- class surfa.Slice(data, geometry=None, labels=None, metadata=None)#
2D image class defining an array with data frames and associated geometry.
- Parameters
data (array_like) – Image data array.
geometry (ImageGeometry, optional) – Image geometry mapping the image data to world coordinates.
labels (dict or LabelLookup, optional) – Label-name lookup for segmentation indices.
metadata (dict, optional) – Dictionary containing arbitrary array metadata.
Base spatial dimensionality of the array (always excludes frame dimension).
Base spatial shape of the data array (always excludes the frame dimension).
Core data numpy ndarray.
Data type.
Core data array reshaped to include the frame dimension, regardless of nframes.
Linear relationship between image coordinates and world-space coordinates.
Label-name lookup for segmentation indices.
Dictionary to store various metadata associated with the image.
Number of data frames.
True shape of the internal data array.
Total number of elements in the data array.
- astype(dtype, copy=True, order='K')#
Copy of the array, casted to a specified type.
- Parameters
dtype (np.dtype) – Target datatype.
copy (bool) – Return copy if array already has matching datatype.
order ({‘C’, ‘F’, ‘A’, ‘K’}) – Controls the memory layout order of the result. ‘C’ means C order, ‘F’ means Fortran order, ‘A’ means ‘F’ order if all the arrays are Fortran contiguous, ‘C’ order otherwise, and ‘K’ means as close to the order the array elements appear in memory as possible.
- Returns
arr – Array with target datatype.
- Return type
- barycenters(labels=None, space='image')#
Compute barycenters of the image data. If labels are not provided, the barycenter of each full image frame are returned.
- Parameters
labels (int or array of int) – Label values to compute barycenters for.
space (Space) – Coordinate space of computed barycenters.
- Returns
points – Barycenter points. If $L$ labels are specified, the output will be of shape $(L, D)$, where $D$ is the dimension of the image. If the number of image frames $F$ is greater than one, the barycenter array will be of shape $(F, L, D)$.
- Return type
array of float
- bbox(margin=None)#
Compute the bounding box of the image data greater than zero. If the image has more than one frame, the bounding box will be computed across all frames.
- Parameters
margin (int of sequence of int) – Add a margin to the bounding box in units of voxels. The margin will not extend beyond the base image shape.
- Returns
Bounding box as an index expression.
- Return type
tuple of slice
- ceil()#
Ceil the array to integer values.
- clip(a_min, a_max)#
Clip the array between low and high values.
- Parameters
a_min (array_like or None) – Minimum and maximum value. If None, clipping is not performed on the corresponding edge
a_max (array_like or None) – Minimum and maximum value. If None, clipping is not performed on the corresponding edge
- collapse(mapping=None)#
Collapse a one-hot encoded probabilistic map to discrete labels.
- Parameters
mapping (array_like of int) – List of label indices that correspond to probabilistic data frames encoded.
- Returns
arr – Collapsed, discrete segmentation array.
- Return type
- conform(shape=None, voxsize=None, orientation=None, dtype=None, method='linear', copy=True)#
Conforms image to a specific shape, type, resolution, and orientation.
- Parameters
shape (tuple of int) – Target shape.
voxsize (scalar or float) – Voxel size in millimeters.
orientation (str) – Case-insensitive orientation string.
method ({'linear', 'nearest'}) – Image interpolation method if resample is enabled.
dtype (np.dtype) – Target datatype.
copy (bool) – Return copy of image even if requirements are already satisfied.
- Returns
arr – Conformed image.
- Return type
- connected_component_mask(k=1, fill=False)#
Compute a mask corresponding to the top $k$ largest connected components in the image data.
- Parameters
k (int) – Top $k$ largest connected components to include in the mask.
fill (bool) – Binary fill all holes in the computed mask.
- Returns
masks – Binary mask of the connected component.
- Return type
- connected_components()#
Find all connected components in the image data.
- Returns
components – Label map of all individual connected components. The order of these labels is arbitrary.
- Return type
- copy()#
Return a deep copy of the object.
