosciences and Biophysics (INB)] have created an atlas of a subset of the Brodmann Areas, for usage in Freesurfer for automated parcellation.


Note: maps are for neuroscientific purposes only! (no commercial use)


The following labels [ are available for download] and display on the 'fsaverage' surface distributed with Freesurfer:

Copy the file ba_labels_fsaverage.tar.gz to your $FREESURFER_HOME/subjects/fsaverage/labels directory, then type tar zxvf ba_labels_fsaverage.tar.gz to extract. To view a label, open an inflated surface (tksurfer fsaverage lh inflated) and then select File->Label->Load Label and select a label (lh.BA1.label, for example). Then select Tools->Labels->Copy Label Statistics to Overlay, then select View->Configure->Overlay and set Min threshold to 0 and Max threshold to 0.5, also select Linear threshold, and then press Apply. The label should appear on the surface. Only one label at a time can be displayed.

Cortical Atlas

