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sbTIV - segmentation-based (estimated) Total Intracranial Volume

Contributors: Nick Schmansky (NS), Christian Larsen (CL), Bruce Fischl (BF), Doug Greve (DG), Andrew Hoopes (AH), Bram Diamond (BD), Oula Puonti (OP), and Koen Van Leemput (KVL)

Total intracranial volume (TIV/ICV) is an important covariate for volumetric analyses of the brain and brain regions, where it can provide a proxy of brain volume. It is commonly used to correct for head size variation (ie. 'normalize' hippocampal volume size). The gold-standard method is manual delineation of T2 scans. Freesurfer provides its eTIV measure, described on this page, but the approach suffers from its indirect approach: alignment to a T1w atlas, and not by direct segmentation of all structures within the skull boundaries.

There are many other estimation methods, a recent example, where a comparison to freesurfer eTIV is made, is:

Our segmentation-based estimate of total intracranial volume, sbTIV, attempts to provide the measure making use of the structures segmented by the Samseg processing stream which fill the skull (intracranial volume).


Upon completion of samseg, a txt file called samseg.log [TODO refine name] is produced which contains the (probabilistic weighed) volumes of each labelled structure, plus other info on the structures that composed that measurement. An example is:

here be info

The utility mri_sbTIV takes samseg.log as an input together with a map of structures that compose all of the intracranial volume. The map should only contain structures which where part of the atlas provided to samseg initially. It then outputs sbTIV.log which contains the intracranial volume (a sum over volumes, given the provided map). An example output is:

here be info


mri_segstats --sbTIVin <sbTIV.log> ...

When <sbTIV.log> is provided to mri_segstats, the sbTIV measure is read and added as an additional measure of brain volume to its output summary file. From its help file:

  5. sbTotalIntracranialVolume (sbTIV) - estimate of the intracranial volume
  based on the Samseg-based segmentation. See

and as found in aseg.stats:

# Measure sbTotalIntracranialVolume, sbTIV, samseg-based estimated Total Intracranial Volume, 1667606.252292, mm^3


The Samseg-based segmentation data includes a labeling of all voxels inside the skull. This is in contrast to the older FreeSurfer .gca -based atlas, which was limited to brain structures which did fully 'fill' the skull. Samseg's labeling of intracranial voxels means that its ICV estimate in principle is immune to shrinking brain structures (where the .gca -based structures do not contain labels allowing immunity to this effect). This is a critical characteristic of an ICV estimate, particularly important in measuring structures in an aging population, where ICV does not change with age, but many structures shrink.

The method sums the following structures: TBD


The sbTIV measure was validated against these reference sources:




22 subjects, manual TIV from T2 scans


42 subjects, manual TIV from T2 scans


40 subjects, eTIV from FS v6.0, and SPM12


60 subjects, eTIV from FS v6.0, and SPM12


714 subjects, eTIV from FS v5.3


1150 subjects, eTIV from FS v5.3


70 subjects, eTIV from FS v5.3, and SPM12

* as of March 2018, this data could not be found anywhere in the Martinos Center file system

This link has notes on generating the ICV measure in SPM12. ...and this paper. ...and this matlab file.

The test subjects and scripts are located here: /cluster/fsm/users/samseg/<dataset>.

The SASHA dataset support the primary validation efforts, as this data is based on expert manual segmentations. The other datasets compare against the freesurfer eTIV of nearly 2000 subjects, and SPM12 eTIV from 179 subjects.

Project Notes