- crop_to_bbox(margin=None, crop_like=None)#
Crop to the bounding box of image data greater than zero.
- Parameters
margin (int of sequence of int) – Add a margin to the bounding box in units of voxels. The margin will not extend beyond the base image shape.
crop_like (list of FramedImages) – A list of volumes that will be cropped to the same bounding box as self
- Returns
cropped – Cropped image with updated geometry.
- Return type
- dilate(steps, kernel=None, mask=None)#
Dilate binary image data.
- Parameters
steps (int) – Number of dilation steps.
kernel (array) – Dilation kernel.
mask (array) – Mask to apply dilation to.
- Returns
- Return type
- distance()#
Compute the distance transform representing distances outside the binary object.
See also
Compute the signed distance transform.
- Returns
- Return type
- erode(steps, kernel=None, mask=None)#
Erode binary image data.
- Parameters
steps (int) – Number of erosion steps.
kernel (array) – Erosion kernel.
mask (array) – Mask to apply erosion to.
- Returns
- Return type
- extract_sub_images(sub_shape)#
Extract a list of sub images from the FramedImage with shape ‘sub_shape’
- Parameters
sub_shape (array like) – Shape to be given to the sub images that are extracted
- Returns
sub images
- Return type
list of FramedImages
- fit_to_shape(shape, center=None, copy=True)#
This is an alias to reshape() for backwards compatability.
- Parameters
shape (tuple of int) – Target shape.
center (center type) – This is a legacy argument that will be ignored.
copy (bool) – Return copy of image even if target shape is already satisfied.
- Returns
arr – Reshaped image.
- Return type
- floor()#
Floor the array to integer values.
- max(frames=False)#
Compute the maximum.
- Parameters
frames (bool) – Compute max along frame axis.
- Returns
Returns scalar max value, unless frames=True, in which case a new Slice is returned.
- Return type
scalar or Slice
- mean(nonzero=False, frames=False)#
Compute the mean.
- Parameters
nonzero (bool) – If enabled, only consider nonzero elements. This is ignored if frames=True.
frames (bool) – Compute mean along frame axis.
- Returns
Returns scalar mean value, unless frames is set to true, in which case a new Slice is returned.
- Return type
scalar or Slice
- min(nonzero=False, frames=False)#
Compute the minimum.
- Parameters
nonzero (bool) – If enabled, only consider nonzero elements. This is ignored if frames=True.
frames (bool) – Compute min along frame axis.
- Returns
Returns scalar min value, unless frames is set to true, in which case a new Slice is returned.
- Return type
scalar or Slice
- new(data, geometry=None)#
Return a new instance of the array with updated data. Metadata and geometry is preserved unless specified.
- onehot(mapping, dtype=<class 'numpy.int32'>)#
Convert discrete labels to a one-hot encoded probabilistic map.
- Parameters
mapping (array_like of int) – List of label indices to one-hot encode. Label order is preserved.
dtype (np.dtype) – Output segmentation datatype.
- Returns
arr – Multi-frame one-hot segmentation array.
- Return type
- percentile(percentiles, method='linear', nonzero=False)#
Compute the q-th percentile of the data.
- Parameters
percentiles (array_like of float) – Percentile or sequence of percentiles to compute, which must be between 0 and 100 inclusive.
method (str) – Method to use for estimating the percentile. View numpy percentile doc for more information.
nonzero (bool) – If enabled, only consider nonzero elements.
- Returns
percentile – Computes percentiles.
- Return type
scalar or ndarray
- reorient(orientation, copy=True, inplace=False)#
Realigns image data and world matrix to conform to a specific slice orientation.
- Parameters
orientation (str) – Case-insensitive orientation string.
copy (bool) – Return copy of image even if target orientation is already satisfied.
inplace (bool) – Reorient the image data in place if it is True.
- Returns
arr – Reoriented image.
- Return type
- resample_like(target, method='linear', copy=True, fill=0)#
Resample to a specified target image geometry.
