The Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative

ADNI website

World Wide ADNI


The most up to date ADNI data is here:

/autofs/space/mreuter/ADNI/download_june2014/ADNI-3T-FS-5.3-Good (cross-sectional)

/autofs/space/mreuter/ADNI/download_june2014/ADNI-3T-FS-5.3-Long (longitudinal)

Longitudinal Data Information

Three stages (ADNI, ADNI-GO and ADNI2) exists with 800-1000 subjects and several time points approx. 6 months to a year apart.

Manually Labeled Hippocampus Dataset

The following path leads to a dataset of 135 ADNI subjects with manually labeled hippocampus, labeled using a standard protocol.


Downloading ADNI Data

AdniDownloadNotes - For information on how to download ADNI subject data.

ADNI Data Processing

AdniReconNotes - Recon-all notes for ADNI subjects

ADNI Testing

FreeSurfer Testing

ReleaseTestPlan - Describes the testing plan for new versions of FreeSurfer which involves testing with the ADNI dataset.

AdnidevtestV6 - Notes on testing FS6.0 with the ADNI60 data.

Buckner40Adni60Testing - Testing using ADNI60

Samseg Testing

SamsegTesting - Overview of the Samseg testing, ADNI60 is used for this testing. The following links are all contain data from various Samseg testing conducted on ADNI data.

Dementia Forecast Tool Testing

DementiaForecast - This wiki is an overview for the tool being built to predict amyloid status and forecast future clinical progression toward AD dementia.

Other Testing with ADNI Data






ADNI Related Publications

All manuscripts using ADNI data must be reviewed and approved by the ADNI Data and Publications Committee prior to submission. The DPC will strive to have a response back to you within 10 working days after you submit your manuscript so as not to slow down your efforts. Any manuscript submissions or questions may be submitted to

In order to be in compliance with ADNI policies, you must include the language at the link below in the required sections (byline, title page, methods, acknowledgements) before submitting:

*****ATTENTION!!!: If you have a strict page number limit like in a workshop publication, consider if you want to use ADNI data in the first place or leave at least one page free for the ADNI acknowledgements and author names.