Results 1 - 3 of 3 results out of about 3788 pages. (0.86 seconds)

autoreg-sess . . . 7 matches
...registration. To run the manual registration, cd to the Study Directory and run [[tkregister-sess]] with the –sf and –df options. This will read the register.dat created by the a...

7.1k - rev: 10 (current) last modified: 2008-04-29 11:45:24

FsFastRegisterToStructural . . . 2 matches
...of which method you use, you should manually inspect/tune the registration with [[tkregister-sess]]. With these methods, a registration file will be created in bold/register.dat....

3.7k - rev: 16 (current) last modified: 2008-04-29 11:46:02

FsFastCommands . . . 1 match
... * [[sliceview-sess]] * [[spatialsmooth-sess]] * [[sphsmooth-sess]] * [[spmregister-sess]] * [[stxgrinder-sess]] * [[surf-sess]] * [[tkmedit-sess]] * [[tkregister-sess]] ...

0.7k - rev: 12 (current) last modified: 2011-01-04 14:18:01