- Parameters
target (ImageGeometry) – Target image geometry to resample image data into.
method ({'linear', 'nearest'}) – Image interpolation method.
copy (bool) – Return copy of image even if target voxel size is already satisfied.
fill (scalar) – Fill value for out-of-bounds voxels.
- Returns
resampled – Resampled image with updated geometry.
- Return type
- reshape(shape, center='image', copy=True)#
Returns a volume fit to a given shape. Image will be centered in the conformed volume, or bbox of the original image.
- Parameters
shape (tuple of int) – Target shape.
center (str) – Center the reshaped image on image center or bbox: [‘image’, ‘bbox’]
copy (bool) – Return copy of image even if target shape is already satisfied.
- Returns
arr – Reshaped image.
- Return type
- resize(voxsize, method='linear', copy=True)#
Reslice image to a specified voxel size.
- Parameters
voxsize (scalar or float) – Voxel size in millimeters.
method ({'linear', 'nearest'}) – Image interpolation method.
copy (bool) – Return copy of image even if target voxel size is already satisfied.
- Returns
resized – Resized image with updated geometry.
- Return type
- round()#
Round the array to the nearest integer value.
- sample(points, method='linear', bounds_error=False, fill=None)#
Interpolate values from the image grid at particular voxel coordinates.
- Parameters
points ((m, n) float) – Array of m voxel coordinates to sample values from in the n-D image domain.
method ({'linear', 'nearest'}) – Image interpolation method.
bounds_error (bool) – Raise error if interpolated values are requested outside of the domain of the input data.
fill (number) – If provided, the value to use for points outside of the interpolation domain. If None, values outside the domain are extrapolated.
- Returns
sampled – Interpolated data points at each coordinate location in the image domain. Result will be 2 dimensional if multiple frames are present in the source image.
- Return type
(m,) or (m, f) array
- save(filename, fmt=None, intent=0)#
Write array to file.
- Parameters
filename (str) – Target filename to write array to.
fmt (str) – Optional file format to force.
- signed_distance()#
Compute the signed distance transform of the binary image. Negative values represent distances inside the binary object, and positive values represent distances outside the object.
See also
Compute the distance transform outside the binary object.
- Returns
- Return type
- smooth(sigma)#
Smooth with Gaussian filter.
- Parameters
sigma (sigmascalar or sequence of scalars) – Standard deviation in mm for Gaussian kernel.
- Returns
smoothed – Smoothed image.
- Return type
- transform(trf=None, method='linear', rotation='corner', resample=True, fill=0)#
Apply an affine or non-linear transform.
**The original implementation has been moved to Affine.transform and Warp.transform. **The method is now impemeted to transform image using Affine.transform and Warp.transform.
Note on trf argument: It accepts Affine/Warp object, or deformation fields (4D numpy array). Pass trf argument as a numpy array is deprecated and will be removed in the future. It is assumed that the deformation fields represent a displacement vector field in voxel space. So under the hood, images will be moved into the space of the deformation field if the image geometries differ.
- Parameters
trf (Affine/Warp or Slice) – Affine transform or nonlinear deformation (displacement) to apply to the image.
method ({'linear', 'nearest'}) – Image interpolation method if resample is enabled.
rotation ({'corner', 'center'}) – Apply affine with rotation axis at the image corner or center.
resample (bool) – If enabled, voxel data will be interpolated and resampled, and geometry will be set the target. If disabled, voxel data will not be modified, and only the geometry will be updated (this is not possible if a displacement field is provided).
fill (scalar) – Fill value for out-of-bounds voxels.
- Returns
arr – Transformed image.
- Return type
- unique()#
Find all unique elements of an array, sorted.
- zeros(dtype=None, frames=None, order='K')#
Return a copy of the framed array with all elements set to zero.
- Parameters
dtype (np.dtype) – Data type of new array.
frames (int) – Number of frames to allocate. If None, the number of frames is determined from the source array.
order ({‘C’, ‘F’, ‘K’}) – Controls the memory layout order of the result. ‘C’ means C order, ‘F’ means Fortran order, and ‘K’ means as close to the order the array elements appear in memory as possible.
- Returns
arr – Array with zero values.
- Return type