FreeSurfer Tutorial and Workshop Quiz
Discuss the answers to these questions with your partner.
What is the difference between a volume and a surface?
Do I have to use two MPRAGEs to run recon-all? Explain.
Can FreeSurfer help me select a region of interest and measure certain quantities within? How?
What is fsaverage made of?
What measures will FreeSurfer give me?
How long does it take for recon-all to finish processing one subject?
How long would it take you to do this manually?
Why do I have to set so many variables before using FreeSurfer?
Where do I find all those fantastic stats files FreeSurfer created for me?
When mailing the FreeSurfer list about a problem, what information should I include?
Why is spherical averaging better than current volume-based methods out there?
What is a limitation of this procedure?
When you do all that crazy morph stuff, are you changing the data?
When I report my findings in a paper, is there any way to report the Talairach coordinates?
Do I have to remove every bit of skull, dura, etc. that I see in the brainmask? Why or why not?
Oh no! I made all these edits to a subject but now I want to rerun recon-all on the subject again with a new version of FreeSurfer. Will I lose all my work?
Where do all those atlases come from that FreeSurfer uses?
If a ran my subjects with version 4.0, can I run the rest with the newest version?
How do I control for head size?
Answers can be found on the FsQuizAnswers page. Don't peek until you've tried to answer on your own!