Brodmann Area Maps (BA Maps)

The [ Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging] and the [ Institute of Neurosciences and Biophysics (INB)] have created an atlas of a subset of the Brodmann Areas, for usage in Freesurfer for automated parcellation.


Note: maps are for neuroscientific purposes only! (no commercial use)


The following labels [ are available for download] and display on the 'fsaverage' surface distributed with Freesurfer:

Copy the file [ ba_labels_fsaverage.tar.gz] to your $FREESURFER_HOME/subjects/fsaverage/labels directory, then type tar zxvf ba_labels_fsaverage.tar.gz to extract. To view a label, open an inflated surface (tksurfer fsaverage lh inflated) and then select File->Label->Load Label and select a label (lh.BA1.label, for example). Then select Tools->Labels->Copy Label Statistics to Overlay. Then select View->Configure->Overlay and set Min threshold to 0 and Max threshold to 0.5, and also select Linear threshold, and then press Apply and Close. The label should appear on the surface (you will probably need to press the Redraw button). Only one label at a time can be displayed.


An atlas for use in automatic cortical parcellation will be available at a future date.
