File |
Load Surface... |
Loads the main surface information, including main surface configuration. |
Load Surface Configuration... |
Shows a submenu with commands for loading vertex configurations. |
Save Surface |
Saves the contents of the entire surface structure, overwriting the original file. |
Save Surface As... |
Saves the contents of the entire surface structure to a new file. |
Load Overlay... |
Loads a .w or binary volume file into an overlay layer. |
Save Overlay As... |
Saves an overlay layer as a new .w file. |
Load Time Course... |
Loads a binary volume as a TkSurferTimeCourse. |
Curvature |
Shows a submenu with options for loading and saving. |
Patch |
Shows a submenu with options for loading and saving. |
Label |
Shows a submenu with options for loading and saving. |
Field Sign |
Shows a submenu with options for loading and saving. |
Field Mask |
Shows a submenu with options for loading and saving. |
Quit |
Quits TkSurfer. |