The Surface Registration Process; Templates

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This page provides an overview of two related topics:

You might also be interested in how surface label atlases are created and used: SurfaceLabelAtlas

The !FreeSurfer pipeline surface registration process

(In the following "?h." refers to either of "lh." or "rh.".)

The registration process includes several key steps:

Inflated Spherical "version" of a subject's surface mesh

Vertex-wise data is applicable to all versions of the surface

The inflation process does not add or remove any vertices, so any data associated with the white vertices (such as curvature or convexity) is still associated with the same-numbered vertices of the sphere mesh. This is the basis of displays such as the following where a per-vertex variable "convexity" of the white surface (aka 'sulc') is plotted in color on the lh.sphere surface:BRattachment:fsbert_sulc_sphere.jpg

What is to be discussed below relates to the content and format of the template file just mentioned.

Disambiguation: template, atlas, parameterization file

In many places, especially within the FreeSurfer source code, the word "atlas" is often used interchangeably with "template". I am reserving the term atlas for the GCA files used in labeling regions. Further, a template file is sometimes referred to as a "parameterization file".


Label file


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