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This command-line program amalgamates one or more label files, plus optionally a color lookup table, into a single annotation file. This command-line program amalgamates one or more label files, plus optionally a color lookup table, into a single annotation file. The concepts relating to label files and annotation files are described here: LabelsClutsAnnotationFiles.
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command argA argB -flag1 arg1 -flag2 arg2 [-flag3 arg3] [-flag4 arg4] mris_label2annot [Flagged args, see below]
Line 40: Line 40:
= Outputs =
|| volume1 || description ||
|| volume2 || description ||
Line 49: Line 45:
command foo -i f -o out The following example is taken from mris_label2annot's help --GW
mris_label2annot --s bert --h lh
  --ctab aparc.annot.ctab --a myaparc
  --l lh.unknown.label
  --l lh.bankssts.label
  --l lh.caudalanteriorcingulate.label
  --nhits nhits.mgh
Line 51: Line 55:
description This will create lh.myaparc.annot in bert/labels using the three
labels specified. Any vertices that have multiple labels will then
be stored in nhits.mgh (as a volume-encoded surface file).
Line 53: Line 59:
== Example 2 ==
command foo -i f -o out -f fvalue
(Note: this nhits.mgh detail is a bit obscure. The idea of an nhits file is simply to provide a list of values giving the count of labels found for each vertex. This needs to be presented to tksurfer for display as a colored overlay. Here FS's MRI volume format is used just as a container for that 1 x VertexCount array of values. --GW)
Line 56: Line 61:
description To view, run:
tksurfer bert lh inflated -overlay nhits.mgh -fthresh 1.5
Then File->Label->ImportAnnotation and select lh.myaparc.annot.
Line 62: Line 69:
["mri_annotation2label"], ["othercommand2"] ["mri_annotation2label"], LabelsClutsAnnotationFiles

Index TableOfContents


This command-line program amalgamates one or more label files, plus optionally a color lookup table, into a single annotation file. The concepts relating to label files and annotation files are described here: LabelsClutsAnnotationFiles.


mris_label2annot [Flagged args, see below]


Positional Arguments


Flagged Arguments








Colortable file. File that defines the structure names, their indices, and their color. This must have the same format as that found in $FREESUFER_HOME/FreeSurferColorLUT.txt. BRThe colortable file gets incorporated into the output annotation file. In addition, depending on other options, the names in colortable can be used by this program to find correspondingly-named label files. More details below.




Repeat this flag and arg for each additional label file you want to include in the annotation file.




When seeking label files based on names in ctab, find the label files in labeldir. This has no effect on the files specified by --l



Works like --ldir option, setting labeldir to the default label directory for the selected subject:BRBR{SUBJECTS_DIR}/{SUBJECT}/label


--s or --subject


FreeSurfer subject to work on


--a or --annot


output annotation file The actual file will be called 'hemi.annot_name.annot', and it will be created in directory subject/label. To avoid overwriting possibly valuable data, the program will not overwrite an existing file by the same name.


--h or --hemi


hemisphere (lh or rh)



Start label numbering at index 0 instead of index 1. Do not map unhit vertices (ie, vertices without a label) to 0.









checkoptsonly = 1



debug = 1




This option creates a diagnostic file showing whether the cumulative effect of all the label files happens to assign more than one label to each vertex. The output file is a FreeSurfer 'overlay' format file, in which each vertex has an associated value, in this case the count of labels assigned to that vertex. This can be displayed in tksurfer as a color. Setting fthresh to 1.5 will distinguish good vertices (count<=1) from bad (count>=2).



checkoptsonly = 0



This program is used to amalgamate one or more label files together into a single annotation file, usually including a color lookup table file. The concepts relating to label files and annotation files are described here: LabelsClutsAnnotationFiles.


Example 1

The following example is taken from mris_label2annot's help --GW

mris_label2annot --s bert --h lh 
  --ctab aparc.annot.ctab --a myaparc 
  --l lh.unknown.label 
  --l lh.bankssts.label
  --l lh.caudalanteriorcingulate.label 
  --nhits nhits.mgh

This will create lh.myaparc.annot in bert/labels using the three labels specified. Any vertices that have multiple labels will then be stored in nhits.mgh (as a volume-encoded surface file).

(Note: this nhits.mgh detail is a bit obscure. The idea of an nhits file is simply to provide a list of values giving the count of labels found for each vertex. This needs to be presented to tksurfer for display as a colored overlay. Here FS's MRI volume format is used just as a container for that 1 x VertexCount array of values. --GW)

To view, run: tksurfer bert lh inflated -overlay nhits.mgh -fthresh 1.5 Then File->Label->ImportAnnotation and select lh.myaparc.annot.



See Also

["mri_annotation2label"], LabelsClutsAnnotationFiles

Reporting Bugs

Report bugs to <analysis-bugs@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>

Document Author/s


mris_label2annot (last edited 2017-12-20 11:54:21 by BramDiamond)